Nintendo’s looking at Wii era profit thanks to the virus...

Nintendo’s looking at Wii era profit thanks to the virus. They now have billions in war chest money able to survive 3 Wii U tier disasters. Any hopes of third party Nintendo are dead for the next 20 years

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They also made big deal with tencent to get some of that sweet chinese mobile gaming money

I'm very happy for Nintendo. They had some rough years with the Wii U. Glad to see their success with the Switch.

If only this meant they would be more willing to take risks and improve their products instead of further sliding down into mobile gaming mediocrity. Not that the switch is a failure or a huge dissapointment, but you can tell (especially when you compare it's software, which is quite generic android style based compared to something like the 3DS) that the decline in showmanship has begun

they had billions in cash reserves even before the switch released

user, they could've survived something like 50 years in the red without even looking at the fact that they own nearly a full third of Pokémon alone which is actually worth more than them minus their extra assets now, having doubled in value in the last 5 years.

maybe these yellow jews could invest in some studios that way they might release more games than monopoly compilations

They separated the divisions for this exact reason. Nintendo mobile is for glue eaters to get money out of gatcha addicts. Nintendo’s actual development happens elsewhere

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>hurrr just grow really fast and buy more studios

You don’t understand anything about their success.

Who cares when we have emulation?

They need to survive in order to have bing bing wahoos to emulate down the line

Great now they can sell you the switch library and the same fucking roms again for the next 10 years


Imagine going to a video store getting angry about back to the future being released on blu ray. This is what you sound like.

>Nintendo sees that their tactic of releasing half-baked games and dripfeeding content is working as well as dripfeeding system features
Christ, next console isn't looking good.

Ring fit came out at a very perfect time along with animal crossing

i'm not even surprised the two most mediocre 1st party games on Switch were made by the same division. you can't just re-release a game and slap deluxe on it while adding barely anything.

EPD 6 worked on Luigi's Mansion 3? I figured that was a Next Level solo effort, unless EPD provided oversight?

The worst part about this is that this will justify Nintendos next console being a weak piece of shit compared to the current gen in their own eyes.

EPD1 based and not based at the same time

That's what normies and autistic fanboys are for

Why do you guys act like emulation is this massive pillar of rebellion when so many Nintendo pirates still buy games?

I don’t know. At the current pace mobile tech is progressing a portable ps4 sounds awesome desu

Meanwhile at Sony...

>Taking risks

You mean their entire product line since the Gamecube era?

Right now they are using late 7th gen tech. The Switch isn’t much more powerful then a Wii U. When the PS5 and XSEX come out the Switch will be two generations behind. Around the same as the Gameboy Color was from the n64 and PS1 and the 3DS from the PS4 and XBONE

I have a Switch and this is my game library, I struggle to find something to play, I haven't touched it in a month

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You don't want third party Nintendo. They would go the way of Sega and the quality would plummet.

Most sane people understand this

It's not rebellion, it's salvation. Some of us just appreciate high resolutions and framerate, which Nintendo will never ever provide.


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>look daddy nintendo I'm defending you on the internet!!
I'm sure they're prouder of you than your real father

>Nintendo doesn’t appreciate frame rate


poor guy can't get his bing bing wahoo at 4k 120hz

EPD5 carrying hard

Sony and Microsoft try their hardest to bury gameplay
Nintendo keeps gameplay alife

haha ok cool, but really, but what video games are they working on?

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>Le wiiu misshap

Even during the wiiu underselling nintendo didn't lost a single cent

did you ever finish hollow knight

Wii U caused their first negative profit didn’t it?

They always sell consoles at profit
You're thinking of the Vita or the Xbox one

Switch has fun games that don't take them selves to serious and are not filled with POZZ'd shit. I don't want serious tone shooter game again. I want colors and fun. I don't want generic tranny smashes lezbo in grayscale because deep and epic writing. Also nintendy is not smashing me over the head with forced mp, lootboxes, unfinished games that get cut in to dlc.


Pretty sure it did cause the over shipped it but no one wanted it


It's probably oversight.

Reminder that PSN makes more profit than all of Nintendo lol

That’s not good. Both of these companies are learning that being lazy is good. Sony game development loses money so why not stop making games

Actually last time someone did the math during the wii-u fiasco the numbers gave an estimate of roughly 50 years warchest enough to survive one wii-u after another. With the switch its probably the warchest is probably worth 80 years.

A reminder that you can keep quoting reddit all you want, it won't magically make revenue relevant.

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Imagine winding up in EPD 4 and being forced to make 3, 4, Switch.

>revenue irrelevant

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This revenue looks relevant

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a real fucking shame, I loved Miitopia, I hope they keep the concept for a switch game, same for Tomodachi life

What makes it relevant? Should you brag about having a trillion dollars in revenue when you walk away with $1 in profit?

Maybe it's like a test.
The better you are, the bigger the projects you can work on.
If you're really good, you can get into 3 or 8 and work on Nintendo's two big ones.
Then again, making the next Mario or Zelda sounds pretty shit since they never get much in the way of interesting concepts actually into the game.
ARMS and Splatoon look like much more interesting titles to work on.

When that 1 dollar is 3 Billion dollars then yah

Try Astral Chain

>Nintendo has the worst digital shop and drm distribution ,no good sales at all all the shit you buy can only stay on one console,you got more nintendo hardware and want to play your digital purchases on them too? thats a big NO NO, rev up that wallet goyim
>their games never go on sale like they re some kind of premium software when is low effort discovery kids kiddie games
>they re arrogant as hell with devs giving them always strange formats and hardware to develop their games on and in the end nintendies dont buy third parties and the devs get pissed off by that
>always miss the good games that gets relased on better hardware (rdrd2,remake 2 etc. i wont say other examples youll say they re shit)
>nintendo defense force always jump in saying "hurr they can get away with it cuz they have pokeymanz n smosh" when these last games have been awful
nintendies are worse than bronies and even Hasbro dont fuck the butts of bronies like nintendo does with their costumers

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Square Enix SEETHING

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>If only this meant they would be more willing to take risks and improve their products instead of further sliding down into mobile gaming mediocrity
well, I mean, it's not too late for them to start doing that. Labo and Ring Fit were certainly strange risks.

resetera is that way

EPD10 needs to get off their asses and make Pikmin 4 already...

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I bet they get company-covered blowjobs on each of their 3 daily 1h spa breaks

>Any hopes of third party Nintendo are dead for the next 20 years

You say that as it's something desirable. The only benefit would be getting their games on PC, letting MS and Sony dominate the console industry would be catastrophic.

>nintendo going third party
this was literally never going to happen, I can’t believe there are still retards who genuinely expect this

If anything Sony and Microsoft need to fuck off and let the gaming industry be Nintendo/PC/Mobile.

They succeeded in making Sony crush Nintendo and win for two generations in a row.

I’d say you’re a retard and they need competition, but honestly I’m not sure they even care.

Could you point to where Sony was "crushing Nintendo"?

*opens "yellow sony wojak anal voring nintendo wojak" folder*

Oh yeah because Sony and Microsoft have offered such stellar competition on the handheld front.

seething basedncuck

When they made their home console business irrelevant and bullied them into making one-gen behind casual oriented garbage first and then to leave the market altogether when the soccer moms started buying smartphones instead.
Don't forget that the Switch's sales need to make up for two console lines at the same time.
Yes, Sony was nuked from the handheld market as well, but no gives a shit about that.

for me it’s epd 2

It literally never happened. Sony pays hundreds of millions ever year to keep Playstation relevant.

There's a reason Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing (Gamecube titles) are infinitely more popular than Jak and Daxter and Devil May Cry (PS2 titles)

i dont understand how one JRPG company could ruin nintendo

and considering sony has more or less pulled out of Japan completely, it's doubtful nintendo will ever go out of business

are you fucking retarded? nintendo is *the* risk taker

>EPD 4
New badge arcade when?

you don't know what you talking about,you are comparing brute power. switch uses a more modern architecture than the ps4 and xbox.
Switch uses a power efficient chip that can process modern graphics with less power. "less power dosnt matter"

Luigi's Mansion 3.
Tropical Freeze
Mario + Rabbids

The "risks" they take are extremely safe and always targeted reaching children and soccer moms first and foremost.

>They separated the divisions for this exact reason.
except they didn't. epd has wasted time and resources developing several mobile "games" in the past few years instead of more actual games.

What kind of risks do you want from them?

they're doing well because the switch is decent and games like ac are great. On top of that, people are staying at home and consooming due to nationwide lockdowns.
If you like nintendo products, this is a good thing. If you don't, it doesn't affect you. If you want nintendo to do badly financially so they take on more 3rd party why don't u just buy a more powerful console or pc u dumb nigger?

the thing that pisses me off is that despite having only one platform they churn out games even slower than before

-the only truly active year was 2017 when they went all out on the switch, BOTW, splatoon 2, odyssey, xenoblade 2 and FEH
-then came 2018 and there was fucking nothing aside from smash and octopath (no mario party and pokemon let's fuck evee don't count)
-fast forward to 2019 and....super bing bing maker oh fuck off, fire emblem was decent I guess and then that god awful remake of link's awakening that added nothing but yoshi graphics and framerate drops, oh and luigi's mansion I guess, cool but I would like something more than gamecube games with a different number in front
-and now they just announced there will be no june direct, what the fuck is coming out this year? no more heroes that will be delayed? wow thank you nigger

worst part is that people will call me bait, switch sucks dick now and that's the reality

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Nintendo dropped out of consoles once the Wii u failed. The switch is a handheld.

meant for

animal crossing is brilliant and worth playing every day.

nintendo went from market leader to also-ran overnight when the n64 flopped. they've still never fully recovered all the market share they lost.

nigger tier post

Woohoo, joycon must really help with that

Rusty's Real Deal Baseball 2 when

No it’s not shut the fuck up I’m not even kidding

>unfinished games that get cut in to dlc.
SwSh says hi

gamefreak isn't nintendo

Honestly, i'd like them to just make a traditionally powerful home console again, and i know that most nintards here that now have to pretend they don't care about that would just cream their pants if that happened, but i get that the Switch is sadly the best concept we could get from post-Wii Nintendo.


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Nintendo is constantly taking risks and doing their own thing. It’s paid of so many times that “lightning in a bottle” isn’t the reason for their success. It’s not lightning if it happens multiple times.

Risk: Forgoing CD and using cartridges on N64. This didn’t pay off because it alienated their most loyal third parties and the pros were outweighed by the cons.

Risk: Release a dual screen portable console with two screens, one which is a touchscreen. Use the guise of a third pillar in case it fails. This was a huge success and predecessor to touch gaming.

Risk: Recycle the GameCube with motion controls and target non-gamers. This saved a lot of R&D and paid out a lot. Unfortunately they weren’t able to convert most of the casuals.

Risk: Release an HD Wii with two screens, one which is a wireless controller. This didn’t work at all because the two screens wasn’t what made the DS successful and it was confusing and still capacitive touch. It was weak too. Casuals didn’t upgrade and ones that may have were confused. This was designed before mobile App Store gaming and the iPad came out. It was antiquated in 2012.

Risk: Glasses-free 3D successor to DS. 3D died off fast and the aforementioned mobile gaming took a chunk out of handheld gaming (and killed Vita). Nintendo salvaged it and sold enough to be a success but it wasn’t as successful as they wanted it to be.

Risk: Release a console with mobile hardware that can be used as a handheld. You know the rest. They also recycled Wii U games for it.

There are other examples including virtual boy. They take lots of risks and they have a 50% success rate which is rather good for a risk taker

>Any hopes of third party Nintendo are dead for the next 20 years
that just means theyre going to keep pumping out cheap chinese junk rather than actual good games. a loss for everyone.

So you decry actual innovation and say it's for babies, ask for MATURE innovation, and all you want is a strong console? Surely you see the problem here.

>muh graphics

just buy a pc already

The dollar was worth 10 times as much back in the wii days.

>Nintendo is constantly taking risks and doing their own thing.
no they aren't. they force a new gimmick every generation to distract from how they keep cheaping out on the hardware, which midwits like you pretend is "innovative," and then rehash the same shit with the actual games.
>Risk: Forgoing CD and using cartridges on N64.
they didn't stick with cartridges because they wanted to take a risk. they stuck with cartridges because they didn't want to risk losing their $19 nintendo tax per unit and total control over manufacturing. they misjudged the popularity of CDs and how tired third parties were of putting up with their business practices.

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I don't give a shit about taking risks or not, i'm just replying to those that want to pass off post 2005 Nintendo as some revolutionary risk taker when in reality they just found ways to avoid competition and sell cheap hardware to children and grandmas with huge margins.
Fuck off you hypocritical corporate dicksuckers, you would be to first ones to cheer and shit in your panties if Nintendo returned to traditional home consoles.

the wii was the biggest risk they took in their entire videogame history you retarded gamecube nigger

>If only this meant they would be more willing to take risks
>The "risks" they take are extremely safe and always targeted reaching children
>I don't give a shit about taking risks or not
So you're just a backpedaling niggerfaggot. It is fact that Nintendo is the de facto risk taker for console vidya, regardless of how much you like it.

>you would be to first ones to cheer and shit in your panties if Nintendo returned to traditional home consoles
Not really, I like the risk they took. I'd like it if they only made hybrid consoles from now on

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selling refurbished gamecubes packaged with a gimmick they had previously rejected from the gamecube was hardly ambitious on nintendo's part.

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A repacked Gamecube with motion controls is not risk taking.

The PS3 was risk taking.

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Exactly. If you thought Nintendo ignored their franchises before, you've seen nothing yet. With the way Sega treats 80% of their IPs, it makes F-Zero look like its worshiped. At least F-Zero lives on somewhat in Mario Kart and Smash Bros.
Crazy Taxi is now regarded to mobile trash that plays nothing like the originals. A complete mockery of what it used to be.

>At least F-Zero lives on somewhat in Mario Kart and Smash Bros.
pathetic. nu-nintendo bootlickers truly have zero standards.
>Crazy Taxi is now regarded to mobile trash that plays nothing like the originals. A complete mockery of what it used to be.
sega gets criticized way more than nintendo for how it treats its legacy franchises.

I didn't write that first post.
Designing consoles around gimmicks and compensating them with huge safe nets just to avoid direct competition is not taking risks.
>bruhhh i would totally hate a modern era Snes from Nintendo, it's not that i blindly support and defend them whatever they do, i swear
yeah, realistically the Switch is the best kind of design we can get from them, sadly.

Are you retarded
Seriously now

The iPad was revealed in January 2010, and the Wii U was revealed in Summer 2011. They were obviously trying to ride the coat tails of tablet computers.