[Suggestion] Use the expression

[Suggestion] Use the expression.

Play Disco Elysium!

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Why are you obsessed with trannies? are you scared you are an egg?

I pirated it and enjoyed it a lot

Is this the game that finally showcased Zig Forums's true hypocritical and immature nature and BTFO'd them forever?

In a game where you can choose any political side you want, they just have to seethe about the one they disagree with.

What the fuck is this "egg" nonsense I've been seeing all of the sudden?

[Rhetoric] He's just rambling Zig Forumstourist. Let him seethe. You don't need to say anything, res ipsa loquitur.

>its okay that we mass killed people because the other people massed killed people

Nazis and Stalinists both get the bullet.

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So you're afraid of transsexuals?

>leftist intelligence


wtf is an egg? why can't you subhumans come up with decent insults?

is basic logic leftist? After 2016, I'm not actually surprised. You do need to employ doublethink in order to still be a republican.

what's up with all this projection? you seem pretty aggressive and misinformed.

the only thing I want is to discuss a game without sidestepping into useless hate, racism and transphobia.

Oh right, delusional AGP projections.

>Faggot is censored, the developer is gay and doesn't like people using the word. :(
>'Game' claims to be a CRPG. Is actually a visual novel.
> No replayability what so ever.
>Game features Eceleb voice actors from ChapoTrapHouse.
>Left wing options give EXP and money. Right wing options damage the player.
>Dev's self insert will berate you for choosing "Fascist" dialogue options.

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where did the 'anti-white' part come from?
It must suck to constantly live in a state of fear. I think you should lay off the fox news.

That's retarded as fuck.

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I will once it's out on switch

okay, egg

Me too - When the fuck is that?

Okay, faggot

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Absolutely based.

I do all leftists hate the white race and worship niggers?

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You got me, egg.

Ok deluded crossdresser

>I do all leftists hate the white race and worship niggers?
But I don't hate anyone, and I don't know any leftists that hate white people either? You have to start asking yourself if you might be brainwashed by extremist propaganda.

Try not consuming any Zig Forums or fox news for a while, and you'll see a big positive change in your mood

>no argument from the leftypol tranny
Why do all leftists want to genocide the white race for the benefit of non whites?

You should dilate.

Yeah yeah praise communism and death to the white race fellow sister

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what argument do you want my slow-minded friend? just give it a try, and you'll see you'll feel better.

Can't feel any worse than now, that's for sure. You can insult me as much as you want, we both know you don't have it so good. How can a person live in a 24/7 state of hate and fear it's way beyond my understanding.

I want to kill myself and the white race because I receive checks from George Soros. Feels good getting those fat Soros checks. You should become a leftist and reap the rewards.

>I don't know any leftists that hate white people either?
You are retarded and a liar. Thank Allah you people kill yourselves so often.

Why do you have pictures of trannies on your computer if you hate them? Are you obsessed with them?

I don't like American Cheese very much so I tend not to think about it that much. When I see it at the store I glance over it rather quickly. But if I was like you, I'd have a folder on my desktop labeled "American Cheese" and I'd have countless pictures of this disgusting cheese all over stuff, I'd start yelling and screaming at the store the second I saw it and start throwing the packages everywhere and make sure everyone around me knew how much I hate American Cheese. But I don't do that because I'm not a sperg.

American cheese doesnt shill for China, worship niggers and want to genocide the white race, you leftypol trannies do

>ability to be a communist, fascist, anarchist, liberal, racist, libertarian
>Zig Forums gets mad that communist is even an option and that being racist doesn't have every character agreeing with them
Yikes and oof.

trannies will never not be funny, ma'am.

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Here's one with a hilarious caption, lol.

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Plot twist: they're both trannies

>you're an extremists fi your not a leftist race traitor like me
Why do you leftypol trannies want to genocide the white race?

>Why do you leftypol trannies want to genocide the white race?
I don't
I want to help you get out of your permanent mental state of fear and anger

rent free

>Why do you leftypol trannies worship nigger and jew supremacists
I don't, as I said before. I'm not sure why it's so hard to understand that, but if I need to say it again and again, I will.

>not wanting to genocide my own race means that I'm in a "permanent mental state of fear and anger"
you hate trannies and minorities, I think we can both agree on that, right? you also post about trannies on Zig Forums literally every day, right? I would call that a permanent mental state of fear and anger.

As I said before, the solution is quite easy. It doesn't involve worshiping niggers or jews or nothing with trannies. It just includes laying off Zig Forums and fox news for a while, and focus on your hobbies, such as video games. In about one week, you'll already incredible changes.

>become a docile piece of shit
Time won't change anything as long as the anti white ideology of leftism exists

>anti white ideology of leftism exists
but that's what I'm trying to tell you..There is no anti-white ideology. You're being lied to, in order to create discord and hate between your people.

Sure, did some liberals on twitter say they hate whites? There were also some conservatives who said they hate minorities, muslims and gay people. Does that mean that there's an anti-minority ideology of the right? I doubt it.

Loved the game but I hope future releases have more complex endings. There weren't enough hidden variables affecting the outcome of the dream bit, the deserter, and the posse meeting.

Writing is excellent. Game play kind of blows. And no, I don't mean because it's based around conversations. There's plenty of room for that to be good.

The "stop conversations so you can put on a kimono, beanie, and bow tie for the best chance of passing a check" emphasis is stupid. As well as the loop basically wander around until you've got all locked checks, then put points into one you think has the best chance of incomprehensibly advancing the plot"

I stopped playing when I had to look up that to advance the plot of finding someone I was supposed to fucking go interact with a random billboard.

Nope. We do want to genocide seething delusional poltards tho.

Why do hate the white race?

Disco elysium is most Zig Forums game of last year
>Only way to drop alcoholism is throught listening to rascist or holy man
>Commies all are unsypathetic, bloodthirsty and they are tools of (((elites))), even thought (((elites))) drop their ideology moment you start being threat to them
>People on right are nice, or educated with 2 notable exceptions
>Game makes fun of failture that was communism throught every commie harry dialouge

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and he said he doesn't live in a permanent state of fear and anger...

It makes fun of every ideology relentlessly. Anyone who thought it was ever praising their particular ideology is probably exactly what they were making fun of.

>Not being white supremacist == WHITE GENOCIDE
poltards never fail to amuse

Its a response to all those people that spread disinformation about this game being leftist.

They're just retarded niggers that don't know how to pirate the game. If they did they wouldn't be spouting easily refuted bullshit.

>> No replayability what so ever.


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C'mon man, pull yourself out of the loop.

>"You post on image boards that don't have user registration? Wow what an asshole."
Fuck this game

I know, but i also know that they actively are making some people not even try this, because of all this bad press

>when I had to look up that to advance the plot of finding someone I was supposed to fucking go interact with a random billboard.
the game explicitly tells you to do this, why did you have to look it up

>why do people on a video game board want people to play and discuss games

Make sure to e-mail the developers and tell them you, too, thank Karl Marx for their game.

Zig Forums was a mistake

Now that the retards are out, maybe we can discuss this game.

>Man: In my opinion the communists are evil
Choose response
"Fuck you Nazi" *kill him* [+100 karma]
"That's just your opinion, man" [-10 karma, +25 facism]
"No ideology is perfect" [-10 karma, -10 morality]
"I agree" [Seriously? I'm deleting your save if you're enough of a chud to pick this]

Why would you think they're out?
Zig Forums has multiple discord channels where they post thread ids so they can 'redpill' the youth.

The mass deletion of posts is a pretty good sign.

People who are arachnophobic will typically just avoid spiders, they don’t go into threads about spiders and screech about how all spiders should be destroyed

So you didn’t play the game?


after exploring the fishing village island it stays in your quest log and then after each side quest that increases the success rate of the check (like the church investigation for instance) you get told its a good idea to go back

Why do you leftypol trannies want an anti white safespace go for your sjw propaganda?
>leftypol tranny making shit up
Why is it that I can't post proof that you are raiding but you can't back up you lies?

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So they're doing what you're doing right now? Being a propagandists that shits up threads in a vain attempt to further his agenda?

>accusing me of what he is doing
Your the one who comes here every day shilling this leftist trash