Other urls found in this thread:
I want to fuck white Korra like full on baby making sex
why did she shoot him?
I wanna have lots of unprotected sex with white korra
critical miss more like critical hit in your womb
Because she was told to. And if she didn't she'd be killed herself for treason.
Welcome to the US military.
Why not just turn the game off like it tells you to instead of DOING IT then complaining that it repremands you?
It was pretty fucking obvious on the WP level that there were people down there, but even though I tried to avoid them the game wouldn't let me proceed. Meanwhile Call of fucking Duty Black Ops accounted for the fact you shot the bagged guy in the leg
> Expecting a hole to understand subtext
> Making your self insert character marginally attractive while you look like a dude in real life.
Why do women do this? My girlfriend plays video games with me sometimes and she never bitches about the lack of female representation, muh wimins, or demand trannies as main characters.
Are American women really this fucked up?
This "critique" of Spec Ops End of Rine is so fucking retarded.
The point of the game isn't "u chose to kill ppl so u bad", the point is that war as entertainment is bad.
Please return to reddit
She holds it back but in truth she's as resentful as the other holes
Either that or she's a tranny
>the point is that war as entertainment is bad.
There is literally nothing wrong with enjoying fake virtual war as entertainment.
I want to have sex with white korra
penis in vagina like
_ ____ __ ____ _____ _____
>There is literally nothing wrong with enjoying fake virtual war as entertainment.
I prefer real war as entertainment, pig.
user its a video game, its making fun of spec ops. the biggest problem with soec ops is that it critizes the player for needlessly murdering npcs in vidya. this could be done well in Lisa there are pivotal moments where the player is forced to carry out Brad's intent and it's very powerful and questions his morality. spec ops fails because 1 there's a huge difference between pixels on a TV screen and actual murder and 2 the game forces you to kill people to progress but also critizes YOU for doing it like nigger I paid 60 shexkles for this game im not just going to stop playing to jerk off the devs moral bs
Or she and I treat games as what they are. Entertainment.
The ‘Games are art’ fags don’t realize that art is subjective and they’re trying to justify the time spent playing games. I treat it as someone else would treat ‘watching a movie’, except that’s more of a passive experience. Games are just that. Games.
>I had to kill them to continue the game
Wrong, you could've turned the game off.
That's not how it works
Do you just make shit up and convince yourself its true?
I can't believe this is really what people think the game was about.
Dumb self inserters
because it's a linear video game with no options
>hurr turn the game off then durr hurr
fuck off
This is why Ace Combat Zero is still the best "anti-war" war game of all time.
It gives the player lots of agency over their actions and doesn't railroad the player into any path (looking at you Spec Ops The Line).
It directly contrasts the glorification of war with its reality using both Arthurian legends and historical allegories, how you go from conquering the Round Table and pulling out Excalibur, to firebombing a city not unlike Tokyo or Dresden, and failing to stop 7 nuclear bombings.
It explores the effects of war long after it's over via the ace interviews, like PTSD, depression, and homelessness among veterans.
It doesn't scream in your ear WAR BAD, and presents multiple viewpoints, again without showing bias for any one (liberal PJ vs realist Pixy).
It shows how terrorists are created, that even a nihilist like Pixy can be radicalized when bearing witness to the horrors of war.
All the while without interrupting gameplay or lecturing you.
And the Ken Burns style documentary presentation is genius.
The oldest and most famous work of western literature is about a war
>dumb self inserters
the game literally talks directly to you as the player in loading screens.
>you will never be angry enough to drag your rival's corpse around for 3 days straight
It has been quite some time since the "I'm just following orders" defense stopped being valid.
The in game character is a bad person for doing that though.
Why do brainlets think the actions of the character represent who they are in real life?
>the point is that war as entertainment is bad
No, it wasn't. The game was a character study about a man obsessed with becoming a hero. The writer has said he was inspired by things like classic literature, American foreign policy, the war on terror, etc., etc. Video games was just the medium, not the focus.
And I'm sure there were crusty old men around in those days too saying that glory is bullshit and real war isn't like that to generations of young Greek men inspired by the tale.
>The in game character is a bad person for doing that though.
Because the dev isn't speaking to the character but the player
Navy vet, Yes it is how it works. You fuck up and your career and life is literally over. Good luck getting anywhere in life with a dishonorable discharge. Can't even get a job at a grocery store.
>the devs are talking directly to me
schizo tier post
thank you for the copypasta buddy, gonna save it for future use.
>a man obsessed with becoming a her
That doesn't remind you of anyone? A certain kind of gamer? Perhaps a, dare I say it, CoD kiddy?
Why would you dishonorably discharged for disobeying an unlawful order?
Yeah. They are saying "Look at this man. Look at the decisions he's making and why. Don't make the same mistakes." They are not saying "YOU MONSTER! YES! YOU! THE PLAYER! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"
>unlawful order
That's precious, you actually believe that holds up to fuck all?
White korra is just a character retard the comic is wrote by 2 guys
because brainlets cant seperate themselves from the player character
they think since i control this person i must self insert and i am this person
if this was a movie more people would understand the gist
>pay for game
>lol turn it off or you're a monster
Spec ops will forever be garbage.
You wouldn't. You're allowed to disobey and order than goes against the Geneva Conventions for example, I can't speak for Navy user, but it's encouraged to disobey an unlawful order in the Army. I'm assuming it's the same in the Navy, too.
it does, if you think solider is free to disobey immoral orders then you are retarded. soliders are basically glorified slaves, that went through camp specifically designed to kill any and all normal human instincts in them, and train blind obidience
>if this was a movie
Not really, look at all the people getting pissed about RDJ right now over Tropic Thunder. They don't even understand that THAT character was the butt of the joke.
>Loading screen keeps reminding player that they're not Walker
>Character calls out Walker for his obsession with being a hero
The double meaning for characters calling out both Walker and the player are only there IF the player refuses to see Walker as his own character, hence the theme of wanting to be heroic despite bad decisions.
When you talk about story moments in games do you say "I did this" or do you say "The character did this"?
The Call of Duty franchise hardly glorifies war. At best it considers it a necessary evil.
They literally break the fourth wall constantly
>Erin thread
>Not a single lewd
What happened to Zig Forums?
t. violated the UCMJ and wonders why they are losers
No, because greeks generally already viewed war as a terrible thing, even though they admired great warriors and generals. But the point that "war as entertainment is bad" is a stupid one to make when the foundation of the entire western canon is based on the story of the Trojan War and when the national epic of over one billion people in east asia is the story of a three-way war.
>it's encouraged to disobey an unlawful order in the Army
Imagine being this naive.
It's "encouraged" in the same way that dobbing in inmates to the guards in prison is "encouraged." You suffer all the consequences and the people in power will do nothing to protect you from them.
Remember the Navy Seal whistleblower who broke the news (again) that America's special forces are drugged up war crime factories that murder innocent people and desecrate corpses? What ever happened to him?
Oh right, the fucking American president pardoned the soldiers of their crimes and he got forced out of the unit.
Pathetic fucking child.
It's not right but it's how it is. The military is a thuggish gang of violent semi-morons who have lobotomised themselves in the service of "loyalty" and macho nonsense. Like all gangs, you can never break faith with them or you'll be out on your ass.
>being this fucking stupid
wew maybe things aren't so bad for me
>it critizes the player for needlessly murdering npcs in vidya.
It never fucking does this. The game is about Walker and his actions, full fucking stop, end of story. The game begins with Walker and ends with Walker. At no point in the story is it revealed that the player is an entity that is responsible for anything. Konrad doesn't address anyone but Walker when reprimanding him at the end. It never pulls an Undertale and implies that Walker was just a character being controlled by the player or anything like that. In fact, the game's story doesnt fucking break the fourth wall at all in the slightest. (You) are not an entity in the game, and (You) certainly do not take responsibility for Walker's war crimes.
>navy vet
>source: dude trust me
I told an officer to fuck off, got 45/45. For literally telling an officer to fuck off. I then went on to make it to 2nd class, and got out with honorable and good conduct
It doesn't "constantly break the fourth wall". There's a handful of loading screen messages that talk directly to the player and they don't say much more than "Try to take the game seriously."
those people don't watch the movie and just see blackface screenshots
but maybe i have too much faith in people...
That's insubordination & you deserved it
The comic is made by guys you dumb faggot.
>that went through camp specifically designed to kill any and all normal human instincts in them, and train blind obedience
You're taught to disobey orders that go against the geneva conventions in basic.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Two men decide to write a woman centric comic (critical miss) with a female lead? That’s retarded.
And it's the entire reason why the shit stains stay in. Because they won't tell someone doing something fucking retarded to fuck off. They keep quite, get drunk go out in town and maybe get a write up. Come back and then fuck off for most of the day.
It's the entire reason the Navy has fallen apart in the last decade, because they have no problem keeping those who shut up in, and discourage anyone from stepping up and putting people in their place. On more than one occasion I got my written up for telling someone a higher rank than me to stop gun decking maintenance.
>Guy I looked up to most in life was in the army, then the air force
>Air force for most of his adult life
>Considered it the greatest time of his life
>Can't join either army or air force because of being a literal retard
Oh wow so you were an asshole and got pepeslapped. Hard life man. Go shitpost about the military on /k/ or something. They might believe you next time
>Read Lolita
>Wow if I stopped reading nothing fucked up would happen right
Not Navy user, but just because it was taught doesn't mean they care. Are you people that ignorant?
I want to FUCK white Korra!
I told the officer to fuck off because he wanted me to sign documentation for maintenance that wasn't completed properly.
Where's the lie? Spec Ops fails on pretty much every level except for VO
>muh geneva convention classes that nobody listens at
yes, in a fucking class, while everywhere else you trained to fire your muscle memmory on command you gigantic tool, every single usa war criminal that reported war crime got discharged from millitary and shuned by society, massively if case got viral
>"Why can't I insult people to their face without repercussions?"
You're lucky you didn't say that to someone in public or you would've gotten an ass beating instead of a 45/45.
That fucking reddit spacing. Stop that.
Anyway, my point still stands. It is encouraged to disobey unlawful orders, things that go outside the standard ROE. Take it from an 11c, 1 mistake will get your ass sent to Leavenworth, and Trump pardoning those people was wrong. But that's what certain livelong Republicans wanted, because of the idea of American supremacy.
You also make it sound like Leavenworth isn't packed with the exact type of people you just brought up. There's an entire prison complex dedicated just for war crime offenders you jackass. Christ almighty you speak like someone who never served. Probably because you didn't.
White Korra and Kate are literally the only good SJW webcomics. Also it's made by dudes.
>can't actually prove it
>haha fuck off also fuck the guy who made this accusation and couldn't prove it
Or any military
Reddit spacing is a meme forced by newfags, you newfag. Stop trying to fit in.
Based purely on the fact he said 45/45, I know he's telling the truth.
yes, that's true, millitary is always free to do immoral, inhonorable shit all the time to execute will of the state, that's how it always worked, that's why always most poor/naive/easily manipulated and degenerate joined it, and that's why it american solider worship is laughed at in most other countries
Reddit spacing has been a thing since 2012 and lee troll face shit posting.
Even if I turned the game off that doesn’t change the story. It’s not like if a stop reading a book the ending never happened
>refuse to do an investigation
>"can't prove it"
It's been known for decades that US special forces is full of war criminals. How could it not be? The most violent, most driven soldiers are selected and then they're given secret missions with limited oversight and no accountability. War crimes are fucking INEVITABLE.
And, lo and behold, they occurred.
You've got the image saved for moments just like this, huh? You know why people stopped doing it? It hurts my fucking eyes.
Imagine being this naive. The Geneva Convention exists to punish defeated adversaries, not to restrict your own behavior. "War crimes" are absolutely run of the mill.
>a fucking tripfag use it so it's not reddit
it's confirmed 15000% reddit now.
Yes, a ""thing"""" that has been spammed by reddit refugees that started posting back then. You seriously need to go back.
>You know why people stopped doing it? It hurts my fucking eyes.
We were?
Don't bother. These retards have been told this time and agains and keep on posting these threads.
Spec ops was a trash game.
>turn game off
>can no longer continue the game
Big brain hours right here.
What i don't understand is feeling personally attacked by the in-game messages.
>the game called me a bad person how fucking dare it call me a bad person what a trash game let me ignore the entirety of it because it called me a bad person in the loading screen message
well it looks like shit, yeah. If you look like shit don't complain about being called shit, bottom feeder.
The amount of salt generated by Spec Ops: The Line will never stop being funny to me. A normal person would play the dumb war game deconstruction at face value: A neat little reflection on video games' fascination and constant use of oorah military shooters as heroic power fantasies. Instead of playing the usual heroic power fantasy where you're enabling the main character to shoot his way through clown cars full of terrorist-types, you're playing as a crazy nutter with hero fantasies that cause him to shoot his way through clown cars full of freedom fighters and American soldiers.
But because a lot of gamers (as retarded as the term is it does seem to describe a certain type of person who plays video games) are giant faggots who take everything personally, they feel personally insulted by the game and lose their shit.
why did they kill white korra
Yeah, the Geneva treaty the US didn't sign.
>can't show you evidence
There's plenty of evidence. You just don't want to see it because, ironically, you are exactly the kind of person that Spec Ops is aimed at - some pathetic faggot who sucks the cock of servicemen and worships the ground they walk on.
Your heroes are war criminals and always have been. And they always will be. Because they're not heroes. Put them anywhere else in society and they'd end up in fucking jail because they're violent thrill-seekers and adrenaline junkies who get off on abusing the power that they have over others.
All the military does is take these people and give them a society-approved target to hurt. Then you sit back and clap like the useless Amerilard that you are.
Then stop feeling bad for it, faggot. Just like you felt nothing killing hundreds of arabs and russians playing COD
Exactly. You get some weirdos who take vidya legitimately personally. Spec Ops the Line wasn't calling the player a bad person. It was a critique on war, and that's why, like it or hate it, people still talk about it. OP is just a brainlet.
Wrong faggot.
If it's not a lawful order, you better believe I don't comply.
I blindly murdered those civilians, I was rather lost in the moment and just fired into the crowd without thinking. I didn't take a loading screen as a personal attack on my character.
Apparently you do all the bitching for her.
Shadow the Hedgehog gameplay in a nutshell.
>t. faggot before bootcamp
>trust me dude, just give me a gun and trust me lol
welcome to every military
if they didn't work like that, they weren't militaries
Respond to You fucking larper. I await your reply.
whatever happened to this guy's pretentious yiik-like comic?
r3eddit post
Nah, you didn't format it in my preferred style so I can't be bothered.
>the point is that war as entertainment is bad.
that's wrong though
you only had to walk away
>white korra thread falls into disarray about whether war crimes are real
post more white korra dammit
Stationed at Humphreys
Eat ass, cakeboy
Off topic to this discussion but I did like how the game took into consideration for alternative options without telling you. Other games would've just had a giant HUD element say
>Shoot civilians
>Shoot into the air
This is retarded, literally every sport is war as entertainment, games like chess. People should acknowledge that war is a biological need akin to sex. You can survive without it but you need a system to relieve those biological pressures.
No wonder people shoot up schools in the west, people want to pretend like they're already above being animals rather than managing those biological quirks. If you gave literally anyone the opportunity to kill without guilt or regret they would, that's literally what hate is. In your chimp brain you'd hate the dude who fucked your wife, that's literally a biological "get out of jail" free card for remoreseless murder, so you can destroy without guilt. Morality is literally a system to manage those biological system. Morality is literally a piece of customizable psychological technology meant to give a person control over their own murderous and decadent intents.
Americans need to wake the fuck up, its naive to think you can change the underlying morality software with the intent of creating a politically correct utopia while completely ignoring all those underlying subsystems, I hate to use political terms but its kind of like communism in the sense that you'd upend and change a system that had software specifically addressing those animalistic subsystem for something more focused on "utopian" ideals, this is because people just assume they're not animals, naturally humans are going to human and even more destruction happens because you didn't account for those chimp subsystems.
>Leavenworth meme
it's filled with people that commited warcrimes out of their own volition, or actively tried to made war-crimes public. no person commiting war-crimes following higher-up order sits there
I liked the original idea he was going for with actual gaming characters making white Korra's life miserable. Then he tried to the same with a separate comic but without actual gaming characters, likely to avoid paying for licensing whenever they felt like printing that stuff out, and it wasn't even close to good.
Basically you got BTFO.
>Please respond
I have no stake in the actual military conversation, but this isn't becoming.
>eat ass
that's what you will do if your master will order you to faggot, and sure you can disobey it, thing is, if you do at best you will live the rest of your life on the street with DD
That's what I really liked about the game, the choices you made were natural, playing it for the first time and watching these monstrous events happen around you all seemed like they were instigated by your actions, There's wasn't a "No Russian" moment.
I think you're misunderstanding the post user
Too bad about 5
Literally read any history of the 20th century. Countless first hand testimonies that the My Lai massacre was standard procedure during Vietnam. The Geneva Convention explicitly excluded aerial bombardment of civilian cities from the definition of war crimes because the tactic was used extensively by the Allies. South Korea carried out mass executions of civilian populations that were at risk of communist sympathies, etc.
It blows my mind that people correctly recognize how amoral and self interested our political leaders are, but somehow totally fail to think about how that translates into military action. I guess having children swear allegiance to the Republic every morning from the age of 6 really softens the brain.
That would explain why you sound so misinformed while trying to condescend and pretend like you actually know shit about fuck.
Is white phosphorus real? Because the gane also mentioned sandboarding torture and I looked up and it wasnt real and i felt dumb, I dont want that to happen again.
she fell in with the wrong crowd and was ruined beyond repair for the current year audience to accept,so she had to be put down for her own good
What the fuck I went into this thread wanting white korra lewds not fucking nerd discussion about the morality of war and fighting.
It's real and yes, it's that bad.
The comic is written by two dudes.
>It is encouraged to disobey unlawful orders
It's encouraged in the abstract. Think back and let me know the last time you or anyone you know of received specific advice from a real person to disobey a specific order because it was unlawful.
Or, wait, no, let me guess - the US military has only ever given lawful orders, so there's never been any need for such advice to be given. Right?
>Trump pardoning those people was wrong
Obviously, but it still happened. Your ability to recognise that it was wrong doesn't redeem the military because you're a very small part of it. Your ability to think for yourself doesn't erase 5,000 years of thugs like you raping and murdering your way through civilian populations for fun and profit. The same people who signed up to play soldier in those days are the same people signing up to play soldier these days. That personality type is an intrinsic part of human psychology and everyone's just sitting around waiting for an excuse to let it off the leash. How many useless Amerilards were begging for the military to start carpet-bombing Iraq back in 2003? The civilian control of the military that restricts you people from turning back into the animals that you are is tenuous at best.
Wherever that control isn't present - for example in secret, unaccountable special forces units - the animals reemerge.
>There's an entire prison complex dedicated just for war crime offenders you jackass.
And there's also a war crime consisting of an entire prison in Cuba. It's got fitting symmetry, don't you think?
Don't get me wrong. The military is an essential part of government. We need soldiers to protect us from other soldiers. But the only difference between you and the "bad guys" is which civilians are getting fucked.
Is there still a good archive of the lewds?
I recently replayed Spec Ops, and the loading screen messages only tell you to stop is at the very end not because your a bad person for not stopping but because its the best thing walker can do. The game treats the characters like real people and one of my favorite quote from the game spells it out the best
>If Lugo survived, he would probably suffer from PTSD, so maybe he's the lucky one.
The loading screens read more like their Walkers thoughts.
The wp wasn't exactly the best scene for me, the part with Lugo and you having to open fire (with the option that isn't told of shooting the air) worked better
I thought "reddit spacing" meant double newline after the post number. Like what I just did. And that style is retarded.
Anyway, the term itself is retarded if nobody even knows what it means.
We sneed'nt be rude, now!
Yeah that was my favorite one too.
Also that one that just goes
>Can you even remember why you're here?
Because I honestly could not remember what the original objective was at that point
>game bad because people self-insert themselves instead of seeing the plot as it is.
Though I agree that spec ops forced some hamfisted self-reflection about why are you being entertained by this.
That's not how any of this works, my dude.
>Create genetic and forgettable setting
>Act like people forgetting that garbage is some profound new insight
Spec Ops was truly the worst meme of the past two decades.
My hard drive
When you really take a step back and think about it, Pepe is quite the interesting figure. It's easy to lose sight of that with how widespread his usage is, but it's the truth.
Care to share?
Damn why does baby making sex sound so fucking hot.
It's real and I've used it. It's supposed to be used for obscuring an area. Thing is, that shit burns hotter than hell. Never to be used directly on humans. That will get your ass put into prison quick fast.
>It's encouraged in the abstract.
Take it from me, because I know a thing or two about how this works. Say I received a gun order to drop Willy Pete on a group of soldiers. Unless you're a Private that doesn't know any better, you should curse your PL or Platoon Sergeant to high hell, or at least, don't do it.
>Your ability to recognise that it was wrong doesn't redeem the military
Not trying to. The sins of the military are not my sins. I've never committed a war crime.
>That personality type is an intrinsic part of human psychology and everyone's just sitting around waiting for an excuse to let it off the leash.
Entirely untrue. Everyone I've met, aside from a few of those 'bad to the bone HOOAH' Army types, have been some of the nicest people I've ever met. Military folk aren't monsters. I wasn't in SF ever, but I got to work with them, and those dudes are nerds. Don't believe the commercials or movies. It's an extremely hard school, and those motherfuckers are smart as shit.
>And there's also a war crime consisting of an entire prison in Cuba
That would be another thing I don't agree with. It's shady as shit, and I thought it would've been closed down by now.
This with Persona 5 and people having an absolute aneuryism and feeling personally attacked because the edgy punk kid says "shitty adults" 5 times in a 100 hour game
Sounds like you got filter.
I feel like this artist owns Erin more than the people who created her. Like, the comic writers get credit for making a likable shitter but stacking incredibly-horny on top of that for some reason goes further than it normally would - probably because it seems appropriate. But it's mostly because you can still expect a couple bits of art of Erin like a couple times a year, whereas the comic is more or less dead and she's now just depressed and fucking sad.
Zero was basically a response to 5, PJ is the personification of 5's "themes" and he's constantly ridiculed for being naive.
A zip and mega?
There needs to be hardship and conflict, for there to be a sense of triumph. We are genetically predisposed to feel good at the mere thought of us, or someone else, prevailing in a difficult situation, because our entire evolutionary history is that of struggle and survival.
Fictional conflict as entertainment is not bad. Not realizing that fiction is different from reality is the issue. But that can be taught.
>he says while posting on an iphone
Maybe if it was a multipart
You are not supposed to comply with unlawful orders. There is no such exception for immoral orders.
>7 years later
>amerifats still can't handle being called "bad" once by a loading screen
Yes i dont mind multiparts. You are doing gods work my friend
who is getting pissed about a 12 year old movie? Is this another Zig Forums gets mad about a handful of retards on twitter episode?
Trump pardoned that one guy who shot prisoners a few months ago.
freckles are so disgusting
A bunch of zoomers discovered it a few days ago because they saw a picture of RDJ in blackface and has been getting triggered by it.
>never understood why people got so worked up about this
Your literally getting upset because someone is calling you out for your actions.
If someone told you to jump in a fire then laughed at you and called you an idiot what would you do?
hardcore mating press creampie style
Of course you don't mind multiparts but it's a pity that i do
Was literally about to post that.
>OMG, Did you know Ironman worse blackface! That's so racist!
I do think we ended up in the worst timeline.
My man you gotta do it for archival purposes
I usually don't care about it but that guy's freckle drawing are so gross on Vivian
so a handful of retards on tiktok, I stand corrected
I haven't once commented on the military conversation. I'm commenting on your replying to yourself and the rapid reaction image replies of smug laughing characters trying to provoke a response from whoever you're arguing with.
Like I said, it's unbecoming.
That's incorrect, it pokes fun at war media as being glorified, but it doesn't think that war media is itself bad. The focus of the narrative is , a character study that narrows down on jingoism, heroism, self inflicted martydom. What it means to "be a hero" and the cost of buying someone's bullshit. Walker is obsessed with the Legacy of someone he views as a hero.
literally not even black people think RDJ playing a dude in black face was bad, don't buy into fake outrage.
>being this tiny brained
>the part with Lugo and you having to open fire (with the option that isn't told of shooting the air) worked better
Shit when was that? clearly missed it.
>using the good ol boys defense to allow for officers to continue being retards
great, glad to see that people are stupid on the outside
Spec OPs was shit for the exact reason the comic portrayed. You can't railroad me in a videogame without choice then claim I'm a bad person/good person.
>lol just turn the game off bro!
How about no.
It's cool. I eventually got a reply from whomever and Rekt him instead.
You go about your business, Mr. unbecoming. You like that word, dont'cha?
get droned at your wedding to a forced child sex slave, Ahmed
>when the national epic of over one billion people in east asia is the story of a three-way war.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms?
>decide to shoot the sniper cause I'm tired of getting told what to do
>Walker has a freak out
>the juggernaut with your friends face on it
man this game is great
I was about to say Dynasty Warriors, but that works too.
I think hes talking about Lugos deaths and have him confused with Adams
>uh no, the game is trying to bully me but it’s not fair! It’s all fake, it’s not fair!
Oh shut up
Willy pete might as well have come from the devil himself.
Also sandboarding is a thing but it's just an execution/torture method. Arabians have been pouring sand on people's heads forever
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Walker's hallucinations slowly get crazier as the game develops. The more people rag on this game, the more I want to play it again.
Dynasty Warriors, the video game, is your name for the foundational conflict in China? For shame user
It's claim is that Walker is a bad person, you dipshit. Walker is willing to straight up shoot Willy Pete at soldiers.
Do people seriously take a game putting them in this sort of situation personally like this instead of just enjoying the unique storytelling perspective it offers?
Seems kind of dumb to interpret that as the game accusing you personally of something and getting all defensive over it. I guess some people just lack perspective and can't help but interpret it that way?
>Say I received a gun order to drop Willy Pete on a group of soldiers
Say a Russian pilot received a strike order to drop chemical weapons on a concentration of civilians in Syria. What makes American pilots different from him?
Nothing - except for the massive network of cultural and institutional systems that civilians in America have erected to cage their animals in pursuit of a goal too noble for said animals to ever realise on their own. Take away the network that we build for you and you'd be lobbing incendiary weapons into Iraqi villages just like your grandpappy did back in 'Nam. And you'd take selfies for instagram too while you were at it to brag about how badass you are in the process, and the streets of America would ring with rapturous applause for our brave servicemen and the sacrifices they make to keep us safe from Iraq dry goods markets.
>The sins of the military are not my sins
Hang around long enough and they will be.
>Military folk aren't monsters
No, but neither are drug dealers or rapists when you really think about it. People just are, and we have to deal with the consequences of their existence. The consequence of your existence is a permanently insecure world in arms and violent conflict raging across the planet. Of course we will never actually have world peace, but at the same time there's no reason that we couldn't other than people like you who were born in other countries, and whom we need you to protect us from.
>That would be another thing I don't agree with.
Well, you know where the guns are. Go close it down, hero.
Yes. This board is full of people who think Joel dying is the writer’s attack on both the character and his fans, they can’t handle anything.
>If you die after killing the Juggernaut, instead of going through the youre dead screen, the screen goes white and you appear right before the Juggernaut spawns and it's normal again
Good post
You are all really stupid and have extremely low emotional intelligence
>keeps saying that soldiers are necessary
>also denigrates them by calling them all monsters waiting to happen
Are you retarded or just roleplaying.
Soldiers are weapons, user. You use them brutally and are capable of great evil. They are necessary in war, which is an act of dominance via brutality, controlled or uncontrolled violence. It is what it is
Not him btw
Better yet, >to kill the juggernaut with his face on it you have you do the execution
>seconds later you're inside the compound with its serene blue lights and all the soldiers just salute you
the last like, 45 minutes of that game are a fucking trip
That...sounds really self-centered and narcissistic.
>"This story is all about ME, the REAL WORLD INDIVIDUAL! Everything is a secret message aimed at ME! It's not a way of simulating an experience to allow me to experience a plot from a much more personal perspective than a movie or book would allow, it's ACCUSING ME!"
I mean, how self-absorbed do you have to be to react to a story this way?
It's pretty amusing considering Zig Forums loves to accuse leftists of being incapable of separating reality from fiction
Druckman clearly didn't like the cult of personality around Joel. It's one thing to kill your character, its another to denigrate them. Writers only ever have humiliating, embarrassing or depressing deaths for characters that deserve it, or to make you hate the one doing the killing. Since we're supposed to sympathize with Abby, it means that Joel did indeed deserve his beating, in Druckman's eyes.
Which one are the leftists supposed to be again? I don't really keep track of american political clubhouses.
That’s the way it is here. These people self-insert then demand plot armor, have it where any story outside a classic fairy tale represents the death of all civilization, and ask for remakes of old games then blame the creators for not literally sending them back in time. It’s a bad way to be
Ssssh. Calm yourself little seethlet
not like china has produced anything of note about their own history anyways.
Trust me. I'm almost there.
Nothing is hotter than monogamous commitment. Prove me wrong.
>Writers only ever have humiliating, embarrassing or depressing deaths for characters that deserve it, or to make you hate the one doing the killing.
So basically, you've never read/watched/played anything that was trying to depict a bleak and harsh reality or setting?
>that mannequin fight
>none of those soldiers are real either
the evil jews who want you to be a tranny and to take away sexy girls but also want you to spend all day jerking off to sexy girls because their motives are complex
While having a tacked on multiplayer mode
>alternate response
>Since we're supposed to sympathize with Abby, it means that Joel did indeed deserve his beating, in Druckman's eyes.
You’re supposed to both hate and sympathize with her. Both emotions. She’s not the authors special little kid who can do no wrong, I mean he has her brutally beat the main character to death on screen, she’s designed to be deplorable but also have a perspective you can see by playing as her. Please don’t be so infantile and wounded that you can’t parse a sympathetic villain when given one
That sounds kind of self-contradictory, I'm confused.
>shoot npc in a video game
>restart game
>npc is alive again
>he says while wojakposting
Reminder leaf fags are shitposters.
They wrote Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the story Dynasty Warriors was based from. You’re just a clueless little jackass, aren’t you? Walking around acting like an expert thinking your ability to name Dynasty Warriors makes you a chinese scholar
>thinking that TLoU2's writing isn't an embarrassment on every level regardless of "plot armor" concerns
Speaking of plot armor, Abby gets like, ten get out of jail free cards because she's the protag.
I have, and those follow the same rules. You are not supposed to sympathize with someone like Neegan. He is an antagonist. Characters cannot be simultaneously dance around being the antagonist and the victim while wielding the power in the situation. It makes for bad storytelling.
You are not supposed to hate and sympathize with her. If I was supposed to hate her, I wouldn't play as her. If I was supposed to hate her, they wouldn't have retroactively written the Fireflys as "the good guys".
This board is AGGRESSIVELY STUPID and you all have the coping skills of a feral chimpanzee
I too read stirner user
welcome to Zig Forums
b-b-but the loading screen............
You do realise the military has non combatant jobs right? Yeah you still have to go through basic and yeah you still learn to shoot guns but it doesn't mean you have to be on the frontlines shooting people.
>have 2 billion people
>write one crappy book
yes, in fact i am, how did you know? If you think RTTK is a good recounting of the three kingdoms, you can take your shu-loving cocksuckin' mouth and get baby football'd, virgin
>uh no, because it’s bad and I hate her!
Grow up. It’s a basic story about perspective, they show you the villains perspective the moment after making you hate her. It’s so basic yet you can’t grasp it beyond rage at the developer and your wish washy platitudes about how cushy you like your writing. Read a book once in your life.
>this board
>Zig Forums
>Zig Forums
Gradually, I began to hate them...
Nobody feels bad for it. we're just ribbing at the fact that the game tries to guilt trip you when the meanie option is literally the only way to progress.
Moat of the loading screen read like Walker is trying to justify his actions on like with the Lugo one.
I want to fuck her and her BFF Vivian.
I'm here to chew ass.
Because you're sad virgins who just want to be loved for once.
Nothing wrong with it, but you need to keep this in mind when trying to understand those who have different tastes.
> Characters cannot be simultaneously dance around being the antagonist and the victim while wielding the power in the situation. It makes for bad storytelling.
Imagine being so ignorant. Imagine not being able to grasp a story like Clockwork Orange, The Shining, horror, mystery, morally grey stories. You literally deny the existence of sympathetic villains, or the option for a villain to have sympathetic moments. You really have an inferior understanding of writing
once you understand the world is imperfect you realizes that utopia is impossible
>You are not supposed to sympathize with someone like Neegan. He is an antagonist.
Bit of a bad example given Negans backstory and how he ended up turning out.
Because they pointed out this board has been taken over from election tourists from that shithole and it's getting harder to pass youtself off as someone whose posted here for more than 4 yars?
You guys make me so mad with how proud you are to argue stupidity and lack of understanding. The sheer pride with which you spread misinformation and argue anger from ignorance, argue an extremely narrow idea of something just to explain how much you’re being hurt by a product, it’s beyond pathetic
Yes but there can only ever be this many general(s) in one army at any given time
>implying COD is for kids
Most of the COD fanbase are pre-2000 Doomers.
stale bait
>And if she didn't she'd be killed herself for treason
Nigger not even the Nazis punished people for refusing to do war crimes.
moralless automaton pls go
The loading screens talk to you, not Walker.
This is some serious Hippie Forrest Gump Anti Viet'nam shit right here. The overwhelming majority of soldiers don't even belong to a combat MOS.
I get it, you're very progressive, and believe it or not, we share a lot of the same ideals. I at least wanted to experience it before I talked about it. Because only a fool would speak about something they've no understanding of.
There's never been a clean war, and people are going to die. The U.S. especially is not that great about picking their fights. You want to take all military indecencies and put them on me, and most likely anyone who has served. Which to put it simply, isn't a fair assessment of anyone's character. You want to take it out on someone, you go talk 4 and 5 star generals.
>No, but neither are drug dealers or rapists when you really think about it. People just are
>when you really think about it
You've lost me. You're railing on the Military Industrial Complex, and give rapists a sort of gray morality. No, we don't all just exist. People take action, actions have reactions.
>Hang around long enough and they will be.
And you're the authority on that, are you? Just curious, what would you know about that?
> And you'd take selfies for instagram too while you were at it to brag about how badass you are in the process
Don't project your distaste of the military onto me, you don't know what I'd do. Funny thing is, that type of behavior is quick label you a total nerd and a 'boot' and you will be made fun of, lol.
Its clear that Specs Ops is directing the message to the player for anyone who can understand the "tiny" hints it gives you, the problem is that they could have given the player the option to refuse, but the budget and time restraints probably stopped them from doing so.
If its really a character study then its not using the media properly, since the strongest way to convey stuff to the player is through interaction, in this case, choice. If they just wanted to show a soldier's falling into some horrible shit they should just have gone for a book or movie, far less personal forms of media which makes the barrier between player and character much more explicit.
>*uses depleted uranium*
>*uses napalm*
>*uses agent orange*
>*contaminates the atmsophere with hundreds of nuclear tests*
>*tolerates Israel using WP on civilians*
>Syria using sarin against jihadists? That's a big no no.
>(UNCLE BEN looks directly into the camera with eyes aflame, as if speaking directly to the white, straight children in the audience)
>UNCLE BEN (cont'd): killing them in Minecraft doesn't get the job done. Video game genocides aren't enough. If you want to make a real difference; if you want to be a real hero, you're going to get real blood on your hands
>(UNCLE BEN sits back, closing his eyes, as if all his willpower and strength were used in the previous declaration)
>UNCLE BEN: But if blood scares you, PETER, there's always rope.
Freckles are gross. Looks like old woman's skin.
>Soldiers are weapons, user.
Soldiers are humans, you dick. Just because you disagree with it the bigger part of the military, doesn't mean you get to dehumanize people.
By the way, is it the supply personnel who are weapons? How about the mechanics? Maybe it's the medics? Which ones user?
What’s your problem? Nothing you’ve said contradicts him, you just don’t like his critical tone.
I'm usually not triggered by any of the retarded and hateful bullshit on this site, but this is one of the few things that can still get me.
Fuck you. Short hair is great too. Say what you will, fag.
It's different when we do it. See, we're not evil, but they are.
I hope you understand now.
It's because I agree with him I've got very little to contradict. I don't know if he knows that yet.
Any game that tries to make you feel bad for something it forces you to do as some EBIN SUBVERSION fucking sucks. It's one thing if you make the characters feel bad for it, but holy shit I paid $30/$60 for your game, you can't tell me, the player, I had the option to "just stop playing" when I haven't gotten my fucking money's worth. Give away your game for free and maybe that stop plot point will hold any amount of weight and not make you look like a pretentious cunt.
Do you really self insert like that?
No. The only people that bitch and moan about "this board" are discord assholes that are here out of obligation, or reddit tourists here trying to dab on Zig Forums and shit. That's why they (and you) screech and scream like this.
Zig Forums is annoying, but they are family. You assholes are fucking guests here, and you're overstaying your fucking welcome.
>I'm usually not triggered by any of the retarded and hateful bullshit on this site, but this is one of the few things that can still get me.
Y'know, people say stuff like this to me a lot.
Are you implying both things can't be true?
The credulous mass of fat and grease that can occasionally be discerned to be "the American people" will never abandon slurping soldier dick for so long as a star-spangled banner yet waves over this hollow republic. Soldiers will always get their asspats, and dumb young thugs will always sign up in pursuit of those asspats and a sanctioned outlet for their violence.
I was just making the point that expecting the army to police itself is braindead in the extreme.
Evil is a concept created by the Jedi. It's not real.
>Zig Forums is annoying, but they are family
Redditors aren't family.
they look old in your picture
>it’s obvious from the ‘tiny’ hints that the game is just bad and they fucked it up
Or maybe from the prevailing, direct story at the forefront people actually do understand they’re not killing real people, like you said.
>"jump off a bridge"
>gets proven wrong
>continues to shitpost like the child he is
They’re weapons and people. So what? It’s still war. Controlled violence between states. They can be used evilly, and can play a role in evil, either relative or absolute if it exists. No problem
I like this post. I really like this post.
I still don't understand why the only earrings I like are those ones at the top that don't actually require a piercing. Something about those flat metal bands are just sexy.
Go back to Zig Forums where you belong you retard.
Every day I watch you people lose a little bit more of your sanity and education just so you can say things like ‘sympathetic villains are bad writing’, slowly giving away your IQ and understanding of the world to suit petty insults and protests against fleeting products you might not like
>Zig Forums is annoying, but they are family
Zig Forums is a shitpile that was deleted twice along with Zig Forums because unlike Zig Forums (which they're now the equivalent of in terms of being the first stop for newfags) they didn't have the decency to keep their obnoxious shitposting and paranoid worldview to themselves and had to keep shitting up other boards proselytizing it. To pretend anyone feels any attachment to that garbage dump other than disgust is to out yourself as a tourist.
Ironically there's probably more reddit refugees from the_donald on Zig Forums than there are redditors on Zig Forums.
Imagine falling back on gang mentality over a fucking message board