*kills XCOM*

*kills XCOM*

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Other urls found in this thread:


loving it so far
a tactics game that doesn't look like mobileshit from 2008

So what's the most OP build and why is it Commando Scouts?

Same, I'm really surprised how good it is. Feels great mowing down wretches and chainsawing enemies. Not really digging the Vanguard class though.

bayonet rushes and overwatch cancelling is great, I like them

I just wish it was 4 + 2 Squad members.

Use the Warden tree and equip them with damage reduction armor.

>15% damage reduction on my boots
>-50% damage from Overwatch attacks
>-50% damage from units I taunt
>-75% damage from the first enemy attack on their turn

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is this some normalbabby non-ironman playthrough where you leave units out in the open?

Did you actually read what I just typed?

just answer the question and say what difficulty you're playing on, because badass only procs once per turn and a unit out in the open that can get shot by a drone close-by is dead anywhere from experienced and up

Seems you're the brainlet. I'm playing on Experienced.

>Taunted the Kantus so he focuses my Vanguard
>The two Grenadiers, the only other two enemies currently alive after my grenade spamming Scout killed the rest, were cockblocked by the Support right next to my Vanguard and were stopped by their staggering effect on their Lancer.

Don't think the unit has to be out of cover for badass to work.

novel XCom is shit anyways, but this one is not great too
+ decent tactical gameplay
+ good play can dominate the battlefield, while still having relatively weak troops
+ bearded females
+ decent bossfights
- no world strategy in any form
- most missions are shallow repetitions
- almost all gear mods are minor stat boosts obtained from lootboxes
- no different weapons, all troops stuck with single variant of class weapon
- all troops are the same, just a chance to put skills points slightly differently
- some skill combinations make the game trival (sniper shooting 8 times in one turn, etc)
- arcady extra battle rules (no reloads, no granades etc), without any explanations

>- no world strategy in any form
But that's a plus

Not even in his best day.

>- no world strategy in any form
This is a pro. The "world strategy" in both modern XCOM games is hilariously shallow and every run works out the same 95% of the time.

>- almost all gear mods are minor stat boosts obtained from lootboxes
Epic and Legendary chests which the game throws at you around Chapter 2 and beyond give significant stat boosts.

that was simple enough why not just say from the start you're a babby playing non-ironman savescumming out the ass
uppity babbys lmao

XCOM fans:
>"wow we get three tactical games in the same week, all with very different gameplay?, holy shit this is amazing"

Gears fags:
>"RIP XCUM, *dabs and default dances on grave*"

why are you niggas trying to turn this into a fight, both are good

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>Gears Tactics
Have you played the game, brainlet?

Depends how you look at it. I got bored by repeating the same missions in act 2, some world view why i am rescuing some loosers locked in pods for third time would make it feel a bit less obnoxious. Here it is just random boring mission after another random borng mission, and occasionally some good story mission.

what the fuck are you going to call reloading a checkpoint, NOT savescumming?
calm the fuck down already babbymode

Cuckmera Squad is garbage for Mass Effect trannies. What's the third game?

>This is a pro. The "world strategy" in both modern XCOM games is hilariously shallow and every run works out the same 95% of the time.

opinion discarded, specially regarding XCOM 2, where you must constantly make decisions about what research to pursue, what missions to tackle, what resistance drops to investigate, etc

try playing the game on ironman, babby

Kinda wishing they would remake gears 1-5 in this format, lol, its fun

>lmao bet you playing on easy nigga
>why you sending out the impervious tank out in the open like that when epic/leg equipment can give 60%+ damage resistance?
>i'm on experienced
>lmao see you're not on the gay ass ironman mode that deletes your save if you fuck up one mission

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>where you must constantly make decisions about what research to pursue
You mean like rush mag weapons and focus engineers over literally everything else?

you see for people without trannies living in their head rent free 24/7, its a pretty nice spinoff which introduces new mechanics, has a very low price and has mod support

Kantus doesn't have that little HP on experienced, that webm is on normal.

inspired research exists precisely to change your research choices, it might be worth it to hold off developing mags if something else that is also useful can be accomplished faster at the moment

All I see is some re-used assets shitpile that desperately got rushed into the market before the superior tactics game came out

post cheevos nigger
Zig Forums has rotted your brain

Imagine if The Coalition made a Battletech game

will i enjoy it if i don't like xcom?
love the gears games btw

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Yeah this shits all over xcom

xcom killed itself with 2 and war of the annoying humanoids

haha, no

I enjoy this a bit more. I've only played a few hours of XCom though.

>- no world strategy in any form
>This is a pro. The "world strategy" in both modern XCOM games is hilariously shallow and every run works out the same 95% of the time.

I mean, you're right, the are very shallow in XCom games, but at least gives you some justification or idea that something in the world is happening due to your play. What annoys me here, it is just that they are list of random missions. No some kind of world map view with 'here are our troops, here is the enemy', just 'pick x from mission list, until main mission will appear'.

>- almost all gear mods are minor stat boosts obtained from lootboxes
>Epic and Legendary chests which the game throws at you around Chapter 2 and beyond give significant stat boosts.
I haven't finish the game yet, but so far I didn't find anything more interesting than '% chance that something will happen/status boost for doing X action'. The most interesting that I got was '2 turns less for grenades cool-downs', which is really nothing great

playing experienced ironman first playthrough and honestly this shit is kinda trivial right now.
>Scout has 1 turn cooldown grenades and that's not even their most broken build
>Sniper shoots 8 times a turn
>Support gives +5 actions basically for free
>Vanguard never dies

Heavy isnt very useful in my experience, especially compared to everything else

>The most interesting that I got was '2 turns less for grenades cool-downs', which is really nothing great
On Commando Scouts that is literally one of the most broken buffs in the game. The Legendary variant fives -4, meaning they can get behind enemy lines and do shit like this perpetually.

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Shit might aswell game pass ultimate is only a dollar right now

>they fixed the Sid bug
Fuck, I actually loved having two Sids in my squad.

>babby pretends to leave the thread, comes back larping as if he's playing ironman

Who are you quoting?

Wasnt there another xcom look alike with mutants or some shit? Was it bad? Im looking for alternatives

>tfw playing ironman
>do brumak with ease
>get absolutely fucking filtered by this fucker

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you're actually retarded if you're planning on playing this game on ironman on your first run

>fail one mission
>save deletes itself

in chimera squad that's fine because it's short as fuck, this is a 30+ hour game

sup reddit


>All I see is some re-used assets shitpile that desperately got rushed into the market before the superior tactics game came out

sure user, they developed the entire game in 7 days just before gears released, makes sense

i really dont understand why you are upset, even if the game was less enjoyable than gears, its one fifth of the price on release, and for that price, the game punches above its weight, its a full standalone game that introduces tons of new mechanics that radically changes how it plays and has mod support

i honestly do not get it, its like complaining gtx 1060 has a worse performance than a gtx 1080 ti, it does, but it also costs significantly less

what the difference between ironman and insane?
my hero dies and im fucked either way

>same game but with even less management between missions

I'm not buying a piece of shit waste of time because it's "cheap" you delusional trannycom shill

Insane is the hardest mode.

Ironman is the modifier that deletes your save if a story character dies.


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you can restart missions on non-ironman, it's a mode for babbys basically

meant with actual cutscenes and graphics

nice retro game you got there when did it come out, 2006?

It's a mode for people aren't masochists.

>Gabe dies on a mission
>Oop there goes your entire save

Why are you acting like a fucking sperg?

>I'm not buying a piece of shit waste of time because it's "cheap" you delusional trannycom shill

like i said, the game is good for those of us who are not tranny obsessed schizos

but dop the enemies deal as much damage in ironman as they do on insane?
or is it the equivalent of normal but you cant die

Sooo... why would you ever use heroes over regular troops?
>hero dies = game over
>troop dies = game continues

tactics games are the most FUN when shit is actually on the line
a literal monkey can bruteforce this game on insane just by wiping his ass on the keyboard enough times

you are forced to use heros on most missions

Because the game forces you to during story missions.

No, Ironman is not a difficulty modifier, it's a failure modifier.

This boss is completely gay, he shits out all those instagib landmines that you can't step on but then starts spamming Boomers onto the map that will recklessly propel and ragdoll your little shitheads into said landmines, downing them instantly.

I get it dude
since the xcom re-make (that was completely underwhelming in graphics/story/cutscene dept AND underwhelming in how "hardcore" it was) was shilled on ribbit you epic zoomer tactics fans appeared out of fucking nowhere all over the place
thing is, xcom looks like fucking dogshit from 2004 and you're not even trying to deny it btw
so when xcom2: 5hour cash-in edition is released, you're pretty much forced to shill that shit too

I'm not getting it, it looks fucking terrible, the gameplay sucks horsedick, and alien squadmates congratulate each other on fighting like stronk womyn
fuck outta here


Trying way too hard. Not even gonna feed you your (you).

are gears tactics cutscenes really that impressive user?

i mean each on his own but i prefer to have something to do in between missions instead of just watching a movie

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Man this guy is working his ass off to feed his shitposting addiction

>Attacking people who don't play on GT's Ironman and attacking XCOM

Bretty gud game, definitely feels like an improvement over Xcom.

xcom is dogshit, seethe more ribbitors LMAO

>start levelling up lv2 trooper
>rescue a lv3
>start levelling up lv3 trooper
>rescue a lv4
What's the point
May as well just focus on the heroes

why has every xcom clone forgotten to also copy character customization? excuse me?

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Anyone who picks even one defensive skill is ultra-babby
You can do Brumak in 4 rounds on insane with the right group

The game has customisation

oh so youre a schizo AND an oldcomfag

have you considered perhaps both new and old xcom strategy games are good? to be honest you should be thanking XCOM: Enemy Unknown for reviving the genre and the franchise, its almost certain Gears Tactics wouldnt exist without it

the new games also introduced many people to the old games


see that all-time peak? it occurred when XCOM: EU released

but as the eternal contrarian, i dont expect you to acknowledge any of this

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a checkpoint isn't the save as save scumming tf u on about

i suppose i wouldnt, to its credit the game is very graphically impressive for a tactics game

post cheevos/playthrough

I've been looking for an xcom without the base stuff. Recently I've been feeling like I want tactics or strategy. Not both.
Is this it?

>15 turns to save 5 people
>use 10 just clearing the enemies on the first guy

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is this game just another 2 actions per turn, class loadout cinematic experience with 4 soldiers?

The game has pretty good character customisation though. Off the top of my head

>Torso Armor
>Leg Armor
>Facial Scars
>Facial Hair
>Hair Color
>Facial Hair Color

>see that time when firaxis released a shitpile riding on xcom's coat-tails??!
yeah I see it
and yeah I am an "original" xcom fan who played xenonauts more than both nucom shitpiles put together :)
I'm better than you

yeah this is it
gears tactics shits ALL OVER nucom: babbys within

Are you joking?
>Round 1 snipe the wretches and bayonet the disciples
>Round 2-3 take out first bar
>plant on an e-hole now and then
>Dodge ridiculously easily avoidable attacks
>Gabe boosts everyone
>Other bars gone within 3-4 rounds
Can't recall exactly, but t's like a 6-7 round fight max on Insane

No, it's 3AP and you can use any skill in any order. You also have a million ways to gain more AP. The game shits enemies at you so you have to kill as many as you can before you get swarmed.

it is very limited is what i meant, no custom callsigns? can't change faces or gender? every woman i have recruited is doomed to have a fucking receding hairline? it doesn't help either that i have doubles of the same character model.

no, that would be nucom2: trannymera squad cash-in with re-used assets from 2005 edition

Stop playing like such a pussy, offensive offensive offensive

of the ones i played, it just wouldnt fit the existing universe

mechs in battletech would look silly with hats, make with mechanicus magi, both allow you to paint your dudes like in the tabletop game but thats that

age of wonders planetfall couldve added more customization for its factions leaders and heroes tough

>im better than you

cool, how many soldiers do I get in a mission?

Probably Troublshooter: Abandoned Child.
Koreaboo Xcom.

lol, ok homie

this is only the third story mission and my characters are level 2 on insane

>all this shilling
>Mostly Negative reviews
hahahahaha no

sid or gabe should be lvl3 already, git gud


Mostly negative where? It's Positive on Steam and only being brought down by Chinks who are whining as usual that games aren't being made for them.

Mostly negative where?

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I fucking knew it

its actually doing much better now

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2 vanguards on every mission is invaluable in my experience, nothing clears through encounters faster than bayonets and grenades

>>Mostly Negative reviews

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I'll check it out as soon as I beat WOTC.

Four is more than enough though, every character can end up killing 7-8 enemies.

>t.el jugador de las goblinas

>bugmen bought a W10 game whilst running XP
>can't run it, get irate and leave negative review
>times a million

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they should release 1v1 pvp as DLC


>that mission where you have to rescue 2 people but you can take only 1 person

fuck this shit

I really like how bullets actually travel in this game and can be intercepted by other targets. I missed an enemy once and my teammate near got it by the stray shot. Accurracy also take into account whatever is in between you and your target

I just can't do it user, unless I can have waves of expendable rookies I'm not having fun

ill remember that for missions that dont cut my team in half

just bring a heavy, passive healing at the end of every round with Anchor, impossible to die with as long as you're in cover.

>less game is a plus

why couldn't they make Halo Wars 2 this good?

Oh yeah, it's console shared.

isnt halo wars rts?

Steam should unironically ban Chinks from using the service. It's blocked in their country and not officially available, yet they have the fucking gall to use VPNs to get in and whine about everything anyway.

Crack when?
Gamepass isn't available in my region.

>can't even beat a shitty 10 dollar Xcom spinoff fireaxis squirted out in a month
Funny as fuck.

"world strategy" in nucom is a complete waste of time

yep, an RTS that was watered down for consoles.

They need to make that series PC exclusive, not with PC as an afterthought.

pc is a dead platform

XCOM 2 is so versatile that with the right mods, it can be a better Gears game than Gears Tactics.

>comparing a $10 mobile game to a $60 one

Please post the mods where you can chainsaw people in half and the game doesn't look like ass straight out of 2003

Its 10 bucks so I really couldn't give a shit about your retarded-ass opinions.

Vanguard it, very doable even on Insane

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>Every single negative steam review mentions how xcoms better

is this just xcom fanboys that are mad or?

Based hermano

>Gamepass isn't available in my region.
move to a first world country

if you pay me 10 dollars I can mail you a fresh turd to enjoy
it's only 10 dollars, don't pass up this deal

I really like both nuCOMs and Gears Tactics and I thought CS was okay

There is nothing. NOTHING you can do to make me feel otherwise. Feel the seethe. Feel it. You're irrelevant.

That's a little bit harder than downloading a crack.
God knows I'd love to though.

>ass straight out of 2003
Come on dude, hyperbole is one thing but it's making you look like a retard in this case.

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first world country here, I think that guy is right where he belongs

>Promoting Xbox Gamepass
>Defending Gears of SJW
Whoa how many shills has Mircosoft paid for on Zig Forums?

Does Gears have Snake waifus though?

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Same, this stupid fanboy culture war got old over a decade ago.

xcom looks closer to this than gears tactics

>Defending Gears of SJW
I didn't realise this thread was about Gears of War 4/5. I'm pretty sure this was about Gears Tactics.

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gamepass is the best deal in all of gaming since the last 10 years

>Defending subscription models in any form
Get that corporate dick out of your mouth onions boi.

congrats you got it backwards, it's the chimera squad the one sperging about gears

that bitch sniper nig is pretty woke though


>10 bucks for reused assets with some revisionist bullshit about how suddenly aliens and humanity starting working together
>1 buck to eliminate alien scum
tough decision, i'll give you that

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How? Because she called the COG fascists? That's kind of been a running theme since the early games. You know, nuking the entire planet with little warning to kill off your enemy.


have fun not playing the game then until its cracked commie

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>goes loose cannon on ukkon without the order from the squad leader
>talks shit
>tries punching sid after some bitchboys run away
>talks shit

how is gears sjw? all the characters are beefy dudebros

Aftershock and Afterlight were such a fucking good games
Aftermatch was a big shitty though

but why? the fuck is MS doing

>goes loose cannon on ukkon without the order from the squad leader
That's called being hotheaded.

>talks shit
That's called being hotheaded.

>tries punching sid after some bitchboys run away
That's called being hotheaded.

>talks shit
That's called being hotheaded.

Now, where does she scream trans right and YASSS KUWEEEEN?

>bloat and padding is good

I said she's woke and you know she is
just a regular uppity wokenig who needs to shut the fuck up

It's $20.

I need some kind of photo mode REEEEEE

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If literally any other character pulled that shit, you wouldn't be crying about it. If anything it's really stereotypical for the black woman to be this crazy.

user dont you know any sassy colored woman in a video game is just the developers pushing their woke agenda

You say she's woke, but the burden of evidence is on you. She's not giving any handjobs to trannies or anything.

>that picture





>it's stereotypical that black women are loud clueless apes talking shit non-stop

you know its funny, you claim XCOM is full of woke shit, buy you post literally the same image over and over again

>forces you to update windows to 1903
>forces you to manage your game installs through the clusterfuck that is windows app manager instead of just letting you access the files thought the file manager like anyother sane game service
>terrible client that half done and barely tells you any info on your installs besides the file size and uninstall
I tried it for the outer worlds and it was the most garbage piece of shit I have ever been forced to use.
It not even worth a dollar, you would have to pay me to use that trash again.

Win+G for windows overlay
Win+Alt+Prtscrn for screenshot
Win+Alt+G for gameclip

Imagine getting this mad over a single conversation that you post the same image in every thread related to Xcom.

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>post the best meme that came out of wokecom:microchimerism edition

yeah i know that
but i want something to do a decent shot of your squad without all the fucking UI

what did director kelly actually mean by this?

>best meme

more like only meme, you tried so hard, but the best you got is an image taken out of context

>Oh yeah, it's console shared.
>Gears Tactics is also going to be on consoles.

Nah, just telling you what a shitpile chimerasquad is
Xcom with alien squadmates about working together with the guys that tried destroying earth
LMFAO what a joke

Does tactics have mods tho

None yet, I don't think it's supported which is a shame



is that why you literally post the exact same thing in every XCOM and Gears tactics thread? because you are not mad?

>Get to massacre entire gangs of Mutons, hybrids and psychics
>somehow the game isnt about killing aliens

why are you on here trying to pinpoint who's mad and who isn't when you got immediately asshurt that a 10dollar re-used assets cashin gets (rightfully) described as a piece of trash anti-white joke of a "game" with 1 single meme that sums up what nucom is about?
yes it is easier to shitpost a meme than go on about how you have to work together with fucking aliens in xcom

Is it cracked yet?

Because somehow a 10 dollar joke of a game that had basically no effort put into it still was able to steal the thunder from a 60 dollar AAA game that had the full backing of microsoft.
The fact that SJW's of War fans are trying the woke defence over it makes it even funnier.

It does some things better
>presentation is top notch
>some of the voice acting is good - an optional DLC character ironically has the best COLETRAIN BABY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>good action economy
>really good sound and music design
>enemy AI actually intelligent, will actually flank you if you don't cover your vectors
>good cover system
things not so good
>characterization is just this side of somewhat better than Chimera Squad - and if you've played Chimera Squad you know how terrible that is
>Skill tree's are a nest of useless passives and 1 or 2 op abilities, X-Com 2 unironically did Skills better by having fewer but more game changing abilities
>Necessary hero characters
>Debra Wilson

Overall it's a really solid game but it's lack of fully customizable soldiers (yeah you have squaddies but they're all objectively worse than the heroes ESPECIALLY COLETRAIN BABY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO who are often mission critical anyway), it's lack of any strategic overlay and reduced randomization limit it's replay-ability. It's a game you play through maybe one time, as opposed to the literally hundreds of hours you can spend on X-Com 2, creating your own narratives.

I'm glad Firaxis has some competition though

>why are you on here trying to pinpoint who's mad and who isn't

i dont know, why are you bitching about xcom chimera squad for the umpteenth time in a gears tactics thread?

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Full conversation.

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what thunder lmao, wake up hobby-shillbot
trannys shilling shitpiles over on reddit and Zig Forumsesetera aren't even 1% of the gaming population

in fact it shows firaxis desperation releasing this hot garbage 1 week before gears tactics, because it'd be even more embarrassing had they waited

This game already has dlc?

Coletrain as a pre-order bonus

So you are one of those people that could never finish the game because the strategy layer was "too hard" for them?

>more posts in this thread tryijng to shit on xcom than talking about gears
Do you have any awareness at all?

Did you play xcom 2 at all and completly miss the fact that the Eldars where psionically controlling most of the invading forces?

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It uses mobileshit tactics to get you to rate it.

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can you faggits leave the gears tactics thread? rofl
gears tactics set a new standard, your tranny squad shitpile looks like it's from 2006 in comparison

>Xcom: Chimera squad
>Countless threads about it before release and for a week after release , see people talk about it in other places as well.
>Gears Tactics
>barley any threads and the ones that are made are usuly about qqing about Xcom(see this thread)
>haven't heard a peep about the game anywhere outside of this place.
Yeah it stole its thunder hard and I wouldn't call it embarrassing when their plan worked exactly as they wanted it to.

But does gears tactics have Xpiratez?

Go shill your $20 garbage in another thread, faggot tranny

the design is just horribly lazy

I thought PhoenixPoint killed X Com?

Do I need to play all the other gears games to get it?
I've only played 1 and 2.

there he goes, the hobby shill-bot trying to pretend that THE SAME LOSERS who shill threads on here every single day are representative of anything, because otherwise the years he wasted away shilling actual garbage that got shilled to him, seem kind of pathetic in retrospect
hl:alyx got tons of threads
chimera squad got tons of threads
bannerlord got tons of threads


>Debra Wilson
Oh God Damnit, I thought that was her but I wasn't 100% certain.

Pheonix Point killed itself.

Yeah no shit, 2016 game looks older than 2020 game

Does Gears have mod support? I'm interested but not $60 interested, I know there's gamepass but MS store locks down everything, you can't even edit ini files

>Just wanted a Gears Tactics thread
>The retarded turd eater who has Chimera Squad living in his mind rent free shits it up

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That's what happens when you put your game on Gamepass. It just dies.

It's 15% actually.

Phoenix Point committed suicide

this game's marketing has been just weird, like they seriously lacked any and all confidence in the game

HL:Alyx and Bannerlord are both better than Gears and Chimera squad is a sixth of the price lol.
Stop sucking Xbox's dick u Microshill.