Animal xing

can we start having player 1 comics again?

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god damn i had no idea

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That was around the time of the Wii version, right?

Why are they gifs?

it was hip at the time

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Meh, I'll stop for now.

For me it's Swain

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These are just making me nostalgic and depressed about when my life was not shit and I was still hopeful about the future. Didn't the guy that did these end up being a bunch of different personas and after he revealed that he kind of just disappeared? Or am I mixing him up with someone else. We just don't get this type of content anymore and haven't for years.

i dont even know who the artist is.

this was before the invention of watermarks

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I'm pretty sure it was him. Can't fucking remember his name but I hope he's doing well and not dead or some shit.

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>the promise neverland

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"Player one" had a dozen different tags he used. I don't know if it was ever a secret, but his art style was really recognizable, and it was fairly evident he did the chainchomp-chan and that sad dog comic. I think he's done stuff as recently as XCOM 2 comics, so I don't think he ever went underground. It's 3-angle blue that we haven't heard from in ages. Seems like he legitimately may have died, going off the grid like he did.


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More Player1

i have too many. even the ones where ppl thought the artist was going crazy

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I might be completely wrong here but I think Player1 might also be tgweaver aka the furfag who made those ms paint Zootopia and fnaf comics

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My first thought too. Where is that second season?

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He absolutely is, yes.


delayed due to the virus, at the very least it is getting a second season

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ngl these r pure cringe

Nintendie """"""""""humor""""""""""""

Wuh woh

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I mean, it was fairly obvious with how many of his animal crossing comics resulting in sexual punchlines.

Took him long enough

Too bad Weaver is too busy writing Zootopia fanfic.

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When was the original plan? When do you think it will now?

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twitter nigger please go