Naughty Dog Employees Forced to Watch Snuff as Inspiration for Last of Us 2

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Do you think Truckman spends all day masturbating non-stop in his office? Because I'm getting the vibe he does.

isn't forcing your employees to watch homicide videos against some sort of law?

>Naughty Dog Employees Forced to Watch Snuff as Inspiration for Last of Us 2
desu old Zig Forums already has these guys beat and then some

He'd be an actual man if he did, how can one Goyim be so based. Bless him.

>snuff movies
Aren't there educational videos used in the medical and law profession for such things?

If you're going to lie at least go all out and say forced at gunpoint.

Mortal Kombot modellers and animators use real-life crash footage and similar references to more accurately show how people's organs get torn out from them

Does anyone know if they watched Irreversible by any chance?

police and medical forces do the same thing?

in fairness, they're gov't employees, not vidya makyrs

lol no we dont

yeah but those jobs come with actual careers, you're not a disposable codemonkey

I wonder what lasting effects that'll have mentally.

thats pretty based ngl

He's a jew, not a goy you dumb retard

Isn't snuff ilegal?

that's a pr myth though.

Most kids now days grow up watching snuff videos, Internet has changed everything

Sony gave them millions to make a product, Naughty Dog is the one that forced its employees to watch gore.

imagine wanting to work for naughty dog because you really liked their goofy collectathon 3D platformer on the ps2 as a kid and once you land the job some insane oily jew forces you to watch mexican cartel videos so you can accurately portray an enormous tranny murdering people

Stellar work.

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>homos, femdom, violence, snuff, etc
peak Jewish degeneracy

Fucking millenials.

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The death gargling from X gave that away for me, no untainted normie could imagine those guttural bubbling gasps you release when your throat gets slit

A cis white women gets Hella jacked to murder degenerate lesbians. Sounds good to me.

typical kikery treatment of goyim

Do these retards realize they're making a VIDEO GAME and not some high brow literature? Even MGS with all its heavy handed messagery never forgets what it is and any 4th wall breaking commentary is usually still respecting the player and the game itself.

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American game development. You sick fucks need therapy.

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not for jews or anyone in the santa monica area.
didn't you playing vtmb?

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>firsthand description vs. Worldstar on full blast
lmao nah


>Even MGS with all its heavy handed messagery never forgets what it is and any 4th wall breaking commentary
Which is why MGS doesn't fucking work, furthermore what does
>Do these retards realize they're making a VIDEO GAME and not some high brow literature
Even mean? Video game must be childish and immature?

yes, jews were involved in this game. how could you tell?

I'm not even surprised by shit like this. The ones that virtue signal the most usually have the most shit to hide as well.

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Could be worse, the Japanese seems to be immune to that sort of thing.

Who made this?

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I'm just waiting for all the SFM porn where >she dominates Ellie with >her massive she-cock.

what game is this?

>a video of a person being actually stabbed in real life
>educational videos used in the medical and law profession
That doesn't sound legal

None if you're not a faggot. I can watch that kinda shit for hours.

think of all of the things the devs have seen which they can't unsee, all for this

It still won't up Manhunt

As a media creator myself there is nothing wrong with educating yourself on the themes and details surrounding the thing you want portray like say an apocalypse where people are desperate and brutal hand to hand combat is normal.

This is pearl clutching retardation. There are plenty of reasons to shit on ND but this ain't one of them.

>Which is why MGS doesn't fucking work
The fuck? MGS works just fine and is one of the most cherished video game series of all times.

>Video game must be childish and immature?
Video games must still be aware they're video games. Nobody is playing a game to feel bad about killing a dude. They're playing for the sense of reward, progression and narrative that follows it. Cuckmann and his gang are making a statement against video games as whole. His hate towards the medium shone already through with Uncharted 4, which had the story of a soap opera.

Also the way he portrays brutality and death is typical millenial depressed cunt who can't also embody his stories with a sense of hope and optimism. He probably styles himself the video game equivalent of GRRM when it couldn't be further from the truth.

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goys are disgusting
t. chosen one

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Feels bad man

This is lunacy. Druckmann unironically must be stopped

So they admitted to having "snuff..." That's highly illegal, they can go to jail for a long time. Good intentions or not, "snuff" is something people cannot have in their possesion, ever.

I think the problem is that you can make something high brow, it needs to be engaging and not necessarily fun. But western devs lose it in the "compelling" part. Experience plays a lot into it too, if a soldier were making a game about the evils of violence its a lot more genuine and engaging than someone who just thinks they know.

Read a book by a soldier explaining to you what its like, pretty fucking engaging. A book written by someone just watching videos about what it's like is just kind of boring and and un-informative, I could've watched those videos and gotten that same information. The problem with western games these days is how disingenuous they are.
Literally Pokemon for example, the guy liked to collect bugs, he thought it was fun, lets make a game about that and make people feel what I felt when collecting bugs.

In literature the most convincing rape scenes are written by rape victims, not saying you shouldn't be going out trying to get raped but maybe people shouldn't be writing about shit they have zero understanding about.

>We want it to be as realistic as possible
>Ellie and her GF are totally going to survive multiple broken limbs, several cranial fractures, severe blood loss and an arrow to the shoulder though because videogames :^))))

Does Druckmann feel a genuine hate for women? He's basically making glorified torture porn at this point, under excuse "it's violent so it makes people repulsed to violence!"

Men can't be sexually abused.

this has to be the biggest blunder since tortanic

Why would you play, let alone buy a game that is designed to repulse you?

Yeah so does Netherrealm for MK11. This is nothing new. Western games are all about being as realistic and controversial as possible to get your name out there.

>Meanwhile at Snoy HQ they will have an fit if there is so much as a hint of nude buttock
>But literal snuff porn is fine

say that again when i send over 5 gay black guys to your place

They don't need to get raped but most writers do their research and actually consult rape victims before writing such details.

But yeah, this thing is going to be an edgy 14 year old's take on "le cycle of violence". He's going for the same cynical schock value storytelling as the hacks behind the Game of Thrones TV series.

I know they have that stupid cop out where Ellie has a gun so Abby has to go full mong, but they had to know a giant(ess?) ground and pounding a skinny girl who looks barely developed looks fucking ludicrous. Hell even Arnold only went full force on foes who at least had some weight, lighter guys just got shot or thrown around.
That being said, realistically there's no way Ellie could even remotely putting up a struggle, I don't buy that Abigail has to do any arm grabbing jutsu before hulk smashing. So not only is this whole fucking scenario completely horrifying but it's also not even fucking realistic, which apparently was the whole point.
How're the ladies enjoying all this empowerment, by the way?

This but unironic. Fucking hell, this sounds like bad fan fiction.

>Even mean? Video game must be childish and immature?
you are quick to move the goal post aren't you nigger ? that user says that games don't have to be threated seriously because no one take them seriously, video games are fucking entertainment goods that same as monopoly, you can make a story with a shocking subject but if the rest of your game is shit then your audience just simply don't give a fuck because there nothing that appeal PLAYERS in there, so if you want to make a story, make a movie or a book but not a fucking video game
>inb4 you try to found an other asspull to justify that "vdya gaem must be art hurr"

The same reason horror is one of the most popular genres I imagine

Oh god it's this fucking pendantic retard again.

You be surprise how good something be with really good effects. Like there was this one movie where the gore effects were so good that Charlie Sheen thought it was an actual snuff movie
>MGS works just fine
Gameplay yes, storywise no as it's a borderline disaster. Whatever serious message the games are trying to have are lost when you really think about it and just asks how it works. How can a game try to be serious when you have a guy asking me if I like playing Sympathy of the night, how can you ask me to take your game about loyalty and duty when it's set in a fucking Russian jungle.

The list goes on.
>Video games must still be aware they're video games. They're playing for the sense of reward, progression and narrative that follows it
So what does that mean? That they have to be childish? A game can't be played for the tragedy of the story?

This but unironically. Although OPs post in a non issue. If visualized violence still bothers anyone at this point they need to grow up



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Gay people don't rape.

That's the US in general

Your post kind of shows you are mentally ill tho, ao it dis have an effect.

fuck that guy, send them to my address please

Yet westerners still have the audacity to call Japanese games "problematic".

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that seriously the best you could come up with? pathetic

There's no reason to though, real gore is disturbing in how non dramatic it is, and, in the one decap video I've watched, everyone's complete lack of emotion, including the victim. And even if they did hit that level, the only people who could fully appreciate it would be the same weirdos who watch the irl shit. It'd be like making it a point to mention your game has overly detailed rendered feet.

>that user says that games don't have to be threated seriously because no one take them seriously
Why not? Because they have to be childish, they aren't allowed to be taken serious? Yes video games are a entertainment goods, like all media. Books, movies, music, theatre and operas are all just entertainment goods. So why is it that only video has to be "not taken serious"

no, you'll get the tranny midgets

It's not gay if the balls don't touch.

So no argument? I'll accept your concession.

holy shit that projectile vomit

Stolen from someone else:
Platform Exists --> Racists might use it --> Platform itself Must Therefore be Racist!

Cool, lets do it again! Air Exists --> Racists Breath Air --> Air Itself Must Therefore Be Racist!!!!

no point when you've already got earplugs from the get-go, have a nice day

MGS narrative works because it's intentionally campy with some occasional heavy hitting moments in between. This is pretty much the ideal way to have storytelling in a video game because the gameplay will always ALWAYS undermine a "le realistic and gritty narrative". You can't have a story about how revenge and killing is absolute evil while at the same time having gameplay where you take down countless faceless goons with ease to progress the story. It doesn't work like that. But the complete retards at ND thinks it does.

>A game can't be played for the tragedy of the story?
A story can be tragic and still campy/fantastical. I'm saying highly realistic narratives in games are always going to be contrasting the gameplay hard because no game besides simulators would reach that level of realism.

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Everything is problematic is the motto, remember? No audacity needed, standard procedure.

This the same Netherrealm that regularly gets clowned for their animations? Cool cool

I don't doubt this guys artistry, but I'm sure it's actually the other way around... things like stabbing gets exaggerated in tv and movies for shock value

in reality its pretty unspectacular and you'd probably think you got punched then you sit down

Salsa on interview?
>handicap abby with no weapons
>90% of the fight is still her mandhandling Ellie
How balanced

Naughty Dog would probably be better off if he did

Yes. OP is taking a big leap in saying snuff movies. Also, snuff is fucking porn where people die.

I know there's no reason to, it's why I avoid games made by like Rockstar and Netherrealms, they're so caught up in being edgy and realistic that it's all their fucking games have. Mortal Kombat is an unfun slog that ends with a FORMALITY, Rockstar is too busy being realistically accurate that their gameplay just takes a complete nosedive and from what I've seen TLOU is about the same. It's so fucking pointless, like just make a fun game that's worth 60 dollars god damn.

to add to this, if it was one tone the entire game it would become tiresome. No one wants to just sit through 20 hours of non stop bleak drama , there has to be more elements to go between

Hideo's mixture of serious themes and light hearted elements is really good

White supremacy does not exist. Completely fake news

mk is just over the top gore. dont think theres any real life crash footage that the crash victim instantly gets up where it would've killed them

>Do these retards realize they're making a VIDEO GAME and not some high brow literature?
They don't.
Otherwise they would understand that making players control and play as a character that murders the loved protag from the 1st game is a stupid idea.

It works fine if this were a book or movie, but so many of these idiots don't take into account the more personal connection players have with the avatar/player character.

It's because of the camp that the narrative doesn't work. Camp has it's place and Kojima has no idea how to put it into the narratives he wants to tell.
>because the gameplay will always ALWAYS undermine a "le realistic and gritty narrative".
Not if your narrative works hand in hand with the gameplay. Like in Splinter Cell, at least the first 3 game. Didn't play anything after that

Yeah no point arguing with a braindead Zig Forumstard like you. Eat shit.

so did the dead space guys
who gives a fuck
no one should make lesbians this ugly on purpose.

they taking themselves way too seriously DESU

I watched a surgeon react to Mortal Kombat fatalities and he said none of them would be possible

Yeah it's the charm of MGS really. And also why it has endured such a loyal fanbase for so long. It's very easy to replay and cherish because the games aren't actually just endless MILLENIAL DEPRESSION coming your way. It has ton of goofy elements, corny elements, blockbuster elements etc. It's more like a love letter to anime and Hollywood alike so it becomes this amalgamation of cultures. Who is going to replay a game that is constant depression and shames the player for even progressing through the story? Sure it makes for a gut punch. But what comes after the gut punch?

>Hideo's mixture of serious themes and light hearted elements is really good
It really isn't, it's fucking awful. Again how do you expect me to take your game about a bleak reality where an AI controls all the info in the world seriously when the vampire looking and acting character is called Vamp not because of his vampire looks and acts but because of his bisexuality.

>So why is it that only video has to be "not taken serious"
TLOU2 was set up to be an industry redefining game that propelled the medium forward only to fall face first into the hormone drenched mud and get curb stomped by memes despite its serious tone.

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they have to or they lose their job


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you don't have to like it ;)

Camp isn't intentional, see every fucking godawful Borderlands tier comedy game. MGS is funnier than all of them without trying, and still has compelling characters even without fully comprehending what's going on.

But you show a nipple and EVERYONE loses their fucking mind

Shit as part of FBI training you have to listen to the toolbox murders tape

Some stellar memes at that. The game provided me more entertainment then the first one.

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No. Push the game back again. I don't want the ride to end.

Amalgamation is really one of the strongest parts of video games, I feel. You can't really throw all these different styles and genres in a single work in other mediums without it feeling like a mess, but it's almost necessary in video games to keep the player invested in progressing.

only a true goy would utter that word wrongly baka

guys filmmakers and game devs watch IRL violent content ALL THE TIME as reference, if you want a real reaction you source from real action. i remember seeing the beheading in the intro to MK11 and noticing it was 'too realistic' i had ended up on a dark corner once and saw an actual beheading video which it matched. just the same as racing devs watching races or baseball devs watching games, if you wanna convey something real you have to know what it looks like

Kojima wants to make video games.
Hackmann wants to make movies but he can't.

>TLOU2 was set up to be an industry redefining game that propelled the medium forward
I'm with you that games don't necessarily have to be 'fun' for narrative purposes, but to say TLOU2 was going to propel the medium forward if it hadn't of seemingly shit itself is genuinely insulting to the medium.

I think Mr. Blackpill is jumping to a lot of conclusions based off of that one line.

If you're designing a game with the player with ease taking down a dozen bad guys in just minutes, it WILL severely limit just how hard you can push realism in narrative. That is what I'm saying. And that is what Kojima understood long long ago and somehow ND devs still don't get. You can't have both. You can't have gameplay that's gripping, rewarding and satisfying while also pushing a story that actively shames that behaviour. Hell even MGS does that better than ND because in those games you can do almost 100% pacifist runs aswell.

Dead Space devs were voluntarily studying horrificly disfigured car crash victims (mostly dead) for inspiration for the necromorphs. This kind of stuff is a lot more common then you'd expect.

>200 users
thats it? kinda disappointed really

The "medium" here is the kind of "over the shoulder cinematic gameplay experience" that the ps4 is famous for.

>Kojima wants to make video games.
i get shitting on tlou2 is the newest meme but atleast have some self respect while doing so

Wow, dude, you mean Kung Lao can't perfectly slice someone in half with his hat? That Scorpion can't really breath fire on people? That Kenshi can't rip out our cardiovascular system and have us telekinetically hang in the air?

It's unreal how fast they popped up. I fully expect to see the "mature games for mature gamers" crowd start shitting themselves on Twitter over it.

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Kojima makes some of the most interactive cinematic games ever. The stealth in MGS3 is still well beyond what we see in modern action stealth games. I'm laughing in pain when I see the joke of stealth in TLOU2 compared to what we got in 2004.

I'm just paraphrasing.

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this is what "games as art" gives you

why does this board still exist?
why does every schizo child end up here to spout their sub-zero IQ takes?

This is where you're wrong. MGS has no "serious elements", because Hideo Kojima is incapable of making them.
That's not to say he doesn't attempt to write them; he truly does, and falls flat on his fucking face.
I don't know how anyone can look at a franchise with fucking Quiet in it and say it has serious elements.

>we're making a game about the cycle of violence
Didn't Metal Gear Rising already pull this a thousands times better with their:

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Don't worry guys Schreier is on the case and blocking literally everyone on the planet to defend Naughty Dog's jewish e-honor

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Absolutely. No-one would model the tranny were it not a fetish. This whole aberration is exactly the sort of thing that excites jews.

So? Visceral used to study crime scene photos of car crashes to design necromorphs. When did this shithole get so pozzed up and squeamish?

>t. virgin that is desperate for woman contact
believe it or not, when you actually have a life and relationships, you dont want to have sex with every woman in the world
shocking i know, youll know the feeling eventually when you grow up

Is Abby actually a tranny or have Zig Forums tranny brains decided to make a meme about it because they have trannies on the brain 24/7?

I saw a presentation in my path lectures from a ME. One was a dude who got in a motorcycle accident at highway speed. His heart got dislodged from his chest and flew out down the highway, but his chest was almost entirely intact. Just a small heart-sized slit in his side.

my god, how pathetic.

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>implying Japanese doujin lolicon artists and eroge developers don't watch real CP for reference

You can help expanding it

Remember when this guys made funny and light hearted games like Crash and Jak? Even Uncharted was just not too serious it was like an Indiana Jones game

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If Naughty Dog wants to use snuff films as reference, they should hire users of Zig Forums, since they willingly make entire threads on real life violence.

>His heart got dislodged from his chest and flew out down the highway, but his chest was almost entirely intact
what the fuck?

Long as it gets everyone mad, I'm happy.
Still waiting for Anita to run away from Duckman screaming while he cries "BUT I THOUGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED"

>His heart got dislodged from his chest and flew out down the highway
Isn't that what ribs are for? Also you're telling me every single heart valve was severed? Seems unlikely

All they've done is redefine my sides

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he's a jew, so yes

Hasn't TLOU2 already been confirmed to have at least 2 sex scenes from the leak?

fine example of tribalism

I don’t mind since there’s funny stuff made from those takes.
That’s what happens when a lot of those old devs leave and your most praised game is TLoU.

>Is Abby actually a tranny
Probably not, but if anyone is crazy enough to put a playable tranny that beats the everliving shit out of a lesbian in a video game, it's Druckmann.

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The same was done by the dead space devs. The artists had to watch pictures of corpses and shit like that.

Ya know what, I think we can blame Kojima for this. Everybody's trying so hard to top each other with how deep they can be they forgot video games are hedonistic toys first and foremost. Kojima makes good toys, but he's a bad influence, is what I'm saying.

im probably one of those 200 already

It was legal in Japan until very recently

>muh message

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>Dabid Benioff book
>Steroid rash
>Cuckmann self insert
Holy shit the memes just write themselves

>here's my source

I don't see that on OP pic.

The guy has been damage controlling the PS5 non stop aswell so it doesn't come as a surprise.

Can jews projectile vomit on command?

Protomagicalgirl hit the gym.

>I think we can blame Kojima for this
Kojima would be highly critical of these no fun allowed le gritty realism games aswell. His games are generally very optimistic.

Turns out they only wanted to redefine masculinity, just like every single other jew run media out there

That was voluntary though, and speaking entirely subjectively, I wouldn't have noticed a difference
There's going to be a falling out between these wannabe feminists and the hardcores pretty soon when these virtue signalling devs realize violence is pretty much the only meaningful interaction we can achieve in a video game, and all they're doing is the equivalent of those DTV action movies with women copy pasted over the men and a few more rape scenes.

If the leaks alone have given us this much, imagine what it's going to be like when the game actually drops.

It looks like GTA5

>The idea, he underscored was, "for the player to feel repulsed by some of the violence they are committing themselves."
>game doesn't give player a choice to solve conflicts in any other way
>violence they are committing themselves

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>>Dabid Benioff book
Holy shit it's true. Cuckmann is a huge butt buddy to D&D.

Guys, gaming is about to have its own S8 of GoT-tier disaster. Fuck June is going to be fun.

If I saw abby irl I'd assume tranny

>you watch snuff and somebody PAYS YOU
Wohoho i bet they watched lots of snuff featuring women to make all these ellie animations ha-ha. Ohohoh poor women being killed on camera, ha-ha how unfortunate. What a shame :^)

This. It's so fucking retarded. The game doesn't even allow you to go full pacifist. The only winning move is not playing the game at all.

Yes highly unlikely. It was particularly a presentation on accidental deaths. Highway speeds + bouncing on the asphalt would probably pulverize your ribs I imagine, and a tear in your thoracic wall could let that little baby slip. Not that many blood vessels would need to be torn off, and I imagine with those forces involved anything is possible.

Im just telling you what I saw. Body a couple dozen feet away, and some blood splotches leading up to the place where the heart skipped down the road.

>forcing your employees to watch gore videos
have to admit, that's pretty fucking metal. Did he go to the chinese camera ones where average people die in stupid and awful ways or the hardcore cartel ones where they're flaying people to death while alive, though?

So Drunkman is gay?

yeah but in Hotline Miami they didn't mocap for the acts.

Real talk: there is something super fucking creepy about how all these game devs are going on about how "they design their female characters to be strong and realistic" and "to keep their dignity" by wearing plain clothes and having man-ish bodies and shit.
And then in-game they also have these same female characters go through more or less torture porn.

A couple of other games did this as well, like the Tomb Raider reboots or MK11. I know with MK11 it's like, y'know Mortal Kombat shits gonna get messy, but they seemed to make a really big deal about treating their female fighters with respect and then they have the goriest shit ever done to them.

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Holy shit. Imagine if they made it so if you don't kill anyone as ellie joel doesn't die because abbey is able to be talked down or something. But going the murderous way means getting the leaked scenes. They would've been praised as the best video game story ever (again) by all the normies

I would have taken the 20k. Shit man, I'll suck a cock for a 100 bucks.

based? based on what?

nice cock choking sounds

What do you expect? Abby's entire existence and motivation hinges on the fact that the last game forced you to kill the doctor in the hospital. Even shooting his hand or foot would result in him dropping dead.

It's American psychopathy in high display. It doesn't matter what's wrong or right but what's perceived as wrong or right. MK11 is a hypocritical product. The devs are saying sexualization is bad because somehow it would have real life repercussions? What about all those gory highly detailed deaths? Following that line of logic, wouldn't it mean they're encouraging brutal violence?

I'm done making sense out of these devs.

>labor laws
>in the US

you're told you're lucky to have a job and go eat shit

As opposed to flaying people to death while they’re dead?

I'd argue that so long as companies and the audiences that play their games continue to take games too seriously, the industry will be never evolve or advance in any way.

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Every day, they would throw an employee into a cage with an eagle and a bear. The bear would tear him apart and the eagle would pick at his bones.

This is my dream job

Its just about having any excuse to shit on things.

>Shit man, I'll suck a cock for a 100 bucks.

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why would that be illegal

you guys seem to have a belief that we have highly detailed laws of everything, when in reality most things arent regulated

Nothing surprising, a Jew is behind it.
>Yes, goyim, you did that all by yourself
>Yes, goyim I didn't give you an option, but it's still your fault for buying my porn/game/snuff film

You can overcome the lack of first hand experience with proper research, which videogame writers don't do. There is also a genuine lack of skills, but then if they skilled they would be working somewhere else.

>One developer later remarked "I did think it was strange that Neil had a pillow in his lap the entire time."

This. A lot of people on this board will attack things from any angle to get a point in, even if they could not care less about what that point actually is, don't actually believe in the criticism, or have no reason to think it's actually true.

It's trying to present their fetish as normal. Unlike Japan where "yeah, it's my fetish", we have to hide it in and sneak it in. Look at anime versus cartoons. One is really not trying to hide it, but then you got Dexter's Mom, most of Adventure Time, a lot of Animaniacs jokes and a whole lot of examples of "sneaking" in fetishes and just playing it off as "kids won't know, but adults will". America and Europe is just as perverted, if not more, but we seem to want so desperate for validation that your fetish is now something you need to try to make normal, or put a good spin on. The whole feminist angle in games is just trying to get this shit in. Femdom, rape porn, ect. Look at Nickelodeon shows where the dude inserted his foot fetish in but "lol it's a kids show", it's the same thing with video games. Naught Dog is just a porn company desperately trying to hide it yet show it with "mature storytelling".

None if you aren't a soiboi

I think the funniest part is after tlou and uncharted are insulted with the phrase "movie game" that his ideas would've worked better as a movie.

these clowns should stop injecting themselves into video games after failing to get literally any other job with their English degree

>boobs bad, but amping up violence against woman is okay
why though

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Cope harder, Discord.

If you're in NYC I will un-ironically give you a blowjob.

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Yeah most the people here watch snuff for fun and don't even get paid for it

Now that you mention it, that is exactly the thinking of a jew

post nose

They'll probably be tame grandma sex akin to the Mass Effect sex scene that turned Fox News into a meme.

Because normal people don't play games to jerk off. Most people have sex or watch porn.

if only you looked like that picture, but youre probably a fat neckbeard so no deal

I just bought Uncharted 4. Is it still free of the tranny curse? I'm scared t play it now.

uh oh.. no thanks. i don't want the chink flu.

what is snuff?

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>What about all those gory highly detailed deaths? Following that line of logic, wouldn't it mean they're encouraging brutal violence?

because despite growing up with mortal kombat and with anime waifu games most Zig Forumsirgins won't go commit gruesome acts of murder but they do believe women are subhuman filth who only exist to pleasure them erotically

your average joe blow shooting people in cod all day is more mentally stable than the virgins on here who apparently get their idea of how women should behave from their favorite anime trope

What about games like DOOM?

For your own safety, you shouldn't look into it, goyim.

uncharted 4 is already pozzed

you just start fapping to rekt threads on /gif/
nothing extra

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I'm 5 feet tall, skinny and twinky. vOv

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Boomer word for gore.

DOOM is righteous

Sex with serious hurting/killing involved

Don't worry, it's coming to a town near you anyway. And really, it should be called the Jew Flu since it started it's spread in the America from an Orthodox rabbi.

who cares if the player has a choice or not?
it's fucking stupid to focus on that.

the jewnited states of 'murica only protects employers, workers have no rights there

user, you really shouldn't be using yourself as an example of "not a faggot".

Then you probably look like this.

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>he didn't watch faces of death or other video-nasties

sounds hot

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Only rare deepwater jews can.
I thought there was a limit to how pozzed you could become, but ND will not stop until the money stops coming.

now you've made me realize how fucked up of a situation this is
we went from looney tunes platformers to kids comicbook gta to swashbuckling adventure to this

the virginty of that post, holy shit.

Wait, what are zombies doing in TLOU2?




maybe icke is right, they can spray bodily fluids in defense just like lizards

This is normal when devs want to do games. Porn and loli devs do the same.

Why do you think ND had an exodus? Literally no fun allowed company.

Says the faggot on Zig Forums

Trannies and bull dykes is where I draw the line. I can kinda stomach a little bit of stronk neegress for a little while, if she's not all over the rest of the game.

what a fucking ridiculous scene.. the 130 pound tops woman can take 2 grown 200 pound men like its nothing
doesnt even matter if shes a black belt or whatever, their weight could take her down easily

whatever, its all about them woke points

Is that the fabled pureblooded amerigoblin?

i get the feeling everyone at naughty dog have a gun to their heads and they all pretend to be fine to keep up the perfect image of naughty dog, and faggots like neil abuse that.
also I remember the Dead Space devs had to look up gore to make the gore more 'authentic', don't know if it's true.

Yeah, pretty much. We do it whenever we can't get a discount on pencils.

So most normal people like brutal violence committed against women?

All American devs do this though

Americans are disgusting, what else is news?

you just gave him an example.

What are you talking about? The notion that women are sexual objects come from the porn industry.

At no point in history was a woman meant to suck dick. Now, every girl on the planet, even the teenager ones. Know they will have to suck dick at one point in their life.

Women have been degraded so much that they are literally walking holes right now. Virgins playing videogames have nothing to do with what the jews have done to western culture.

Also, the average Joe playing cod and fornite is way more likeable to be a mass shooter than the Otaku virgin.

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Thats pretty low in the list of unrealistic things that happen in uncharted games

One of them was sent to a psychiatrist right? Maybe im wrong