Wait how is he a villain when one of the games romance options is a teacher doing the exact same thing to a student...

Wait how is he a villain when one of the games romance options is a teacher doing the exact same thing to a student except the genders are flipped?

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They're not the same and you know it

Shit tier bait

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Oh i dunno... the female teacher doesnt torture students for starters, idiot

> kawakami tortures, blackmails, and forces herself on joker
what route did you play?

you forgot the part about coercion and rape
very important differences

Kawakami doesn't come over to Joker's house and beat the shit out of him and rape him while Morgana watches and says 'looking cool joker'

>moralfags getting mad their shit tier prostitute waifu is being called out

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> prostitute the same as literal sadist

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>It's okay to rape a child if they consent
Why are Kawakamifags so stupid?

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ackshually I'm a makotofag, I'm just disappointed in the low tier bait

*though that would be pretty hot ngl

also OP just mad kawamommy is genuinely best girl

Except that kawakami doesn't fuck joker and say she won't until he's 18

Kawakami = Consent
Kamoshida = No consent


> kawakami tortures, blackmails, and forces herself on joker
I would have bought the game twice if this was the case. Sad that we got shit kawakami

That's called grooming

We have this thread every fucking day.

Good Morning how are your days going user's

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Children can't consent.

It unironically doesn't really bother me when it's an older woman.

If my teenage son banged his teacher I'd be proud of him, if my daughter did the same I'd try to ruin the dude's life.

Because the male audience this game is aimed at thinks stinky old men taking their waifus are evil but thinks women fucking teenage boys is based.

Because male teachers on female students is considered rape. Female teachers on male students is considered hot and lucky.
This is literally how the world works.

Because Kawamommy is based and Kamoshida is cringe.

Case in point

>Zig Forums STILL can't explain what if anything Kamoshida did wrong

Reminder than any school student x teacher sexual relationships are statuory rape even if there is no actual rape.
Kawakami would get in a jail if their relationship went public.

Double standards because coom brain?

The only difference is he got caught.

Persona 6 had better have a cunny party member who you can romance

I mean we're already pushing the law right? Fuck it

I'm convinced the first arc of the game was written by someone else, or at the very least written separately to the rest of the game.

No, it is literally completely different. If I had sex with a hot female teacher when I was 14/15 it would have been a point of pride for the rest of my life. The reason female teachers fuck students is because its the only way they can be in a relationship where they have equal power to the male. Why else would an attractive 30 year old teacher risk everything to fuck a 14 year old student? Yet it happens all the time. I’m not justifying it, i’m saying there is really no harm done to the male student, if it is an honest relationship and not literal rape. You know this as well as I do.

No, just feels totally different to me. But I'm older and was raised differently.


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wat if kamoshida was a grill

Quite well user, thanks

Sorry, retardo. You can't claim not to be a coombrain when you literally just said you'd be proud of your son for fucking his teacher.

Game does not take place in America

Age of consent in Japan is 13

You'd understand if you were born when men were men and women were women. You were taught there's like 50 genders or something so I understand why you're confused.

Kawakami is one of the only girls that has a sense of humor, the others being Ohya, Futaba and Ann. None of them have much chemistry with Joker save Futaba and Futaba's model is the only one that doesn't look gangly in a bikini. Why is P5 trying to make me fuck a 14 year old

As long as its consensual, there's no harm whether its a male student or a female student. Its just a double standard in society that says one is bad while the other is good. Same thing with rape, a raped female has tons of people feeling bad for her, meanwhile a raped male has tons of people bashing him for not enjoying it.

i love how pedos do enough research to think that japan would let them fuck 13 year olds but not enough to realize almost no prefectures actually do

>fuck students is because its the only way they can be in a relationship where they have equal power to the male
Is this your way of coping with Statutory rape?
>I’m not justifying it
But proceeds to justify it in the next few sentences
>no harm done to the male student
No harm done to the male student, but you would end a dudes career if it was your daughter?

Because one is a teacher forcing their students into sex and the other is a teacher getting seduced by a student? The end result of teacher-student sex is the same but the situations are completely different.

None of that green text was me. Two different people fella.

I am assuming because age of consent laws are different in Japan than MURICA.

But they can consent to gender reassignment, which has even bigger ramifications. Liberals are so weird.

Which is worse? A teacher raping, abusing and assaulting students, or a student coercing a teacher into a wholesome relationship?

There you go. They're both not good, but there you go.

Royal is only for PS4 right?

Is it still worth playing Persona on PS3 instead?
Are they ever going to make a PC release?