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Every fucking time.

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Fucking kek.
Why do they do this? I loved TLoU1 too fucking much.

this is Art

Do what?
Is the littl Zig Forums crybaby upset that his fantasy wasn't sufficiently pandered to?


I really like Hotshots Golf back in the day.

I always played as the kid with the mohawk.


this board is fucked

Druckmann subverting expectations
also no fun allowed

No, I meant as in unnecessary sequels.
Like Alien 4 or Matrix 2. Didn't even play the DLC, not because MUH LESBO PANDERING, I just didn't care, the first game was perfect as it was.

Imagine being this antagonistic over something you're literally 100% ignorant about

>People who aren't like me make the game uninteresting
Maybe you're the one with the problem. The only people screeching about this are seething Zig Forumsacks who don't understand the concept of different people being different.

The muscle woman wanted to get a Joel-in-One but ended up with an Unplayable Lie.

why make a new IP when you can surf on the brand recognition?

the nose knows

nigga what?
all the cast in tlou2 could be Mexicans heterosexuals and I would still think the same, this was an unnecessary sequel.

This. Why make something original, if you can only take BRAND 2 and "print" money (or this is what they hope).


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Clearly it is because you're the only ones who can't shut the fuck up about it and seethe here for 40 threads per day about the same thing.
cope, chud


TLOU has always been SHIT

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kill yourself

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Your newest infiltrated and subverted sequel was directed by a man who screwed over the previous director, a woman, so he could gain prestige.

There is nothing progressive about TLOU2

>People who aren't like me make the game uninteresting
then how the hell did these lbgtfags mange through decades of "heterosexual focused" media?

>lbgt fags demand repreentation cause they dont feel identified
>make lgbt charas
>normal people arent interested
>REEEE why arent you interested in my LGBT media??!!!

This is why exposure and representation matters. You simply can't wrap your head around diversity of sexual preference or gender identification. You're insular. You need to be exposed to this for your own good so you can have your mind forcibly opened.
The fact that you don't find this interesting purely because of diverse people existing in the media, because if we're honest that's exactly what this is, is proof that you need this. And you will keep getting this until the job is done.

This has to be bait. That greentext has nothing to do with the post you replied to.

where the original youtube link?

Has this person never heard about pissing in an ocean of piss or what?
Most of the trannyposting here is done by Zig Forums exactly to reduce the signal to noise ratio.

Then make your own game. Don't cling to existing IPs like a leech.

For examples of good original IPs with sojus themes, see:
>Horizon: Zero Dawn

I'm not interested because the plot is shit, not because of any identity politics.
Try again, dumbass.


Reminder that right wingers are the wojakfags shitting up the board.

Sure, brah. Let's go with that. It's just coincidence that THIS is the game that you dwellers have decided to make tens of threads on per day.

*jews subverting societies like they always do

how does feel having Zig Forums in your head 24/7 rent free?

>Zig Forums is me, one person
I didn't say that wasn't why other people might be REEEing their heads off, but shitting on TLOU2 isn't exclusive to Zig Forums. There are plenty of people out there that hate the game now that the leaks are out.

Better than it must feel to be a chud dweller who yells at clouds 24&7 because some movie or game has a gay character in it.

Zig Forums is a board for homosexuals obsessed with sucking elon musks dick it has nothing to do with anything other than that

ITT: Retards who have not learned not to feed trolls.
This shitposting will continue until you learn not to take bait. You ignore low-effort shitposting because what they crave is attention.

what compels trannies to come here in the first place?

>People who aren't like me make the game uninteresting
Who really wants to play a mentally ill person like Abby?

Why are posts like this allowed?

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it really is, the shitposting drowns out everything else, everyone has to be an ironic retard

Deluded attempt to assimilate ''us'' but in actuality just being glad that they can voice their opinions no matter how idiotic, because every poster here is the same, unlike the places they associate with, where they are curb-stomped ie silenced by admins, mods and even other users if they don't toe the line.

>drowns out everything else
Because you fucking newfags haven't learned not to feed the trolls yet.

I mean, that first tweet is unironically correct. Zig Forums is the best forum solely because the scope and anonymity of the boards makes it incredibly difficult to silence any one group's opinion, and introducing any attempts to "stop bigotry" inevitably ends up being used to control everyone.
I don't agree with them on the liberalist shit, but I agree with them on the rest.

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t. ranny