West catch up

west catch up

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Ellie is cute tho. That's really the worst example you could pick?

not the OP, but ok

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Why do japan dislike FPS so much

>left: normal female
>middle: prostitute

this is literally stolen from reddit, god Zig Forums is such a shithole

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So whore and prostitute?

>wojak niggatry
Not even a westcuck but that instantly drops the validity of your claims

Because it’s a brainlet game design

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You really have to be like 80 IQ to be upset that not every female in a video game is a hot bitch with big tits. It's a video game. It's not fucking Hooters. Does it apply to other forms of media too? WHAT THE FUCK I CANT JACK IT TO THE GRANNY FROM COURAGE CAUSE SHE NOT FUCKING SEXY!!! I HAVE AN IDEA HOW ABOUT THE GRANNY IS A HOT BITCH WITH BIG TITS! I BET THE FUCKING SJWS DID THIS!!!!

realistic teenage girl, looks and dresses like an actual person
some ridiculous j-pop idol thing dressed like Hot Topic vomited all over her
>Zig Forums will say Japan is better

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What the fuck no way...

>right: fighting polygon team

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My sister says that the western characters look normal and are pretty.

Is she a commie by chance ?

Being retarded is genetically related user

You realism fags are destroying the gaming industry.
It’s a videogame it’s supposed to have suspension of disbelief

Formerly my brother

>sidecharacters so boring they need ass and tits to be "interesting"
so this is the coomer thought process

Tell your sister that she has shit taste in women.

>drops the validity of your claims
it actually doesn't. Those screens are not going to get any less real than they are no matter what image you put next to them.

>You really have to be like 80 IQ to be upset that not every female in a video game is a hot bitch with big tits

considering the people who keep spamming threads about muh hot girls are third worlders there's a good chance they do

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Thanks user, I hope by the end of the thread I am going to get bingo

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Where are her organs? Her tits will literally break her back. Real women don't do this and don't look like this. Japan needs changing ASAP.

>not supporting whitewashing

>Under 18

it's not fun if you make it too easy

yeah, incels should stop sexualizing characters because this is not okay

Whitewashing is good.

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where is the whitewashing mentioned?

she was so cute back then bros

She says that they're just as pretty as the Japanese ones.

Whitewashing means lying about or modifying objectionable stuff, not changing race.
Holy fuck the cancer is spreading.

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Fixed section.

No, not really.