Pathologic 2 thread

Yesterday's lecture by Nikolay Dybowski
Today's lecture by Elena Alt, 3D environment artist, level artist and level designer of Pathologic 2. Starting within an hour

Attached: Pathologic2.jpg (1920x1080, 1.23M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Yesterday's lecture by Nikolay Dybowski
Games mentioned:
Silent Hill
Disco Elysium
Planescape: Torment
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

is there english version?

No, Ice-Pick preparing text version of the first lecture, probably someone russian speaking here can translate it into english, if there's desire

From the last thread:
>No, they aren't. Some are, some are not. Art is a label of prestige, whenever you like that or not.

Not any more it isn't.

Attached: unrecognizable from an actual exhibit.jpg (640x855, 91.77K)

In short from Q&A:
>next project is mobile game
>if successful some ideas will be implemented is Bachelor route
>if successful mobile game will be released on PC and other platforms

>mobile game

Attached: winslow.jpg (600x794, 40.7K)

Brainlet tier take, whether you like it or not.

Genuinely surprised they don't mention Thief, because I remember them listing it as one of the by far most influential games when it came to impact on them.

Also, can any Russianbro who keeps track of the lectures tell me:
Do they EVER mention their Deep Game Manifesto? It has disappeared from their website long time ago, and I've never seen anyone make a single reference to it anymore, as if they were ashamed of it. I thought it was actually pretty nice, if rather obviously "youthfully naive".

Actually, if we really want to continue from the previous thread, I had to leave so I did not get to reply to the raving loony complaining about RNG in Pathologic 2, and I would really love to...

As to your point though: it still is. We might experience a crisis of value, which is reflected by the massive clusterfucking that art seems to be in, but that does not change anything about the nature of how art works - that is, how we use the term and and what behavioral implications it has. The fact that we seem to be attributing that prestige almost randomly, or at least based on a nearly incomprehensible system, to a point where many question if we should not give up entirely, does not change the function it still has.
It just speaks VOLUME about the value-crisis our society has been facing for about 100 years now.

>holding Bachelor hostage with a fucking mobile game


I'd hope you're right and more, that the idiotic fads that have done their best to turn 'art' into a nonsense word will pass in time. A more romantic part of me wants to believe that art has a fundamental characteristic that speaks to humans, and no matter what species of intellectual thought dominates the public discourse, people will always be able to recognize art from not-art and from chicanery.


Attached: tUGbIKS7K2E.jpg (400x600, 122.78K)

is it worth it to do a bachelor run for pathologic hd for a first time playthrough, or should I just got pathalogic 2 and then do the other two routes with the original?

>or should I just got pathalogic 2 and then do the other two routes with the original

mentioned Gris and Tiny Echo

play as much of the first game (HD) as you can possibly stomach, it shouldn't be passed up

>next project is mobile game
Is this the one Nikolai is building from scratch or the one their... lead programmer(?) is directing?

dunno, but this is next game they releasing

There was a (print) interview not too long ago where Nikolai talked a little about it, and the next prospective projects they had. I'll see if I can find it in the archive.

Attached: 1573993576738.png (752x359, 258.1K)

Attached: c8TX694K-Ok.jpg (1196x1632, 538.34K)

Nikolai is making the mobile game

>I'd hope you're right and more, that the idiotic fads that have done their best to turn 'art' into a nonsense word will pass in time.
The thing is: I'm definitely right, but I don't think there is much of a solace to be found it that. Because what art IS and ISN'T is actually a completely different question from what art SHOULD or SHOULD NOT be. One speaks about function: how we use the word, or more precisely, how we treat objects that have such label. The other is a question of the value system we are trying to promote or reflect through it. Which currently is a mess. If I'm right, it does not mean that anything has to change about what we see in galleries or taught in highschools: what would require us to change our social norms of what is "good" or even "exceptionally valuable". Because those are what determines what art SHOULD BE, and currently they are just an absolute mess which reflects what a mess our ethics and ideologies are, which don't seem to be getting anywhere closer to straightening up.

Whats the context? Games Nikolay likes? Inspiration for Pathologic 2? Does he say anything interesting concerning the mentioned games? I'm especially interested in Silent Hill, Disco Elysium, Planescape and I have no mouth

Also, I remember link related being inspiration for the mobile game:
TLDR: IPL is now working on two projects simultanously: Bachellor, and a mobile/tablet/PC game under the working name "Franz" (oh what a FUCKING suprise). The idea behind Franz is to try to recapture the massive commercial success of Knock-Knock (which had horrible reviews and sold poorly on PC, but became a sleeping hit on tablets and mobile devices later).
The core theme of Franz is (OH WHAT A SUPRISE!!!) Anxiety, and while mechanically and visually it may reseble Knock-Knock, it's "thematically closely related to Pathologic".
Work on both projects should happen simultaneously, but given the much smaller scale, it's assumed "Franz" will probably come out sooner than Bachelor.

Silent Hill (and especially Silent Hill 2) used to be mentioned alongside of Thief and Deus Ex really freqeuntly as their major source of inspiration and admiration back in the days the studio was very young.
I vaguelly remember Dybowsky and several other people mentioning Thief as the game that made them realize how potent games as a medium are to communicate mood and atmosphere, and Silent Hill in how to communicate humanly relatable stories.

Oh yeah, and one more interesting fact about the Franz project, it's supposedly heavily inspired by a creepypasta called "The Wyoming Incident". Never heard of it, but I'm going to look it up soon.

Nikolai the absolute madman. This will be the first well, second mobile game I'm actually looking forward to playing.

>Never heard of it, but I'm going to look it up soon.
I wouldn't be entirely surprised to find it didn't exist.

How well does this game run these days? Could I get a consistent 60 on medium+ with a 970/4690k?

>I wouldn't be entirely surprised to find it didn't exist.
It does, apparently it's fairly famous.

As for mobile game to look forward to, I'm absolutely sure it's going to be a fascinating mess. Though I have say, after Pathologic 2, I feel like IPL has really fucking stepped up their game in terms of sheer quality of execution. And I'm curious to see a smaller game by the people who made Knock-Knock, that isn't Knock-Knock.
The only mobile-first game I've played and genuinely enjoyed in my life so far was Waking Mars.

>immortality/defeating death is literally hell
Who could've thought. Srsly bachelor is dumb and a fundamentalist

>Srsly bachelor is dumb and a fundamentalist
That sounds like something an odonghe without the power of Science and Logic would say. Are you an odonghe?