Mists of Pandaria was peak post-RTS story WoW. You can't prove me wrong

Mists of Pandaria was peak post-RTS story WoW. You can't prove me wrong.

If it didn't become about Orcs halfway through to set up WoD, it would have been the perfect expansion.

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I can't prove you wrong as I didn't even know that modern wow had any story

The entire point of the expansion was the Alliance-Horde conflict was pointless and petty, the only reason it continued was they needed an excuse for PvP.

the ending was pretty dumb, they had to damage control pretty hard on twitter CORRUPTED GARROSH ISN'T REALLY CORRUPTED but blizzard always wiffs the finales

It's one of the last times they gave a shit about telling a fun story that didn't rely on old WC3 characters. I'd love to see whoever directed MoP get full reins for another xpac back.

No one gives a shit faggot. Pandaria wasn't fun.

>Northrend is near the north pole
>frozen hellhole
>Pandaria is near the south pole
>even the southernmost zone is a lish jungle

explain sholazar

The writer responsible for MoP moved to Hearthstone afterward. I really don't get why a card game even needs a writer.

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Well, I do have to agree with you. WoD killed WoW btw and nothing has come so far

t. tranny

Go zoom zoom somewhere else KID.

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too bad it had the worst setting out of any expansion. Pandaland fucking blows. Gameplay wise it was alright

Started playing on cata and stopped on legion, for me MoP was the best gameplay-wise

Cope furfaggot tranny. Go buy another pair of programming socks and hang yourself with them.

The absolute state of Zig Forums
>You dont agree with me? Your tranny!
>What no you're the tranny!
the reality is that your both fucking trannies you faggots


titan influence


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well, that kind of explains everything that happened after MoP I guess

I agree it was peak WoW post first half of wrath

>I really don't get why a card game even needs a writer.
because every video game needs a story to appeal to the lowest common denominator retards that seek story out in video games

Both factions seeking to exploit and expand on a new territory plus exert their influence over the natives was the most well written and engaging faction conflict in all of WoW. You’re not only wrong, but also stupid

>WoW story
>peak ever
WoW story went to shit right out the bat with Vanilla allowing things like tauren druids, female nelf druids, female nelf warriors, alliance warlocks, orc warlocks in Thrall's Horde, Horde allied with Forsaken, Dwarves/Gnomes allied with Night Elves... it was all such a massive clusterfuck.

The only things MoP did really well was peak class design and a high quality of raids. Timeless Isle was also a GOAT piece of patch content and should have set the standard for future zone design.

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>pet battles
>china pandering
>loli shit
>pandas are right
It was shit.

Devs wanted to do Un'goro Crater and STV again so they did them both. At the same time.
Honestly every Northrend zone was a mess aside from Grizzly Hills and maybe Storm Peaks.

>t. Didn’t play it

Das it mane.

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I did. Take BfA over MoP anyday.


fucking hell i wiped so much on that faggot with our heroic 10man team, they kept failing to dps down on conveyor thus wiping us shortly after due to running out of space.

pandaria is comfy


Thankfully our guild had a bunch of busted-as-fuck pro hunters and they raped the conveyor belt.

shoulda posted malkorok every fag in a pug couldnt clear past him

Thok > Blackfuse

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