Super Mario Maker 2

SMM2 thread. Share and play some level!

I'll be posting deets about the hot garbage collab in a bit, so keep an eye out for those once they're done.

Strawpoll for community interest in the collab:

Attached: SMM2.jpg (1280x720, 159.43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Some idiot on reddit told me it was good that the world maker came out 1 year after release, and that I didn't understand game design if I wanted it out earlier to help keep the game alive.

Threw together a fucking water level of all things last night.


Attached: Isabelorax.png (223x245, 28.08K)

Here's my in-progress Super World. Only ten courses so far. I'd love some feedback, if you have any.


Attached: Lamplight 1.webm (1280x720, 2.06M)

I bet Zig Forums sucks at mario


We will be making the most shitty, fucking terrible level imaginable, together as a family. Below will be claimable selections, so there isn't any overlap in submissions (3 bowser limits and door limits, etc. means we have to divide up who gets to use what). However, feel free to come up with your own shitty sections, as long as you aren't limiting other creators.

Remember your section may only contain one of the following claimable selections:
-Pick a door
-Triple bowser
-All the koopalings
-All Boom Booms
-All Bowser Jrs.

The rest is fair game.

-All sections will be made in the SMBU Ground theme, a staple of garbage levels
-There is no difficulty requirement, feel free to make it as tedious/frustrating as you'd like
-Keep your section 2x2 screens large
-There are no restrictions on walls/floors, as long as you at least leave some gap to traverse to the next screen
-You may add your name to the submission somewhere, in either coins, tracks, etc.
-You may choose to claim at least ONE of the above selections, but you do not have to, it is optional
-I'll be handling the flagpole and starting areas, so make sure not to include them in your submissions
-Try to limit yourself on the enemy limit, if your section requires the use of too many enemies I may trim some of the enemies in order to allow other submissions to fit in properly, if needed
Other than that there's really no limits here, do as much dumb shit as you want. If directly conflicts with other sections I'll check with you before I make modifications.

Simply use view mode to zoom out the screen, and take a capture of your section. I will painfully reconstruct your sections by hand.

That's all I've got, reply to this post to claim something from the list. Feel free to collaborate with others to create longer combined sections, and remember that enemies that come out of blocks or pipes do not count toward the overall enemy limit.

dead thread. Post levels assholes

Here, I'll post a couple of my personal favorites of mine
Falling Fireballs:

POWer through the night:

Cat Mario: Claws and All:

And then obviously all the collabs I've hosted, they're all great-ish

Bit Crusade 3 is an adventure series of Mario levels that play in the traditional sense (scaling difficulty, hidden rooms and level theming). So if you like traditional Mario stages you’ll probably like these. The game utilizes all 5 styles so there’s a little something for everyone. Every stage has 5 red coins that are optional, but open a bonus room at the end of the level. Game is currently at 7 worlds and 35 stages.

Maker Code: 6H6-M6D-PPF

My two newest stages are:

Hat Tricks T8S-4P3-CCG

Bonus mini game stage that uses the cannon, bullet hat and propeller to fill Mario’s pockets. I’m thinking of adding a clear condition to it but haven’t decided yet.

8-1: Molten Menace TQ5-TBM-KVF

It says 9-1 on my profile for now but when I reupload the whole package I'm gonna change it then. This is the start of the endgame for my Super World so if you play it let me know if it feels like a good World 8 intro stage.

Dibs on the boom booms

Attached: Molten Menace.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

Anyone made or making a full smb2 world?

I finally took some time to make a level worth sharing at least. You tell me if it was worth playing
It's a frog level where you have to go through the level twice, but there is an alternative way back that you have to build yourself

I will be after I finish my Super World.

New level I just finished. Named it Mustafar. It's a fast paced level based around the propeller mushroom (even though I hate the NSMBU theme)
Code: PQQ-182-MDF

Attached: Mustafar.jpg (1280x720, 266.71K)

Would anyone be up for givin some feedback in this thread on an incomplete course? It's 1-4 for my Super World and I'm not confident about how it flows. That's why there's a part near the end that'll be blank.

1-4: Lift, 7CS-HNV-7SG

Attached: SMB1 Run.gif (500x320, 15.33K)


Attached: anakin.gif (245x225, 991.97K)

We all should go to reddit

I played it, it's an okay course. I like the idea of having to manipulate the bombs with the flower to get the next area, but it is a little repetitive. Maybe mix it up with having to stay on a moving platform or dodge some enemies while keeping track of the bomb?
Also the time limit seems kinda low for the length of the level.
It's a good start and I'm looking forward to the finished version!

I am cataloging the levels made by anons. I recorded four more levels that I collected from yesterday's thread.

SMW Mashup 1-1 (T84-XV1-FRG)

Thanks man. What point did you want to be done with the bomb stuff? Cause where there's three separate walls, I could easily get rid of the second one.

Maybe after the second one you could try to mix it up a bit more? Like the concept is good it's just repeated a bit much without a lot of variety

The Rocket Launch Facility

Ice Caverns
ID: 9GW-020-R6G

Another level of an user who posted yesterday:

Mario Quest + Maps (RKH-QXJ-0PF)


We should name it #DGR and have him play it

Finished 3 worlds now, took on some Anons comments and made some changes. Working on world 4 now.

Maker ID: B56-7VB-GRF

I'm not a fan of the bomb section. It just takes long waiting for bombs, and getting the bomb on the springboard to blow up at the right time is too slow. If anything, I'd recommend maybe just one of them in the level. Then the rest can be for bonus. All your other levels flow pretty quick but take longer to dig for bonus content, and I feel this would benefit from more of the bomb sections being optional.

I liked your level user
Though I think I got through it by chance as I was pretty confused by the end of the subsection

The fireball one was cool
The pow one I couldn't consistently get the third jump but the first two where cool. The fourth one is still a mystery to me, are you supposed to throw the block in such a way that you get it in the tornado? I fell through it directly on the pikes a few times.

Anyone interested in doing 4 man coop levels tonight?

Keep Kitty Dry (RKH-QXJ-0PF)