Bernie is for ________

Bernie is for ________.

Attached: 1582692419557.png (800x801, 336.74K)

mate pressing


Yuri is for _______.

Attached: Yuri.png (1080x1080, 227.67K)

Poking in her belly button

imagine being such a pathetic incel that you worship a bunch of pixels

kill yourselves

user is for ___________.

Heterosexual relationships only. Like it should be

dropping out

Attached: 1583335921776.gif (600x326, 572.28K)


Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!

Attached: 1583292420762.png (488x435, 306.21K)

obviously not the oval office


dont mind me posting best girl
>not a gif
you had 1 job user

Attached: 10129.png (400x400, 40.62K)

Rough and messy sex just like her hair.

Marianne is what i thought they were going to do with Bernie. She's the better character and wife!

Attached: j6c3y19k5ae31.png (900x1250, 528.31K)

>3 houses thread only best girls have been posted
based fuck rhea fags and edeltards

Attached: sg-feth-shamir-tea-party-guide.jpg (1280x720, 105.71K)

Attached: Berna.png (1000x1175, 385.33K)

God its so hard to decide on a best girl in this game. Shamir is so fucking hot, but Marianne is so pure and good

Attached: marianne.jpg (400x400, 27.31K)

based. fuck edeltards


Attached: q3uONA0A_400x400.jpg (400x400, 35.81K)

The chad alliance

Attached: Berns and Marianne.png (872x900, 880.47K)

Black Men

So pissed when i realised the two didnt have Supports. I really wanted to see that...



Attached: OTAhYaK-_400x400.jpg (399x399, 25.96K)

you are on this website too user

forgetting she exists

Breaking the door down and dragging to class.

>draw a girl
>call it a guy
why is this allowed?

redpill me on dedue why does he fuck dimitri in the ass and why does dimitri keep him around
idk but i wanna mating press that girl(male)