Bernie is for ________.
Bernie is for ________
mate pressing
Yuri is for _______.
Poking in her belly button
imagine being such a pathetic incel that you worship a bunch of pixels
kill yourselves
user is for ___________.
Heterosexual relationships only. Like it should be
dropping out
Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!
obviously not the oval office
dont mind me posting best girl
>not a gif
you had 1 job user
Rough and messy sex just like her hair.
Marianne is what i thought they were going to do with Bernie. She's the better character and wife!
>3 houses thread only best girls have been posted
based fuck rhea fags and edeltards
God its so hard to decide on a best girl in this game. Shamir is so fucking hot, but Marianne is so pure and good
based. fuck edeltards
The chad alliance
Black Men
So pissed when i realised the two didnt have Supports. I really wanted to see that...
you are on this website too user
forgetting she exists
Breaking the door down and dragging to class.
>draw a girl
>call it a guy
why is this allowed?
redpill me on dedue why does he fuck dimitri in the ass and why does dimitri keep him around
idk but i wanna mating press that girl(male)