Imagine spending money on a VR avatar just to be gay online

>Imagine spending money on a VR avatar just to be gay online

Attached: EWw-bcUWAAA7AEt.jpg (1395x890, 106.36K)

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Attached: 1f708098-d1c7-457f-9f08-008e6e606038_base_resized.jpg (588x1024, 73.1K)

Attached: Screenshot_2020-05-02 オリジナル3Ⅾモデル「こうめ」 - しすたーず!-Sisters - - BOOTH.png (1075x940, 392.29K)

Oh so because Belladonna broke Zig Forums now were getting furry version of threads we've had in the past?

Attached: loli swing.webm (720x405, 172.71K)

how many burger fun bucks is 3000 jappies


Attached: 1570231537661.jpg (1024x574, 172.66K)

About 30$

I hope so

According to duckduckgo is $28.09.

Do they have any that is dressed in normal clothing?