Terraria thread

Terraria thread

Thoughts on the new towns system?


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It won't stop commieblocks because the house's size and furniture makes no difference to the NPC's happiness, it's all down to how crammed together they are, so you'll have to make distanced commieblocks
The teleportation is a welcome feature but not that big of a deal since at lategame you'll have teleports around everywhere
No monster spawning in towns is a disappointment. Not sure about you all but some of the most fun I've had in Terraria was building safe bases full of defenses and traps to defend NPCs. I even usually develop a panic button that locks all NPCs under several layers of block and flame traps, and it's just very fun to think of all the inner mechanics behind that. Now I won't have to do that because monsters won't go near towns.
I understand that the trade-off is allowing cheesier building styles that aren't as safe. But that's lame, people should play on journey mode if they want to put NPCs in unsafe houses.
So all in all it will negatively impact my particular experience, and probably most people's experience really, you all just haven't thought enough about this

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Please let there be hunger and thirst debuffs

Excited hngggggggggg

In the post it mentions this doesn't include invasions, so I think it's just general zombies and slimes and stuff that don't hop in. All the substantial stuff like Goblin Invasions and the Eclipse still bring 'em in.

stop reminding me that the update is not out with your shitty terraria threads

There is no house design that makes NPCs safe against late game invasions since it's full of bosses that go through walls. So you're not supposed to be playing invasions in your base unless you're fine with some NPCs dying. I am not fine with that, so I won't do it, it's much better to build an invasion arena somewhere else.

I kinda hope there's a option or mod to disable it desu, one of my favorite things about the game is how you organically grow a huge clusterfuck of a base over the course of the game so having incentives to build smaller ones in different biomes or go back and micromanage NPC placements kind of kills that. I also don't like the pylons system either, I think it'll seem unnecessary on small worlds and make bigger ones feel too small.

A happiness stat would make more sense if NPCs actually interacted with the world. As it stands they really act like mindless NPCs and accordingly I don't care about how they feel. I like the idea but it feels incomplete.

what is wrong with you?