Get in here Xchads, here's the latest rundown of news
>Game pass has reached 10 million subscribers putting it far in the lead of any other game service
>event for third party xsex games next week
>leaving first party games to hold their own event soon after
>Microsoft is investing more money into first party software than they ever had before
>basically more studio acquisitions are coming
>the meme cycle of "Gear, Halo, Forza" is being thrown out the window
XBOX thread
Unironically gonna make xsex my main system next gen. I'm tired of PC gaming.
>the meme cycle of "Gear, Halo, Forza" is being thrown out the window
Microsoft was already doing this towards the end of the xbone so this is unsurprising. Still, it is nice to see some change from their output after all these years
I had the PS4 this gen and as someone who had the og Xbox and the 360 and really loved both j miss Xbox
If you have a PS4 it doesn't make a lotta send to get Xbox since you get Sony exclusives and multiplats but still I miss it. That's why I want the series x to actually do something right and be a success. Xbox fell off hard this gen and was barely relevant until the one x
I have a feeling Xbox will show off current gen games like RDR2 on the series x. RDR 2 is coming to gamepass on the same day as the 3rd party event. Would be cool to show of backwards compatibility.
It's gonna be very hard for either Xbox or PS4 users to switch to the competitor next gen of all gens since all content will be transitioned to the respective next-gen console. The Xbox One should have been able to keep its 360 fanbase but they super mega fucked up like no other console in history had or ever will again. I might buy a Lockhart if Halo Infinite doesn't come to PC immediately.
That’s cute. But does it have Last of Us 2?
Yes, just load up the youtube app.
This kills the Xchad
>Just bought a one x
>went to install an ssd
>data pins bent because the connector isnt actually attached to the mobo unlike every computer ever ever
>had to send it to the shop
>battlefront 2 gets final patch and is now EoL
Fuck bros what do I get now for my next big multiplayer game? Doesn't need to be fps, just want a massive amount of players so I dont have to wait for a full match.