Can someone explain to me what some of these are starting with Super Mario Bros “flesh pits”

Can someone explain to me what some of these are starting with Super Mario Bros “flesh pits”

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hideo and kojima is still my favorite one on this list

>Bin Laden was a gamer
>Bin Laden is a gamer

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You really don't want to know about the super mario bros flesh pits man, just leave well enough alone

>kaneko is a satanist

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Please just tell me. Is there a wiki or something I can look to for some of these

Anybody know what the Super Mario Flesh Pits are?

I never understood how these pics are supposed to be applied. Are you just supposed to apply yourself to the lowest catagory that has something you believe?


its like eldritch knowledge dude, if you knew what they were you'd go insane

I recognize a lot of these from schizo infested forums in the 2000's, great to see Jan Sloot again

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>DOOM is based on real events

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weird how things on the last row are the most believable

Bottomless pits are not bottomless. When you die in a pit, the bodies pile up. Each new life is a new mario

Which tier is Chris Chan’s dimensional merge conspiracy in?

>all video games take place in the same universe
I can buy this one honestly.

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Oh shit i remember that thread

The original “cursed” video game conspiracy about a arcade cabinet called Polybius that made people sick/go insane just by playing it, said to be a mind control weapon tested on the public by the FBI or reverse-engineered alien technology from the MIB
>Atari burial pits
Referring to the rumor that Atari was so ashamed of the E.T. game that they recalled every copy they can get their hands on and buried them all deep in the Mexican desert
>Pokémon are real
I actually knew a guy who honestly believed this and that all the Pokémon were around during a lost era in mankind that they government hides all evidence of from the public. The more common theory is that there all being held in Area 51
>Super Smash Brothers Brawl uncut
I believe this is referring to a supposed uncut version of Brawl that had Mewtwo, Toon Zelda, Dixie Kong, Plusle & Minun, Pac-Man and Geno as fully playable characters and the files of those characters can be found in the game’s code which started the conspiracy. The uncut version is said to be in Nintendo’s secret archives, which brings me to
>Nintendo’s massive underground structures
A conspiracy that Nintendo has a massive labyrinth underneath headquarters for archival purposes as well as where they hold experiments, unreleased games and peripherals and even some really insane shit like real Pokemon and files on a fully mapped out human genome.

>imageboards are videogames

> Mordern Warfare propaganda tool shift blame from USA to Russia
Well it isn't much of a secret that the US Military helps fund and provides other sorts of support to several Army shooter games, i would imagine MW has more than a bit of pro-military propaganda in it.

>there are no single player games

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Well, are ya winning son?

absolutely terrifying if true

>PGA tour golf rumours

>Todd Howard's true height

I NEED to know

Considering adding
>the book signed by Miyamoto in Mario Sunshine - tier 1
>Nintendium - tier 2
>Rapture and Columbia are real cities - tier 3
>Michael Jackson was the CEO of Sega and creator of Sonic - tier 4
>Godzilla NES creepypasta actually happened - tier 5
>Chris Chan’s dimensional merge - tier 6
>the Coronavirus is bioengineered by the Pandemic devs - tier 7
>Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony are all one company - tier 8

you wont be able to handle the truth

you know what, i'm going to write a synopsis for each of these at every level

Godspeed user.

OP pic is even missing some. Like how EA rigs the superbowl.

thanks man
