this game has caused coomageddon
They should be bigger.
Could be bigger
>There are people who DON'T want to mating press Tifa
How does it feel to be gay, nerds?
What does breast milk taste like?
sideboob + armpit is a devastating combination
No they shouldnt. Cow tits are a shit fetish.
Big tits that fit the figure > cow tits for the sake of being big
This isn't my opinion. Her tits should be bigger canonically. Do you give a shit about canon? No you don't.
Go be a fag somewhere else
>Her tits should be bigger canonically
No, her tits look like they should. Canonically her measures are like that.
imagine if they hadn't downgraded her
can't wait for the pc version
Wrong, dipshit. They should be bigger. This statement has been made since her reveal by people who know better. You don't give a fuck about the character's representation.
I like tits.
This place keeps telling me that I'm bad for liking tits
>They should be bigger.
Her canon measures are well represented in the remake.
god help us
just ignore the resettrannies and pedos
Your concept of well represented is inaccurate because you don't care about the fucking character. How many times does this need to be repeated to you for you to understand it? Your opinion is irrelevant because you don't care if she's accurately portrayed or not.
Who tells you that user? I'll beat them up for you. Tit's are amazing.
Tifa has her canon measures and her canon measures are real. I dont care about cartoon propotions. I seriously hope you are not using the FMV argument AGAIN.
Why are you so upset about a video game character's tits? They're still a good size and of all the changes in the remake, it's one of the dumber ones to complain about.
ESL cunts should keep their mouths shut about shit they don't understand.
>They're still a good size
They're not large enough.
>of all the changes in the remake, it's one of the dumber ones to complain about.
This thread isn't about all of those changes.
Guess i won.
Just unzip the FMV argument already so i can move on.
This game was pit kino
I love tifa
Chun Ti is so pretty
This is me telling you that if you're not going to put any effort into your fucking posting you shouldn't expect me to take you seriously. Rewrite your bullshit post with proper English. You forfeit the right to act like you're correct when you express your lazy ass opinion with the same philosophy you used to formulate it. With no thought at all.
i can't wait for cloud and tifa's games bros (and broettes)
>You fight Third and Second class soldiers as normal enemies
Wait what? I thought Cloud didn't make it into soldier even when he was there as a regular blue helmet soldier during Nibelheim.
>those pits
The ultimate coom
She was going to wear this for Cloud, just like her cowboy outfit was for Cloud and her pretty green dress was for Cloud.
Dude is way too slow.
friendly reminder of who you're arguing with
Just do it, man.
>Tifa tits were way bigger in the FMV so tifa now is censored
Cmon im waiting
>Her tits should be bigger canonically
The first game.
Is there an imagine your referring to or a character model from the first game or anything?
these are the people that post in tifathreads
kek look at this salty sperg bitch
I prefer Jessie. NuTifa is just a cuck
I think it's like regular milk, but a little thicker, and sweeter to the point where it's kinda gross. At least that's what I remember being told by my mom.
She was going to get fucked by don. Aerith says he always has a way to turn it around no matter what so she would get fucked by him, most likely through blackmail. She was literally going to him with the clothes she wanted to go on a date with cloud. Aerith fucking saved Tifa from getting fucked by don. She may be able to destroy them all physically but she needed info, so she would have done it with him for the info. She also dresses like that in the slums, where everyone fawns over her, constantly hangs out with guys and had no contact with cloud for 5 years. Literal Chads want to fuck tifa 24/7. You have all of that which has quite clear indications but a literal florist selling flowers in a world where real flowers are rare is the whore. Sure, Tifa is is a virgin animu grll
I don't know what ESL is but that's not an image from the first game
>tifa "fan" avoids mentioning the FMV because he knows hes gonna get pummeled to death, and prefers to avoid the questions
Where in the first game do her breasts look bigger than they do in OP's picture?
Do you have a reference or something as proof or just talking out of your ass?
Trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here and not assume you're a retarded coomer.
>faggot doesn't care about canon and proceeds to make a fool of himself
>Where in the first game do her breasts look bigger than they do in OP's picture?
The entire game. You should shut the fuck up if you never played it.
Play the game, zoomer tranny.
Her tits look smaller in the first game for some reason
>retard runs out of arguments or proof
>shut the fuck up esl esl esl buzzword buzzword
na, cowgirl outfit was not for cloud, she didnt even know he was coming.
>tits make up 50% of her torso
>look smaller
Psst, both of them are virgins.
The only one we know isn't is Leslie's girlfriend, who definitely got raped by the don.
Her head should be massive.
Legs are not long enough.
Torso is way too large, tifa didnt have an upper body before.
what is this censored shit?
You need a pair of glasses.
I've already exposed you as someone who doesn't care about canon. I don't need to discredit you further.
The middle ground.
Mommy's got milk
I did play it. Since you can't provide an image I'll do it for you. It actually looks like Tifa's boobs are bigger in OP's image than the original art from the FF7 manual.
No, she expected and hoped he was coming.
I think you forgot to crop one specific part user
>of her torso
What torso?
PS1 proportions
The image you posted proves me correct, you imbecile.
Nah way too big. The current size is fine.
I'd be satisfied with like 2 cups bigger. Her boobs are just shy of satisfaction. Teasingly close to the right size. She only needs like 2-3 cups more.
God that navel.
look up that word in a dictionary
>faggots, furfags, and trannies are who are against my Tifa having massive melons
Tifa tits naysayers in this thread, fucking explain yourselves for this faggotry
Holy fucking shit you retarded coomer, beg for your cow tits fetish to be better represented all you want, but stop fucking insisting you "care about the character" because you make me want to puke.
The only thing you care is cooming and you deserve nothing.
When does 7R come out on PC? Can't wait for the fixes. I want the first time I play it to be right.
NOW, we're fucking talking.
I know what a torso is
back to my question, what torso?
You’re a god damn dumb ass. Her torso looks shorter because her skirt is pulled above her navel which makes Lee legs look super long and her tits look big because her torso looks smaller.
Rich coming from someone who thinks altering a character is better than staying faithful to the original design. You are celebrating retconning. Your opinion means nothing.
waiting for the pc version is gonna be a fucking pain
It's not way too big but the shape is retarded in this render imho
I have not heard dumber shit than that in months. Its a pair of big tits that might need to be a little bigger and you're taking it like character assasination lmfao
lol gross
And if you correct for these proportions her breasts would become even larger in a redesign. Not smaller. Use your fucking brain.
OG tifa
>eeeh that girl with big tits, brawler bartender and pretty sweet
Remake tifa
>eeeh that girl with big tits, brawler bartender and pretty sweet
Woah....they killed....her character....woah.....