Confess your sins, Zig Forums.
Confess your sins, Zig Forums
I censor anime feet pictures, make them unsausable and post them here.
I like DLC because I have money :/
i ate 10 tendies drenched in sour cream and shat mud
i have quality AAA games on Steam but my pc is no good and I can't play them
In the last 3 years I've only completed maybe 5 games. Everything else I start and just get bored halfway through. Even those games I finished I ended up taking a month long break from it halfway through
I killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die!
Yay, depression! Solve your shit yourself, medication will fuck you up in various ways.
i shitpost about games i havent played.
i hardly even play vidya anymore and everything is a chore to do in life
but strangely enough I don't want to kill myself
Kirby's voice makes me horny
>bro you don't understand, medicine is like, really bad for you, btw have you heard of Herbalife?
ok retard
I can’t play video games without browsing /v
That picture is the most retarded thibg I've seen today, but the sun is still high so maybe something will beat it
oh no what will I do
based hoarder
i hate fags and trannies and want them all to die
also it wasn't even hard kek
You fucking monster.
I masturbate to Kirby and other similarly shaped characters.
I usually cheese every boss on Dark Souls. Fuck Asylum Demon/Stray/Sage, Capra, 4 KANGZ, Bed of Chaos and fuck jannies.
I love these kirby knife memes way too much.
I bought armor from the shop instead of killing monsters for it like I normally do
I have found myself watching Asmongold reaction videos daily instead of just playing video games.
I don't know why, I know he's an annoying retard but I keep going back...
That's not the version I posted, though. You need the next in the set.
I think consoles shooters are fine.
you left the black from the heels in the one you posted
I don't believe there is another in the set
feel free to post a small crop of the feet out of the shoes to prove me wrong
i wish i had a big dong like daddy don
I enjoy unmodded Skyrim
I used to shitpost about old games I never played until I got an NES recently and I love it.
This. Orb shaped cuties do something to me that I will never understand.