Who would win in a fight to the death?
No materia
No golfclub
Who would win in a fight to the death?
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Tifa doesn't look much stronger than Ellie it would be the same result
The one who can piledrive kaiju, probably.
Abby would instantly loose without plot armor assisting her thou, she even fucking dies in her garbage game.
Tifa is unnaturally strong.
How is that even a question?
Tifa duh
So Abby?
Tifa got fucked by one Scarlet and needed to be saved. Needed rescue team so she doesn't get Corneo'd. Jobbed to 1/3 Sephiroth that wasn't even the most powerful one out of 3.
Yea, no.
Are you from DeathBattle? Then yes.
Otherwise no.
If we take into consideration that all characters in Final Fantasy have super human qualities compared to the real world (can fall from really high heights, can fight with fists and swords against soldiers with guns and supernatural and gigantic beings) Tifa would win 100%.
If we remove that factor from he equation and assume Tifa has the qualities of a woman of her apparent morphology then Abby would probably break her apart.
Senator Abbstrong no doubt about it
EZ, the one that has Dolphin Blow
Ye... but you can’t just fight the mother of all mental illness with super powers.
>Abby dies
Abby is the player's character in the second part of the game, just fail the qte and she dies
>If we ignore facts in favour of """realism"""
Okay, scrawny Tifa with martial arts training >>>> useless baby factory that Abby would be in an actual post-apocalypse.
Tifa also trained under a world-renowned martial artist for several years
Abby would resemble spaghetti after getting owned by Tifa's combo of limit breaks
Wait, the left one is supposed to be a girl?
Tifa, by way of strength, speed/agility materia enhancements, actual magic, and weapon upgrades that further enhance her natural capabilities beyond what he physical appearance implies. Essentially she's probably weaker at a base, but with materia enhancements and spells she'd easily stomp Abby in the same way a person in a tank is going to beat a fully armored knight on horseback. Abby is peak female capability but she isn't being enhanced by magic.
Hell, even without Materia Tifa is capable of producing magic-like physical attacks, so she's already clearly more dangerous than her physical appearance implies. Abby is exactly as dangerous as her physical appearance implies.
The real decider here isn't physical capability or magic though. It's mentality. Abby is a killer, she has no moral compass, basically a sociopath. Tifa isn't, she actually has a normal caring emotional spectrum. This would probably do Tifa in long term, because she wouldn't want to kill abby, or anyone, and that'd give abby a cheap shot to win, probably something ugly and cruel after Tifa spared her, or, worse yet, Abby would go for someone Tifa cared about like a helpless kid. Abby is exactly the sort of person to emotionally torture and threaten or even defeat a person by hurting defenseless humans, or even animals to get her way. Abby has a thoroughly disgusting personality.
Tifa is a martial artist and wins by default. It doesn't matter how big or strong you are, you will get fucking mutilated by anyone who considers fighting an art.
>Abby breaking Tifa apart
This will be interesting for the inevitable Playstation All Stars Battle Royale 2
Abby would snap Tifa in half. Abby 'was' a man. So what does Mr. DNA say? lol
Not only that Tifa looks very thin with her terrible new design. In close quarters her hair would be an issue as well. She'd get it grabbed, thrown to the ground, and face broken. Her punches and kicks would matter little if she didn't have the mass to back it up.
See: example.
Tifa is a cartoon character that looks like shes border line anorexic.
basically this
even before you factor in materia tifa has inhuman abilities strength and speed
she punches metal killing machines and the metal killing machines are crushed
physically tifa could easily defeat abby
not so sure about mentally. tifa isnt last of us setting cruel ruthless killer character mode
if we factor in realism? tifa is a trained martial artist and female martial artists exist and they arent gigantic muscle beasts. she comes from a society thats got good food and vitamins despite being poor so her muscle mass shouldnt suffer
if we factor in realims? abby couldnt actually get or maintain that muscle mass in a survival circumstance so whatever her mentality she wouldnt have the physical training or physical mass to be as she appears
Tifa: "You will never know the happiness I know every day because of how you look."
abby: *pauses for a brief second in pain*
Tifa: *gives her time to use weeb magic to quickly zip around her and break her neck*
Tifa wins.
>baby factory
Abby would in fact just be dead because he would be so useless.
Baiiiit threeaaaaddddddddd
Would a mouse beat a gorilla?
Another fucking Tifa thread in disguise.
You're forgetting Tifa has super human abilities and is materia enhanced on top of that. Even with no materia equipped she's producing energy shockwaves and jumping impossible heights. Her physical power is despite her strength. Basically her body doesn't obey realistic rules (not that Abby's does) so she's probably stronger than abby by far and then you add on enhancements and spells through the materia. Abby doesn't have a chance.
Reminder tifa fought against giant machines, Gods, giant monsters, robots, robot monsters and a few ultra weebs with giant fuckall weapons
Abby is just a man playing dressup.
basically a female like abby wouldnt actually be able to/be allowed to exist in the post apocalypse
like most of the female characters in that setting
I hate that Abby ogre, but hate power level trannies even more.