>the communists are the good guys
>Zig Forums loves this game
The communists are the good guys
Zig Forums doesn't actually understand jack shit about this game, or Deus Ex.
All they see is
We're 100% BLACK
>people say VtMB is well-written
>the Bruja are basically without any flaws and are the de facto good guys with Vampire Jesus on their side
who is this Zig Forums
But the alanrchs are a bunch of faggots and I always treat them as such.
I roll with my boy Max.
Anarchs are cringe though. Only coomers and literal brainlets like them
and yet no matter what you do, they win
It's ok when old game does it.
How or what do they win exactly?
If you think that, you aren't paying attention.
the anarchs are and always will be the retards of VTMB
just because you want to fuck Damsel like the rest of us does not change this
taking the caine cab out of town best ending
The Anarchs are your run-of-the-mill jealous poor fucks that wish they were born into the Camarilla. Nothing new.
How don't they? In basically 4 of the 5 endings, the Anarchs end up suffering no significant losses while reducing Camarilla control.
>>the communists are the good guys
Just like in real life.
But the camarilla doesn't suffer any losses?
The prince basically went AWOL,wanted the city for himself and didn't care about camarilla interests.
The weird mixture of anarchist & communist characters are not the good guys.
The rich oppressive elite are not the good guys.
Hell, not even the vampire hunters are good guys.
Not a single character in the game is a good guy.
Everyone is on their own side desperately clinging to whatever pieces of the world they can, doubly so for the undead. Think about it, do you think you would be a rational person if you had your mortal mind in an immortal parasitic body? Every single kindred is flawed. Nobody is correct. Nobody's agenda is completely morally justified.
The moral of the game's story is to just learn how to survive after being reborn into a world even more fucked up than the one we currently live in irl. There are no "good guys" in the survival of the fittest.
>the anarchs are a bunch of whining pissants that stay in a bar brooding all night and wait for someone who belongs to The Man of the vampire world to solve all their problems
Pretty realistic writing for a game about vampires
He's still a prince and the Anarchs are still against control over a significant figure in vampire history.
>against control
have control**
if anything they did the camarilla a favor by removing him.
He was a jester prince, just like the malkavian MC would call him.
The real camarilla influence comes from Maximilan Strauss.
Zig Forums only cares about good gameplay
>the communists are the retards
Fixed it for you since it's pretty obvious you haven't played the game.
Sage and hide.
They're Anarchs, the clue is in the name mate.
people seem to forget how big the anarchist movement was back in the day.
Damsel's tone is dripping with sarcasm when she starts talking about communism. And Skelter basically calls her a retard.
>Anyone being good guys
You have not paid attention to the story with proper perspective.
The Anarchs aren't the good guys they are a bunch of larping losers who do nothing but sit in a bar, Camarilla is the only good ending for this game
>>the communists are the good guys
Just like in real life?
>y-you just weren't paying attention, no one is the good guys
lmao meanwhile we see Smiling Jack, just chilling after he bamboozles everyone
Damsel is an idiot and in the cut content she was working with the plague spreaders.
They're complete brainlets; Jack is the only one with any brains and he's playing them like a fiddle.
So cute.
yeah bro, she's just a pretend communist for funsies
>>the communists are the good guys
just like in real life
looks like they made a few changes. i like the new look wbu guys?
epic discord tranny raid
>admits communism fails
>says it would only work for magical bloodsucking parasites
>geez, you know!
You might actually be autistic if you thought this was an unironic endorsement of communism.
what are you fucking on about? can you not read? She wants communism for vampires
>she said it doesn't work for humans
why the fuck does that matter? You play as a vampire character
The fact that I can be a sexy vampire seductress and win through dialogue is enough praise I can give the game. I hope they expand on it in the 2nd and actually finish the game.
Communism in video games, bad.
she was the only commie, and even the other anarchs think she’s kind of an idiot
>fascists are this paranoid
Me too
Yes, and vampires are magical bloodsucking parasites. You don't see the humor in that? Maybe you just take this too seriously.