Post IRL vidya boss battles

Post IRL vidya boss battles

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What is that supposed to mean? The chance is clearly non-zero, but I would give myself below 50% odds of living until mortality is cured, and on condition that I won't be biologically immortal, very high chance of dying of old age (or age-related comorbidities, really).

2 health bars.

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she is going to kill you

>What is that supposed to mean
Let me post the real image, might help

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Ah, I get it now. But what the guy who made the shop in OP was thinking of?

Would be funny if someone came up and punched her in the head and she died of brain trauma.

The same thing you fucking retard.

Summon: Crew Of Midbosses

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reddit concept, reddit thread

she ded for real

do americans really?

Only because she's White.

why it's always whites?


I thought she was forecasting some alien invasion/war or something that'll deprive us a natural death

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She means young people need to get back to work

Zig Forums did this before redort was even a thought.

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> starts playing

>The End bossfight

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Trucker serial killer victim if I recall? Taken before her murder if I recall? Pretty fucked up to post that in a comedic video game thread, don't ya think? Your thoughts if that was your daughter and someone posted her last photo before her brutal death in a funniez thread? Your thoughts on if you're either an asshole or a psychopath that finds humor in others pain?

>boss fight has you poisoned and losing hp for the entire battle effectively putting you on a timer

>abortion is good
>except for genetic accidents
do whites really?

to be fair, the black people were probably raised to act white


Stop asking questions

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She's a climate change activist.

>if that was your daughter
she wouldn't be allowed to go outside with that haircut

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I wanna be as cool as that grandma

What’s the point of living past your 30s?

A large portion of internet trolls actually do show sociopathic tendencies.

The guy who took the pic shaved her bald before putting her in that dress, taking the pic and killing her.

What do call a black lady that has 3 abortions?
A crime fighter

then the guy had shit taste

>one seemingly normal girl on the end that looks terrified
I need more info. Was she the result of some cult murder?

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because back in the 90's your illegal alien father hadn't jumped over the fence yet and America was still populated by actual Americans.

Skeevish Becky
Iron Ivanka
Ghoul Daddy Flex
Flex's Female
The Sundodger Twins

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I wanna fuck the strong girl just to prove i am stronger

black ones probably don't live that long

12 apostoles of missing chromosome

Very nice bait user

Persona 6 looks interesting

i've been trying to make a nigger joke but the question is lacking that oomph:
What is a black man's favorite organ? the Leaveher

She’s the most dangerous one.

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Top fucking lel

Minorities usually just abort theirs

>having compassion if bait
I know you're trying to fit in user but sometimes the less you try, the better it is

Those golden saints are great. I loved how blasphemous used one of them as boss

And that's a good thing!


Modern JRPG party

Nature trying to nerf the best class.


I enjoy living in idabo.

I wouldn't kill myself before 60. You can look good and still do everything if you remain healthy and active.

Because minorities usually toss kids like that in the trash.
I wish i was joking.

Unironically based

I don't know why she's rubbing it in but she's not wrong. I fully expect to be in a mass grave or something when I die.

to dab on the young

I think you should respell the punchline or say internal organ because you lost me for a second

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>game starts you with a permanent debuff

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Combing a scottsdale rapes into a perfect storm is the best feeling.

what like being born european?


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then why wasn't i tossed in the trash
i'm stuck here forever with you faggots