Dragon's Dogma

>he didn't make an elf archer as his main pawn

Attached: Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen Screenshot 2020.05.05 - (2560x1440, 282.83K)

>not making a feisty redhead fighter pawn
You're doing it wrong, my guy.

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I am already a fighter, so meh. But a feisty redhead was my second choice.

Damn. I never thought about making Erufu. I may need to restart.

Loli buffer/healer/cleanser is the best for prostituting online for rift crystals or whatever.

In my very first run on the PS3 I made a feisty red head archer

I've thought of making a Priestess to go with an Elf Archer.

This game is fucking kino. Why do some people hate it?

Then get to level 50 killing only Goblins. That should be an achievement.

Just play on hardmode where the goblins fucking brain you in a single hit

I wanna get Mercedes as my love but I'm probably gonna get the inn nigga

I wanna bone the jew thot.

It gets old fast once you discover there's actually nothing to do with your cool powers, people don't play open world games for the combat

I made myself a jew thot.

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I made a tall black mage lady with the fattest ass possible

I legit think this could be an awesome game

The #1 sign of shit taste right next to glasses

I named my pawn Lady, gave it the face scar and the heterochromia and made her an archer. My friends who used her said that she was the best pawn they ever used. Probably because she was free for them to recruit and max level, but still.

>very slow start
>lots of walking
>inventory management
>combat is not enjoyable until you learn the "rhythm"
I love it, but there's tons of reasons other people might not.
Mercy's hard to get. Her last quest removes her from the game til NG+ and it happens a few missions before the Dragon confrontation. Even if you had max affinity, you can accidentally raise another character's without realizing it. Aelinore is the easiest to accidentally marry as her last quest maxes her affinity and it's right before the quest that locks in your beloved. Luckily, you can do Madeleine's right after Aelinore.
>people don't play open world games for the combat
That's clearly what Dragon's Dogma fans have been doing. BBI is the best part of the game because it condenses everything down, in my opinion.

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I'm with you on freckles, but glasses can work.

I'm a basic bitch and just made Artoria my main pawn as a fighter

If I have a permanently enchanted holy sword and I do the fighter's skewer move, will I regain a bunch of health from the continuous hits?

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>like freckles
>love glasses
what does this make me

I used a loli face template from here back on release, gave her blonde hair and a ponytail, threw her in whatever attractive but modest armor I could find, and made her a meta sorcerer. I would come back every day to 20+ hires. I was drowning in RC.

Therr's a lack of good looking helmets

I just use some circlet half the time

I'm surprised they haven't already.

Why are there so many DD threads recently?

It had a huge sale.