Think of a game

>think of a game
>type its name + "is " (need the space so it doesn't look for isos) into a search engine
>post results

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Pretty accurate.

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>a bundle of sticks

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>asking questions to the search bar
how old are you,50?

Real pros use regex queries. Oh wait nothing since alta vista supports something like this.

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google, the wife has been using my car to go to yoga classes even though it's just across the street, what does this mean?

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who the fuck thinks NieR is too hard???

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>actual proof of rent free

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Baste desu

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>a bundle of sticks

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Attached: ff8.png (733x574, 48.58K)

I genuinely thought this was a shitty edit until I googled it myself. Wtf is wrong with people?

Attached: file.png (564x534, 22.78K)

>a bundle of sticks

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>is futaba autistic
KEK, people need to justify romancing her

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top 3 are all true

The duality of man.

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>f-zero gx iso gamecube

the best

Attached: re5 is the best.png (604x449, 21.91K)

Well, it is better than 6.

Well, Zig Forums?

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pretty much how all discussion about the game is

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