>think of a game
>type its name + "is " (need the space so it doesn't look for isos) into a search engine
>post results
Attached: bb.png (374x268, 7.3K)
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Attached: op is.png (623x344, 15.69K)
Pretty accurate.
Attached: p2.png (979x688, 70.96K)
>a bundle of sticks
Attached: 1582935104528.png (414x783, 343.21K)
Attached: bio.png (588x349, 16.36K)
>asking questions to the search bar
how old are you,50?
Real pros use regex queries. Oh wait nothing since alta vista supports something like this.
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Attached: 14.jpg (970x401, 51.17K)
google, the wife has been using my car to go to yoga classes even though it's just across the street, what does this mean?
who the fuck thinks NieR is too hard???
Attached: Screen Shot 2020-05-06 at 4.30.16 AM.png (441x289, 32.24K)
Attached: smash.jpg (720x638, 56.78K)
>actual proof of rent free
Attached: 54894131654.jpg (745x546, 132.36K)
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Baste desu
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Attached: rl.png (606x448, 21.77K)
>a bundle of sticks
Attached: 1586837298009.png (2654x2248, 1.75M)
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Attached: ff8.png (733x574, 48.58K)
I genuinely thought this was a shitty edit until I googled it myself. Wtf is wrong with people?
Attached: file.png (564x534, 22.78K)
>a bundle of sticks
Attached: 1133176_v9_ba.jpg (1080x1440, 274.88K)
>is futaba autistic
KEK, people need to justify romancing her
Attached: 4DEDDFD2-1576-47FD-847F-A71511230A1A.gif (150x200, 1.07M)
The duality of man.
Attached: Screenshot_2020-05-05 Google.png (628x441, 21.53K)
the best
Attached: re5 is the best.png (604x449, 21.91K)
Well, it is better than 6.
Well, Zig Forums?
Attached: 4channel.png (736x670, 44.23K)
pretty much how all discussion about the game is
Attached: Screenshot_4.jpg (584x383, 36.49K)