Just beat this game. It’s better than fates but that’s not saying much. None of the characters were that great and story sucked. I went with edelguards route.
I was wondering how the other stories played out and what the main differences were. I’m not interested enough to play the other stories. More so interested in knowing what characters die
>story sucked >i went with edelgard's route I'm not interested enough to play other stories Lol
Alexander Peterson
>None of the characters were that great and story sucked. I went with edelguards route. >I’m not interested enough to play the other stories. You can't make this up.
Don't listen to the butthurt Zig Forumsirgins here. Edelgard's route is the only one of interest in that shitpile. Only incels, fujos, faggots, and drones who hate change would bother with the others.
Should crimson flower be locked to NG+? I wonder how many people started with that route and then had their desire to play more destroyed because of how rushed a d sloppy it is. I know OP isn't the only one.
>Artists have to exaggerate Edeltard's body to make her even remotely bearable on the eyes. While Rhea's natural curves and beauty cannot be exaggerated.
I finally understand why edeltards are so coombrained to defend their short waifu.
What makes it better? I doubt it’s much of a difference. The story overall sucked
Isaac Ortiz
>No mention of the gameplay whatsoever Why do you care so much about the other routes?Just watch them on youtube.
Nolan Hill
The story sucked because the rout sucked. All of the others houses have their own respective story and information that is withheld from you because each leader has different motives.
Assuming he already owns the game, why not just play it?