>villains whose motives are hard to find fault in and are arguably better than the hero's
Villains whose motives are hard to find fault in and are arguably better than the hero's
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pic unrelated
something i've wondered
is tj yoshi's facemask supposed to be a dead space reference?
>see the actual guy pop up on twitter from time to time
its surreal
also >arguably better than the heroes
ok TJ """"""""""""""""""""henry"""""""""""""""""""" yoshi
post unrelated
It's Godot's mask from Ace Attorney.
atm they are fixing the half a press glitch
Dead Space: Objection, the sequel to Dead Space: Extraction.
How can they fix a glitch that doesn't exist? A half press is just a press
it was bothering me
He's right: the correct phrase would be "a continuous A press" or "an unreleased A press" which accurately describes exactly what he's doing. Levels accomplished this way shouldn't be considered any press at all. "Half an A-press" sounds word-salad-tier and autistic (which knowing the creator is feasibly the reason).
You cannot half-press a button, it's either unpressed, pressed, or released.
this is the autist you are defending
now gtfo my pu,bitch
TJ “””””””””””””””””HENRY””””””””””””””””””””” yoshi will solve the abc challenge. Screen cap this post
Could he have been the one who leaked the source code?
why though?
tj henry yoshi more like tj henry stupid
The real question here is, "Is his name TJ or Henry?"
1, 2 oatmeal
someone didn't watch the video, he explains what a half a press means.
I've watched the entire video and know what it means. It's an autistic unjustified reasoning. Did you even read the post?
is this the panen thread?
0.5 A presses is good for his spreadsheets, though.
Dude flew too close to the sun and made God's greatest gift to humanity by mistake
He wasn't ready for the limelight of raw, unadulterated success
Good things those red lines were there or I would've gotten lost.
>TJ "henry" yoshi recreates the tick tock clock upwarp.
they need some way to measure a half press during a full A button challenge run, in individual level runs half a presses don't exist they are rounded down.
Just don't include them, it's the same press from a prior level and doesn't need to be included in any form beyond putting an asterisk or something.
there was some interview he did where he talked about how he would sit naked in his bathtub for hours striking the water because of his depression and how he felt that it was the only thing he could do to control his emotions because he would rather be mad at his past mistakes and personality etc than be depressed and immobilized. sad story...