Why do moms still not get this?
Why do moms still not get this?
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Just pause it?
only 12 years old would find the guy is right
>and she like...
Are all Americans turning into niggers?
White people hate their family members for whatever reason.
We should send all moms back to school!
>Working from home taking training in Matlab with some guy our company hired
>Dad comes in talking about shit
>Ask him politely to leave because I'm in the middle
>He says "oops, sorry!" and leaves
>Happens five more times throughout the day
Like it or not streaming is this kid's job, and I'm pretty sure you'd go fucking nuts too trying to deal with whatever you do on a daily basis with your mom coming in and trying to talk to you when you're trying to concentrate.
idgi how did his mom talking to him while he had his headphone on trigger him?
>ela and dist
fuck, i've been watching these two for almost 7 years now
>Lifeline for 24 hours straight
Jesus christ, I feel bad for him.
i rewound to the earlier part of the video, his mom was talking about someone sending flowers for easter, then he dies while telling her that he was in the middle of streaming. He mutes his mic then comes back.
if my faggot kid was retarded enough to be a speedrunner i would constantly barge into his room and tell him about random bullshit to fuck him over and i would make sure i do it near the end of his runs every single time
I completely understand your point however i can't relate to the feeling. Why is he such a bitch about it? Can't you just say "sorry mom i'm aiming for a world record can we talk later" or something?.
What a little piece of shit, disrespecting his mother so hard. Not saying his mother is necessarily without fault, but still, what a piece of shit.
Why is ela's chat so fucking abysmal? Literally 95% of it is braindead weebs and ESLs spamming.
At that point I would just lock the door and put a "DO NOT DISTURB (If an emergency please call or text)" sign up.
>be porn artist
>work at home (i pay a rent to help my parents)
>have my own room to work on smut art
>mom walks in whenever she has to go somewhere and always asking if i need something from outside
>have to quickly change window
>"but user why not changing your furniture?"
i tried but the room is oddly structured
or speedrunners, but they have the same brain age
What a cunt, you can tell he's the sort of dude that shits all over his mom yet mommy comes to rescue him constantly, and if she were to suddenly disappear he'd be devastated.
Is that twitch clip serious or just a joke?
What age do parents stop seeing their children as kids?
Streaming is not a job
When you are older than them
>react shit
i really want to know what she was actually yelling about
I love you
Why do you hate white people?
Why do you feel the need to be racist?
No mother it's just the northern lights
A good parent will always regard their child as their baby that needs love and affection. That is not to say to treat your grown adult offspring like a child, more to treat them with the same love and affection you had from day 1, if not moreso.
the fuck that has to do with niggers?
Fuck user you're literally me
My parents didnt provide me with love and affection and instead threw money at things/nannys for me. Why?
he's making probably 20k a month at the very least. sounds like a pretty good job to me