Never ever because the only good N64 game already got remade on DS. Seethe boomer.
They have to release the other 61 nintendos first
It's on PC already. Buy the cheapest laptop you can get.
no games
I have need for one, I already own an N64.
Or a Raspberry Pi for $30.
I'm with laptop guy. Use Retroarch Mupen64-Next and you're set
what is your favorite n64 game to play on your physical console?
who cares when mario64 has a source port and oot/mm will be getting one too
I just want one for the sake of controllers.
And what's that?
Never, because the way the nintendo 64 is designed makes it a fucking pain in the ass to emulate, especially on low powered arm processors.
Add to that the complication of the ram being shared by the cpu and gpu on the original 64 rather than the SoaC style boards these run on and you'd be hard pressed to make emulating the 64 while being affordable to people who buy these things nigh impossible.
i can't think of what games would be on it other than mario kart, mario 64, bomberman 64, and starfox 64.
I don't know, I haven't played it in years.
yes, a new usb n64 controller blessed by big N would be nice
What I want to know is when the NES and SNES classic will return to their original retail prices instead of selling for $150 - $200.
But really that controller is an abomination and you will never see nintendo acknowledge it or show it positively.
If you wanted one so bad why didnt you buy it before lol
Diddy Kong Racing DS of course!
the remake fucking sucks
They would have to make another run of the consoles for that to happen which is very unlikely. That's why I recentyl snatched up the genesis one and threw a bunch of games on it before it finally goes out of stock.
Nintendo fans are so fucking dumb
Hopefully never, these mini/classic consoles are worthless.
I do hope Nintendo makes new N64 controllers when they release N64 games on the Switch.
why emulate? would it be hard to produce the original hardware? i mean it has the power of a calculator by todays standars..
>frog poster calling people dumb
Why do people here not understand that this was why the controller looked so weird? Nintendo weren't sure if developers would adopt the analog stick so they made it usable as basically a SNES controller as well. Turns out no games ended up using it like that.
>N64 games getting PC versions now due to source code leaking
>caring about a fucking replica N64 playing ROMs
Zero reason to give a fuck anymore.
The AKI wrestling games used the d-pad
Some of the games people would expect them to release have too much legal limbo attached to them.
>Diddy Kong Racing
Without them we'd probably get
>Mario 64
>Mario Kart 64
>Mario Party (Only the first one for some retarded reason)
>Star Fox 64
>Mario Tennis
>Mario Golf
>Wave Race 64
>Super Smash Bros
>Kirby 64
>Pokemon Puzzle League
>Pokemon Stadium
>Turns out no games ended up using it like that.
Ignoring everyone who always brings up Kirby 64 or Mischief Makers?
so the memory on these things keeps getting smaller so I imagine it would fit 15 games and that is generous. If nintendo released a n64 classic they would only put 10 games on it officially.
>mario kart, mario 64, bomberman 64, and starfox 64
both zeldas
and they only need 2 more
If Rare allowed for Banjo to be put in Smash, I'm sure they'd be willing to talk with Nintendo about allowing them to re-release their older games. I'll agree that GoldenEye seems to be irrevocably license tangled, though.
Yes. Factories probably don't even have the materials to make original n64 chips to throw in these things. Making the hardware into a chip and then building a board around them would also be too expensive. The other solution would be an FPGA solution and that would also be extremely expensive.
The mini consoles that are on the market right now are all emulation. That's why if you hack them not every game works on them. They're optimized for the offered games.
Retards buying stuff from corporations milking the exact same thing. Sounds better than a frog poster
wont buy it if it doesn't come with dk64
It’ll probably be 20 like the PlayStation.
Would DK64 still require an expansion pak?
>baby yoda
I cannot think of a lower life form than people who unironically post this