ITT: We trigger /k/

ITT: We trigger /k/

Attached: Snipe.webm (1920x1080, 1.56M)

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Attached: 1588719493867.jpg (1000x1000, 218.53K)

how do you fuck up this badly

That's 66% more bullet, per bullet!

Attached: 1455961312062.gif (400x230, 2.72M)


Attached: Infinite Brass.webm (694x868, 2.74M)

A little confused, newfaggot?

Attached: 1551199852911.webm (1048x500, 1.72M)

James Watson

ah yes, the stereotypical strawman comic-- the very fallacy that keeps Zig Forums thriving to this day.

I'm trying to wrap my head around all the things wrong here. At the end of the reload animation, is the gun automatically ejecting a fresh round?

not a gun fanatic, but i guess the casing shouldn't be there?


the animation is going through the action of loading in 3 more bullets even though the gun only needed 1 bullet to be full

Attached: metal gear solid v customization.png (941x410, 322.6K)

I think there was a /k/ edit that showed a theory on how that gun could actually function.


I remember when I was 6 years old and thought guns worked like this so I was pestering my dad asking why bad guys in movies din't simply use rocket launchers with drum mags, lmao

>not a gun fanatic
get the fuck out

That part's obvious, but I think there's a lot more wrong with it.

I bet only a few people noticed he is also using the parallax to adjust magnification

thats my guess

sorry to hurt ur feelings burgers

most guns in fallout are purposely designed so they look "real" just for the sake of the setting and it doesn't actually follow the functionality of a real gun

A classic

You damn better well be sorry

Attached: vss ..png (850x1200, 687.35K)

What is this? The animations look just like Sniper Elite.

Attached: clipchan.png (544x733, 304.56K)

Not defending Bethesda, but this seems more like laziness/rushing or even an animation bug rather than ignorance. Like in many games when you reload a revolver and 6 empty casings eject even though you only fired one. They could make it accurate but they don't bother because it's not worth the extra animation work.
Stuff like OP's webm is more egregious because of the blatant ignorance on display.

Attached: bullets8-07.jpg (500x208, 78.16K)

now that's a realistic game

Attached: pistol.jpg (600x700, 177.65K)

Isn't spergzy a violent pedophile?

That triggers Zig Forums or Zig Forums not /k/

Attached: s-l400.jpg (400x301, 27.68K)

Actually they fixed this in Fallout 76

I know, I just wanted some easy (you)s

Also the ejection port is at the wrong side unless you're left handed.

word salad
gun salad

where's the stock?

>rookie artists don't know much about how to draw guns
Not too surprising

Attached: n1ljffdm4U1r5g8kho2_1280.png.jpg (1244x1800, 758.98K)


>any year
>not using two-stage ammunition

What's wrong with the stuff going on in OP? Explain it to me like I'm non-American

Doesn't that make sense for older revolvers with no break action? There's a little slot behind the cylinder for loading/unloading rounds right?

The gun shoots the entire cartridge (bullet+casing) instead of just the bullet.

Read the file name.

the bullet that comes out of the gun still has the shell on it. This should not happen

Attached: Zhalo-Supercell.png (595x250, 156K)


Right. The animation itself is fine, it just loops when it shouldn't. It seems like they made the animations with the intention of scripting it to only reload as many cartridges as necessary, but didn't finish the job for whatever reason.

That's a deliberate choice in most games that do it though. It's unrealistic but it looks more exciting on screen.

Still don't get it, isn't she just unloading the spent casings? It only unloads 6 in that gif which makes sense right? Or can you just repeat that unloading animation in-game?
Am I autistic?

are you blind?
it's folded under the receiver

that's tiny as fuck lol

Nevermind it's a fucking webm, holy shit I'm retarded lmao