This is a Crash thread only post here if you like Crash.
If you're Anti-Crash you can fuck off.
Crash Thread
>No replies.
Who is your favorite Crash character anons? For me it’s N. Gin.
Sorry this is Zig Forums. We can only have active Crash threads now if the topic and thumbnail is inherently bait made by someone who hates the franchise.
Crash, Cortex, N Gin, Pinstripe, Dingodile, and Nina
im not anti-crash but a marsupial got no business having a navel
He's dead sexy.
what is your dream crash game?
spyro is cuter
1. Crash 2 moveset, but bigger levels exploring the islands and new islands
2. Fighting Cortex, Brio, N-Trance and N. Tropy and all the minions from 1-3 and new enemy types.
3. Playable Crash, Coco and Tawna in specific sections.
4. Instead of solo vehicle portions its like WoC where some levels are half vehicle and the rest platforming.
5. NPCS are Nitro Squad members who offer challenges or objectives in specific levels or sell you stuff.
Lol theres like no replies. Get fucked Crashfags
OG Crash Bandicoot 2 is the best game in the franchise. OG Crash 3, while a great game in many ways fucked up by having so many gimmick levels. Spyro 3 did the same mistake too.
Tiny of course.
Why is Crash doomed to suffer?
>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Got his brain scrambled
>Gf cucked him for a fucking rat
>Gets used as a cocksleeve by the other males on the island
Crash is Crash dlc for a donkey kong sidescroller
crash would have never died if ND retained the old employees. how come Japanese developers will stay with the company for 60 years but Western devs have a rotating door save for a few?
Make that a thread. I'm wondering myself. Fucking western cunts
t. western cunt
Crash 2 gameplay with branching paths. Also Clancy Brown Cortex comes in from another universe with his Crash 2 design and personality and murders Lex Lang Cortex.
Because people who work in entertainment in Japan are worked like dogs and the same goes for people who make games in other places except they have more options. You can make more money programming outside of a dev company.
CRASH'S ____ AND ____?
Crash's Fash and Sash.
Formerly Neo's.
The Sonic fans, they like to project don't they?
Rilla Roo.
I'm dismayed that "Fixed Rilla Roo" still doesn't have his funny screams.
I actually like the main character the most
this, probably the only series I know where the main character is a lot of people's favourite.
>just got CTR on Xbox
>loving the game playing through story mode
>learn about drifting properly and start doing great on courses that previously fucked me up
>beat Oxide the 2nd time, feeling like a champ
>go online and get curbstomped, struggle for sixth place
hnnngh still got far to go boys
Just got it on Xbox too, I look forward to racing you >:)
Get ready to see the same people day in and day out some of which are really good players or tryhards.
>Tfw Crash will never show up to your 5th bday party in 1998 and make all your friends jealous that you know Crash.