>battle pass
>limited time content
How much lower can we fall?
>battle pass
>limited time content
How much lower can we fall?
being forced to pay for video games
>Someone just watched as this man burned and snapped a high-quality photo of him
I'm suddenly reminded of that one story in the Bible where a man lied injured on the side of the road and everyone walked around him, or something like that.
Diffusion of responsibility
People naturally default to action when alone, but in groups default to "Well Im sure its someone else's job/someone else can help better than I can"
Selling games by parts or episodes instead of releasing a comple-Oh wait, Resident Evil and FF already did this.
Microtransactions seem to have taken a thrashing and cooled down a lot. We were getting closer to things like paying some pennies to revive or for more ammo.
Half Life 2 was years ahead. Episodic is fine if the episodes are priced properly and the game/s are good.
its greek antifa. If you had tried to help they would have stabbed or burned you alive even if you were a paramedic and patted themselves in the back after.
>Free game
>Seasons forcing developers to constantly develop new free content for the game or its not even adopted because it "Gets stale fast"
>Battle passes keep the game alive, you're choice whether to buy in for cosmetics or not
>Limited time content give people a reason to keep logging in and keep the game alive
>Pay 60$ for a full price game + Tip
>Isn't even finished, expect a day 1 patch to download to fix bugs
>5 hours of single player content, multiplayer severs will be dead within a month if the game isn't a triple A already established franchise
>Horse armour DLC for 5$ a pop
>Map dlc packs for 20$ for 5 maps
>Story DLC packs for 20$ for about an hour of content
>Its a complete gamble to spend money on this unless the game is COD or some other big franchise that will be guaranteed to live, otherwise you're spending money on a game with no players
The new system is unironically better and encourages more competition between different devs which is good for us, the consumer, when they're competing for our time and cash
Rather than just trying to pull a fast one by pumping all the cash into marketing and hoping we spend all the money on a collectors edition before we realise its shit/dead
I can speak for the other two, but a battle pass (When done correctly) is probably one of the least cancerous pay models that games have had for years, compared to most cash shops
>Lets players who actually put time into the game ear everything for free and be rewarded heavily
>Only reason you should actually spend money on it is if you're a lazy paypig who doesnt even play the game
Thats not how battle passes work though
Usually free players that spend nothing get crumbs as handouts, and all the content that requires grinding requires you to unlock the battle pass to be eligible
I still like the system, its just a bunch of cosmetic unlockables gated behind time/xp/challenges, and it keeps the game going, and usually they provide enough tokens to buy the next battle pass for free.
If it keeps the game going I'd rather pay 10$ once for a battle pass and keep going forever and get unlockables for my buck, than spend 60$ upfront and be presented with a cash shop to buy the cosmetics
I would say that's a battle bass done incorrectly then, the good ones let you earn enough of the cash currency as a f2p to buy the pass itself, and a bought pass gives you enough currency to buy the next one + some bonus funbux
a player who plays enough can earn an entire pass for free
Otherwise if they're being dirty jews and you cant earn enough currency to buy it as f2p, I'd say it's kike shit but can still be better than some cash shops depending on the amount of stuff 10$~ can get you
Well most do work like that except theres no way of earning the cash currency without buying in the first time.
So you can spend 8 dollars initially for the first pass, but then the pass gives you enough FunBux to buy the next pass and some left over.
But the game does its best to tempt you to spend your FunBux with cash shop purchases. Which I honestly have no problem paying for if I want them and I think they're worth the money
Fortnite does it well. Nothing is too expensive and its fairly easy to get Vbucks from the pass, and the cash shop items can be well done enough to justify parting with them and spending a bit more every few months
Apex does it shit, the cash shop items are ridiculously expensive for what they actually are and it makes more sense to just ignore the shop entirely
that's why I only buy the "all dlc included" version at at least 50% off
LMaoo the nigga is on fire, what the fuck do you want the nigga holding the camera to do?
Turn into Iceman?
It would be real nice if Golden Dawn burned all their shit down again.
Unfortunately I bet they're all rich, connected kids like in America.
Battle passes are pretty fun, not gonna lie.
FUCK having 4+ different games with them though. I don't want to have to be locked into playing 4 different games each day to do challeneges.
>someone is burning alive
>take a picture because you're a journalist and that's what you do
>upload it to show the horrors of retarded commies
>blamed by some faggot across the world because you didn't magically procure a fire extinguisher
yeah, they only include seasons, battle passes, and time limited content in FREE games
oh wait...
you have no friends
Either pay more per game or or shut your fat mouth
paying for every word you type or speak in-game
Wtf is going on in this pic?
It's a haircut. Things changed after coronavirus dropped.
You joke, but you wouldn't believe how many people are bitching about not being able to get a haircut.
Nigga did you even read the post you are replying to? He already mocked full price games that nickle and dime on DLC.
Sure he didn't explicitly say SEASONS but did you just read the first two lines of the post and had to run with with an ACCCCCTUALLLLLY post
yeah why are loot boxes falling out of grace? it was my favorite mechanic
Are they women?
>year 1 buy game for $60 first year
>year 2 pay $60 to have content removed
>year 3 pay $60 to have content from year added back in
>year 4 lose all content from 1 and 3
Much lower. You didn't even throw gacha in there.
Limited time content is the dumbest shit
>Haha fag you weren't playing at this specific time? Get fucked, enjoy missing out on story
honestly, i can't believe wowfags believe levels and item level is a good system
it isn't in any way shape or form
This fucking shit
>Whats that? You didn't play during X, Y or Z?
>Too fucking bad, you can literally never get this PvP item.
Timed permanent exclusives should be illegal.