Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:

Attached: 1588723542038[1].png (1600x2000, 1.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anchor post:

Attached: 1588620260214[1].png (2049x2220, 1.69M)

Requesting Travis from killer7 in the pose on the right but giving the middle finger instead

Attached: req.png (805x400, 134.05K)

Requesting my character from the videogame "Mabinogi" on her Chichol Set, doing stuff related to dark gods like killing/fighting heroes, spreading dark mist of misery, sitting on a throne, reading ancient scrolls of forbidden magic, flying through the starry night, posing menacingly while bathing in moonlight, doing some sort of ritual or anything else you can think of.

Alternatively, spreading her wings and extending her hand to the viewer, inviting him/her to join the dark side. Please make sure to emphasise her weight and gluttony.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: 1588403045592[1].png (4000x4000, 1.7M)

Requesting Z23 presents her iron-cross-shaped pubes/bush. Optional with Javelin and she approves this and call it as cool.

Attached: Z23.png (857x1024, 731.39K)

Anyone wanna draw something with Arle from Puyo?

Attached: 2349041-arle.png (599x960, 630.19K)

Why don't you just make your request like a normal person instead of trying to fish for interest in the character first? Your request must really suck if you aren't willing to post it first.

Requesting Cierra from Riviera nude modeling but with a scallop seashell covering her groin while an user paints a picture of her.

Attached: Cierra nude modeling request.png (1065x800, 1.12M)

Because my request is to draw literally anything involving Arle? I figured artfags would probably enjoy seeing a simple request rather than a super detailed gacha bitch getting fucked in this specific way for once. What crawled up your ass, faggot?

You got this three threads ago.

Requesting a Clavat from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles as a red or blue mage.

Attached: Clavat.full.125900.jpg (750x500, 93.29K)

Requesting Red, Medea and Jessica from Dragon Quest 8 bent over with their asses displayed like so:

Attached: DQBooty.png (2454x1332, 1.95M)

Never thought he'd actually look kinda like Crackhead Johnny over there on the right

Requesting Red-Mage Ringabel unleashing his rose theme stand: "「Love's Vagrant」!" I have no style preference, the style can be however you like. The design of the Stand is flexible if you have a better design idea, all I ask is that its got a rose theme.

Attached: Red Mage & STAND.png (1936x1512, 1.98M)

Attached: 200505 yn jelly sleep.gif (600x500, 364.23K)

Requesting a Shyguy as Jason from "Friday the 13th" series
Keep him small

Attached: ked.jpg (1200x800, 479.32K)

Requesting Millenia from Deception 2 suing Shanoa and Miriam for plagiarism.

Attached: Millennia_conceptart.jpg (640x900, 75.13K)

Requesting Constance from FE3H in consensual or non consensual bondage, gagged with a scarf(clothed). Lipstick stains on the gag could be hot.

Attached: Constance BDSM.png (2098x2098, 788.43K)

Requesting Princess Peach in the Okami art-style, Sakuya as a Mario-esque princess or a merging of the two peachy gals into one.

Attached: Double Peachy.png (2340x1272, 2.48M)

Requesting a Ninjask from pokemon fighting a Phantom from Minecraft in mid-air

Attached: Pe5446.png (1251x515, 174.78K)

Is she a witch too?

Majima and Jill mixing drinks and saving lives

Attached: Majima and Jill.png (1858x1224, 1.7M)

Reminds me of pic related from Samurai Shodown

Attached: Chara12.png (472x908, 93.52K)

Requesting modern JRPG girls with their outfits redesigned into 90s-style leotards like Celes and Terra.

Attached: EUh4cNQUYAAaaks.jpg (1628x2048, 451.61K)

Requesting Miriam and Aradia dressed as Fire Emblem Three Houses gremory, leaning on eachother, looking smug and lewd respectively.
Shanoa can come too, I guess.

Attached: gremory.png (1422x1093, 1.92M)

Quick give me a sissy boi request before I go to bed.

A trap shyguy

Your next request shall be Justin and you'll go to bed sad

But it wasn't a girl and it has a conch shell instead of a scallop shell.

you got several last thread

Requesting Dahlia from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 drying up her breasts like pic related

Attached: dryingtc.jpg (1764x892, 482.13K)

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing her Long Battle Maid Outfit, floating or very slowly falling on a dark space/black colored background, being surrounded and illuminated by the light of shiny, colorful music notes floating around her.

Character Reference: i.imgur.com/fdxo87C.png

Alternatively, relaxing and playing fancy instruments like pic related.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: musical.png (2516x754, 3.06M)

I feel like every reference photo is taken at a dumb angle or involves the person doing ridiculous poses that are good for practice but extremely unhelpful for drawing a character looking normal. Should I use a 3D model for pose reference? What do you guys do when you just want to draw a character standing like a normal person?

Requesting male Ramlethal

Attached: Ramlethal-img.png (1129x1255, 429.94K)

Requesting Tsareena in tight fitting spats. Can be on model or not. Bonus if they're dynamaxed.

Attached: Tsareena ref sheet.jpg (3697x2565, 3.14M)

Requesting Byleth Eisner (any gender) hugging their murderous pregnant wife Kronya from behind

Attached: Iblametthatonethreadforthis.png (3148x1920, 2.77M)

this but without aradia

Shuichi Saihara

Attached: shuichi.png (539x1703, 569.54K)

Requesting Divinity Original Sin II fanart. Red Prince sitting on a big scary game of thrones style doom throne with Sebille and Lohse as his brainwashed scantily clad (or naked) slave girls.

Attached: red prince on his throne request sebille lohse.jpg (2400x1964, 1.43M)

Requesting this picture with Cloud Aerith and Tifa

Attached: high in public.jpg (674x672, 119.52K)

Attached: 1588548561554.png (884x1200, 647.28K)

Shut the fuck up Mariel

Where would that even go? It's not like she has an ass, she has a gigantic flesh "skirt" and maybe a tiny gap between the top of the leg and the flesh boot.

blah blah sequel blah blah fig leaf

I miss painting

Requesting Arueshalae from Wrath of the Righteous holding hands with a paladin

Attached: Arueshalae.jpg (507x723, 54.88K)

requesting a cozy izmir sitting beside Gran while they sip on hot chocolate, or wearing a kimono fashioned after her dress and ice powers drinking some tea

Attached: izmir hot chocolate.png (474x512, 369.65K)

Requesting Z23 and Javelin together.
Cute or lewd stuff are both great.

Attached: fa7de0590b9e90b8d0063cac8e59ce14.jpg (1920x1080, 250.43K)

Requesting Madotsuki sleeping peacefully for once

Attached: 6A19D9CD-67E8-48F7-B6BD-8200C0D5A0EA.png (691x900, 147.51K)

Dont talk to me.

Requesting Eliza from Skullgirls singing, teasing an audience or band member's clothed erection during her performance, or even flashing one of them during the song.


Forgot ref, go to bed, me

Attached: Lounge Singer Border.png (358x439, 86.96K)

Shut the fuck up Mariel

Two can play at that game
Requesting my Shadowgun from Shadowgun Legends doing something horrible to Mariel’s OC

Attached: 9C00BF15-A813-4748-8AFD-81D938A0D465.jpg (273x617, 84.52K)

Requesting an image of Ayra wearing a bunny suit.

Attached: Ayra.png (1600x1920, 391.1K)

Might be easier to just delete the post and repost it with the ref instead of replying to it with the forgotten image.

Requesting Dino Crisis related art again since there isn't much of a demand for it. This time Regina in her cavegirl alternate outfit being 'seduced/groped from behind by a caveman with a pissed off expression on her face. How graphic it is/how much nudity there is, up to the drawfriend.

Attached: new dino crisis request regina cavewoman crop2.jpg (1208x1204, 410.44K)

Didn't see there was a new thread, re-posting for OR.

Attached: Nine.png (1250x1250, 1.59M)

Requesting Smash Ultimate's Zelda wearing/modeling a pair of elbow-length gloves, like her previous Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess incarnations used to wear.

Attached: Zelda_-_Super_Smash_Bros._Ultimate.png (1000x1065, 909.54K)

Not sure the Kaka's understand baby sitting. Sorry took so long.

Attached: BabySitting.png (1250x1250, 1.04M)

Not OR, but cool smug witch.

shut up mariel

Requesting "this is our future" with the original Dreamcast-era Dragon's Crown sorceress looking at her eventual final design, or just her meeting her future self.

Attached: dragons1[1].jpg (1806x2046, 1.07M)

topless symmetrical docking with a light-skinned Skullgirl

>The weak must fear the strong
Not him but nice, haven’t seen you in time

no I promised I'd abstained

Taokaka who caught a fish but it slipped out of her grasp and she says FUCK like in this pic.

Attached: 1505788469894.jpg (960x540, 59.27K)


Calm down vulture

OR here. Still got a good laugh out of this and its no problem. Thank you very much for the cute Kaka gals!

Attached: Tao dance.gif (320x320, 154.39K)