3 by 3

Does Zig Forums gave good taste?
just post your 3 by 3 if you don't care enough to fill the others out

Attached: favorites template.png (2058x746, 27.2K)

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Too lazy so I'll just post 3x3

Fuck here it is

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What is muisc?


>cave story
>kid icarus uprising

ah i see your a man of quality as well


Attached: favorites template.png (2058x746, 27.23K)

here's mine

Attached: favorite games, anime and manga, and albums.png (2058x746, 582.31K)

>shitty aged games
>shitty VNs
>normalfag anime
Horrible taste/27

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Are you the user that wants a game for it
also if your description is even a tenth as good as the Manga is going to be it'll easily boot Konosuba out of my 3 by 3

not me, but i do want a blame game, it has to be done well though

Attached: 6660a43b439e270a30376f4cc053b31c.jpg (500x714, 110.29K)

Could have less half life but good taste

Aight, anyway which site has the best translations for Blame! since I have no obligation to wake up tomorrow I might as well start reading it now

I mean I would if the fucking mods would remove the IP Block.
fucking faggots.

Your wifi's IP is range blocked?

the site i read it from is down but i think this one is complete

something along those lines maybe
can't fucking post images now
fucking hell

Where do you usually read from
I usually just use Mangakakalot

whenever i can find, i read it first on mangarock but then i bought them

Anime is shit, fuck off back to

I also used to use mangarock, too bad it's defunct now

Good taste

Anime website, besides I bet your taste in vidya is trash

Better than yours

Attached: Good games.jpg (1440x1440, 559.86K)

Based, we'd be friends irl

That's atrocious

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kys weeb

kinda based

No u

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You haven't even posted your "better" 3by3, your choices are gaurneteeably worse than shit

I posted mine right here flaming nigger

>dated trash
>weebshit "rpg"
>meme game
>meme game
>not a video game
>Zelda is trash
>tranny game
>an actually good game
>buggy mess
1/9 kys

Attached: db9.jpg (914x693, 71.27K)

Man this is awful