Cybercringe 2077

Do people actually think this is good/cool writing?

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have sex incel

Why would anyone in the criminal underworld give a shit about upper class first world thot moral standards?

why are you so obsessed with sex
maybe you should have it for once

How is this an issue? Sin City had a gang of prostitutes

Everything I hear about this game is dicks and tits and poopy and sex and butts.

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welcome to cyberpunk

I work for private dancers, so that's literally my job. I still think this is lame and gay.

Welcome to the mind of the average zoomer


In a future where there are hookers to make money there are factions to protect them it's no different from the reality we live in

It's a mature game for mature gamers.

Welcome to your magical realm.

yes, a fantasy video game

Welcome to our future, user.

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>people who are sensitive about how intelligent they are perceived to be see an accusation of stupidity as the greatest insult

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>you can have the s-word in the game
Deadass stealing dad's credit card for this one.

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Want to know how I know you're American?


I will never understand why or how anyone is excited for this game. Maybe it's because I'm not a teenager and I'm nearing 30, but this game seems like a shit show.

ironically based first post

have sex


You aren't a simp if you're getting paid.


That's what Zig Forums want tho

cyberpunk is cool and CDPR makes good games

Lol this cyberpunk 2077 setting is starting to sound better than modern day America.

Oh for fuck sake, they were supposed to be the decent developer!

Nobody makes it in this industry

Omg like heckin sex workers are totally valid!

>CDPR makes good games

Weird, I'm nearing 30 and it's one of the few games I'm looking forward to.

Whores trying to protect each other from getting the shit beat out of them isn't "upper class first world thot moral standards". Many street gangs exist just to protect each other from getting the shit beat out of them.