Try out mainstream game

>Try out mainstream game
>You actually enjoyed it

What's her name?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Apex Legends

Literally perfect jaded boomer game


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Doom Eternal

>Regura is still doing /ss/
fucking why?

>found the artist
>dude has a bunch of uploaded shit
It's etuzan jakusui, but which etuzan jakusui?

Borderlands 3 (wish it was better though)
Grand Theft Auto 5 singleplayer
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Elder Scrolls Online
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Fortnite for a very short while
"MUH UBSCURE GAYM GOOD NORMIE GAYM BAD" is literally a meme and you should stop having the mindset if you genuinely think it's true.

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this fucker needs to go back to making cute bug girls


I liked FF7R

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Witcher 3
Dark Souls

more fushimi when goddamnit

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>Borderlands 3 (wish it was better though)
good god, i have never seen a game with such good gameplay but such an unlikable story and characters

My current favourite game, the only BR I can stand, and the only competitive game I play.
Its really good.

Does Nioh count?

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I played Dark Souls before it was mainstream. Kek.

a wish's conclusion


Surely this is a thread about video game?

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>boomer game

/ss/ is patrician

Threatening Love.
There's a sequel (Thank goodness) and this is a different one by the same artist.

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I really tried liking Undertale but it was too boring. I wanna try borderlands 3 after some time, I just finished the pre sequel, didn't really enjoyed it.

Clash Royale

>mother son
>fathed daughter

Despite all the memes and shit talking, I eventually bought Mass Effect Andromeda and thoroughly enjoyed it.

>fathed daughter
Truly the last of us.

do you have problems with it, faggot?

>gentle femdom
>happy sex
>multi-work series
>artist:Nakamura Regura

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It's for limp dicked omegas

Post more manga dropping vidya titles

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/ss/ is great and so was Marvel's Spiderman except for the plot, Mary Jane as a stupid shitty reporter, and Miles and his whole family.

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Jun is a blessing

Dark Souls: Remastered on the PS4

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Big sister and younger brother

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But why is there 3 bars on the UI?

thank fucking christ to the user who recommended me to browse Unou's /ss/ doujins

Health Bar
Stamina Bar
Doug Bar

Forza Horizon 3

poured countless hours into that game and got all of the signs and shit

>when you go to the mall with your mom and she wants to hold hands

Is there a more embarrassing thing? She gets sad if I refuse, but I can't feel that any girl that passes is looking at us.

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>father son
>mother daughter

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