Browsing Zig Forums after 25

>browsing Zig Forums after 25

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>not after 17

I'm already 23 and sick of this place

Stop associating this place with your mental health issues and just get help

and still loving every minute of it

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I started at 34 and now am 36.
Zig Forums makes me feel young.

reminder that Spoony is like 42

what exactly does he do for a living?

Spoony is my biggest motivator in life.

>zoomer*ids try to age shame

You are vermin, you are literally the last nail in the coffin of this place and yet you have the gall to talk shit about people who posted here when this place was still decent you were still a single-cell organism in your fathers ball sack. Go eat tidepods and drink bleach.

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Yeah but Spoony has literally made nothing of himself.

>there are 40+ year olds browsing Zig Forums right now

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glad I'm only 20

I'm 34 in 9 days

The fuck am I supposed to do on the internet? Go to Reddit?

>started at 13
>now 27 going on 28

>browsing Zig Forums before 18
Underage please leave

>browsing Zig Forums

Lives of the dwindling goodwill from when he was entertaining.

I've been here since I was 15, what else do I do?

When will he kill himself

Ok boomer

how/where else am I supposed to groom 18-20 year olds without getting weird looks?

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Nobody told you zoomers to come here. You didn't build board culture, you barely contribute anything. All you do is whine. Back in the day we would make memes in ms paint and some of those did actually change elections.

That cannot make him more than 20k a year. He must be on autismbux or something to supplement that.



That should be the minimum age for this place if we are being brutally honest.
But as long as that's not reality we adults need to suffer you kids and your bad opinions

Way to basically trollbait a billion Boomers, Millenials and bored Zoomers into shitting up your thread, retard.

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Because 90% of boomer faggots totally don't default to kneejerk NEW BAD shitposting, right?

Remember your'e here forever

You think you aren't here forever?
Oh you poor sweet summer child

I am 35 and this is the only place for text Vidya news, all the old sites are gone or pozzed.


if you're under 25 you don't even belong here

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Whatever grandpa. Isn't it lights out at the nursing home?

Fucking this, nobody lurks anymore they just spew whatever retarded shit comes to mind


That's drugs

Reminder long term cannabis abuse causing brain damage and mental illness is an indisputable medical fact no matter how big dope tries to spin it.

Hello, brother. I was the same, except I started when I was 12.

Remember don't make rape jokes or you will be cancelled and your life will be ruined Kay thx bye bye incels

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Of course you are a retarded frogposter.

i've spent more than half my life here.
from beginning to now, my most visited website

>when this place was still decent
Why stay here if this place is shit. There are better places to talk about videogames.

It may seem silly, but its for that one good thread thats vidya related. When you look past the bait threads, you can have some genuinely good discussions you cant have anywhere else.

legit what are you even waiting for? The old board culture and community is dead. It died a long time ago and everybody here is absolutely fucking miserable. Do you expect it to become better because it wont

>founder of Zig Forums is 32
>being under 25 and browsing Zig Forums

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Do you grandpas really think only reddit and Zig Forums exists?

hahahaha, Upper Guk strikes again bitches.

What the fuck do I do with my life? I'm a paranoid isolated and depressed schizo. Nothing is fun anymore.

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I’ve been here since I was 15 and now I’m 32.

>tfw after 32
still feels good man

Name one.

People like you die young. Just shistpost to death.

>30 years old
I don't give a fuck, I'll still be browsing this board when I'm in my 50's I bet and older.

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join a club

Not him but what are some other good sites to browse? I really can't think of any

Yeah, just think about all the other great places that exist.... Discord, twitter, instagram, tiktok. Flush with completely unique and different individuals.

>zoom zoom doesn't remember web rings
>he thinks the enter internet is multinational corporate owned social media sites
>lecturing others...

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