Be me

>Be me
>Mad at cyberpunk 2077 for ruining cyberpunk with their sunlight and SJW politics
>This shit looks nothing like my wallpapers
>Decide to watch Blade runner so i can get some of that cool aesthetics
>Pretty good, it doesn't have enough neon lights but at least it's dark, quite boring tho
>Suddenly this fucking scene comes up
WTF Zig Forums you lied to me, why the fuck there is sun in my Cyberpunk movie? What videogames and movies are actually cyberpunk?!

Attached: Blade runner.png (1404x689, 939.19K)

>SJW because you can be a trans degenerate in a game were degenerates are the norm

OP are you retarded or something?

how is dick chopping transhumanism?

Honestly I'm tempted to call blade runner a scifi film, people in it have colonised other planets and shit.

how isn't it?

>Honestly I'm tempted to call blade runner a scifi film
no shit sherlock, cyberpunk is a subgenre of sci-fi

It should be about increasing human abilities, non the suicide rate

robodicks give many abilities you werent born with
same with robovag

thats not what transhumanism means you dumb cunt.

Many people genuinely argue the book it's based on is sci-fi and not cyberpunk because apparently cyberpunk didn't exist as a genre until after some guy decided to attach a label to it.
>people in it have colonised other planets and shit
That's true of William Gibson's shit too and nobody ever says that's not cyberpunk.

Nah I meant scifi as in scients fiction, not the scifi genre

If it fits the definition of cyberpunk, it's a precursor.
20k miles under the sea is considered sci fi even if sci fi didn't exist back then

What does it mean then genius?

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modifying the human body via technology

>comparing sun behind miles of pollution and a totally overcast sky to a clear blue sky with no cloud and nothing but sun


>modifying the human body via technology
No, we've been doing that already for centuries. Transhumanism refers to "transcending" our biological limitations specifically, i.e. getting a prosthetic leg is not transhumanism but getting a cybernetic leg that is far more powerful than the normal human leg is transhumanism.

That's not transhumanism. Transhumanism as it's known today was made up in the 90's and focusses on immortality, gene manipulation, cloning and eugenics

and robodicks fall into that.

It'clearly sunset, just because the plot takes place at night doesn't mean it's always dark

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>be a retarded CDPR drone
>get mad that people dislike his sunny GTAV trannypunk game
>make cringy threads like this

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so how is getting a robodick that can do the dick part better than a human dick not transhumanism?

CDPR shills at work today I see

Transhumanism isnt about hedonism, not precisely


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>cyberpunk as a genre is communist propaganda

>the right is THIS retarded
You never cared about the genre, just admit you wanted an excuse to shitpost.


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>the left is this triggered


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Would be pretty bold for them to portray it as degenerate, but they won't.

Different user here, but I fucking hate all of you Zig Forums faggots

A critique of Capitalism, is just that a critique. Not everything that doesn't perfectly align with your warped world view is communism, or SJW boogie men you psycho.

That's like claiming George Orwell was a fascist because he wrote books condemning communism.

user, I...

>”h-haha it’s okay to act like a retard if a lib notices”
I wish the niggers would start shooting back, Corona isn’t killing you chimps fast enough.

Transhumanism is the ultimate hedonism

>the right is THIS retarded
You never cared about the genre, just admit you wanted an excuse to shitpost.

Attached: (you).jpg (960x960, 370.69K)

>be tranny
>Watch ghost in the shell for the first time in 2018
>OMG motoko is transgendered like me
>Watch her take drugs and have weird lan sex
>Now THIS, THIS is what everything in relation to this genre is about, cooming
It's all so tiresome

>tfw you realize transhumanism will mean that trannies at one point will get weird robowombs and fully functioning nanotech vaginas

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"class disparity bad" and "we should improve society somewhat" are also commie slogans, retard

I'm a staunch anti-communist and even I think you're retarded. Criticising something isn't the same as disavowing it, or even championing the opposite extreme.

No. Transhumanism has nothing to do with enhancing your body for pleasure


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And they still won't pass

Both Mussolini and Lenin used the word "Plutocrats" to describe the west, are they the same thing as well?

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>staunch anti-communist
>this ignorant of their catchphrases
nice try retard

Not wanting to die and live forever, even in a complete robotic shell (or as some other form of being) is hedonistic you retard. You get a longer net gain of pleasure if you don't die. Why do you think the genre not only tackles immortality, but often combines it with overly sensualised technology? Because the two are linked. To be human is to pursue pleasure.

It's too bad that a lot, if not most cyberpunk fiction boils down to "capitalism bad" since you're really missing out on the other half, that being government. It's just limiting yourself creatively, and quite possibly intellectually.

>nonono you don't understand, evil Nazi's call things degenerate its like their catchphrase! So anyone who call things degenerate must be a Nazi!
Can you even breathe through your nose user?

This reminds me of Portal 2 where Fact Sphere goes "the plural of Surgeons General is Surgeonsed General"

Why are white people like this?

Both were violent authoritarians who sought to expand the power of the state. They're really all cut from the same cloth.

Okay. The argument here is that is pursuing body modification for no other reason than pleasure transhumanism, and no it's not. It's purely hedonistic

>make an image that says gays and racemixing are degenerate
>how could you possibly extrapolate my ideology based on this? I am actually a leftist liberal