75 million copies sold worldwide... and is irrelevant how?

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Post lara pits.

flavor of the month game

in the case of the crystal dynamics games 100%

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Only the first game was relatively good.
They should've just stuck to the minimal plot and increased amount of tombs/puzzles. Or instead pull an Uncharted and write some funny and entertaining story.

Nobody liked that last game it deflated any interest people had going forward. It simply was bad conclusion to her arch. They're going to need to do some radical changes to the next game for people to even care. The semi open world was devoid personality and frankly content worth doing and completely boring to explore. The third person shooting is passable but if you don't enjoy that it forces you do too much it. I wish it would have allow every encounter to use the vastly superior way to play which which was stealth.
The problem with these cinematic games is they have no replay value. going through the unskippable cutscenes a second time is a chore

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Because the company is making Avengers now


They really need to revert to her bimbo model

we aren't in the 90s anymore

There are coomers lined up around the corner ready to buy this

Too high overall costs, just like Human Revolution and Mankind Divided
SE are just unrealistic as fuck regarding their sales expectations
Just look at the current Crystal Dynamics game, an Avengers game without the movie license, like what is the fucking point?

this is the Doppelganger she is like Lara Croft with the flaws removed





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Do they count the free copies in its total because that's how me and my friend got it

Copies sold doesn't always = success. Videogames prove that time after time year after year.
Tomb Raider reboot is about a posh sociopath that just so happens to have the first and last name of a video game heroine from the mid to late 90s but nothing and i mean fucking NOTHING to do with her.
It's a poor mans Uncharted. Hampered by boring typical 3rd person game designs and western influence character design. Zero appeal this lara has, and she's boring as all hell.

Milf Lara is the hottest.
If you disagree you're a nigger or a cuck or both.
Don't @ me.

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Should have been an Xbox exclusive. It was a direct competitor to a playstation exclusive

Tomb Raider exist since 1997? and all of its games combined sold 75 million worldwide since 1997.
Assassins creed exists since 2007 and sold 140 million combined.

Tomb Raider sold half as much under 2x more time.

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Only old Lara matters.

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I agree with (You), but I'm going to @ you anyway just to spite you.

Only to nostalgia fags who like shit games and shit gameplay.

spiky pits

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i never played older tr but they look better than rebooted garbage

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You should try, at least LAU trilogy.

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Eidos is awful at marketing their games. Also she's an ugly bitch now and I refuse to play games with female characters unlike they are cuties.

>Doesn't have unlimited ammo
>Can't jump around
>Doesn't rock a pair of circular shades, leotard and backpack
>Cries and apologises for killing anyone or anything that attackers her first
>Has to craft instead of being well prepared
>Doesn't have a cheeky optimistic grin that says "I'm a badass"
>Has to use a meme bow instead of using superior twin pistols
>Prefers to live on a cargo ship instead of living in her sweet stately mansion left to her
>No butler to lock in the meat fridge

And this is why noone cares about reboot lara

I wonder why might that be

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>We try to out assassin's creed assassin's creed

why didn't the assassins put mud on their face