At this point, is there any stopping him?

At this point, is there any stopping him?
>select all: tractors

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the devil himself

Nope. This was his finishing move. There is no way to take detractors seriously after this.

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>white guy benefits FROM white privilege
>other whites wonders why

he moves like a big baby

only thing that can stop him now is gout and diabetes

i give his body 10 more years of chugging along at most before it gives out

What is it about Phil that produces so much salt from spergs?

He's a disgusting piece of shit but I really don't understand the obsession. At least he's not one of the Jews flooding the west with brown people. They should make better use of their time and go after them.


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The problem was never DSP, it was us.

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>DSP continues to dab on the infinite hordes of detractors

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Are they referring to his court case declaring bankruptcy? How did that go?

obsessing over other people seems weird in general

100% exonerated

It's reactions from when it got revealed his cc debt got discharged. Tremendous salt and wishing death on him. It's the funniest shit.

Fucking kiwis. Do they have no self-awareness?

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doesn't have to pay a dime, baybe

>struggles with something as simple as crossing his arms

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is a lair it's only his credit card debts that got exonerated which is about 130k. People who were expecting him to get kick out of his house and are having melt downs seem more autistic than his actual fans.

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Look I understand its fun to make fun of him for being dumb and bad at video games but his detractors are too fucking autistic. Literal seething anger at DSP. Why are they so angry?

Based Phil dabbing on losers that browse kiwifarms and stalk him 24/7.

That's actually really funny.
I can't believe how insanely untouchable this man is.

Most of his detractors are all old fans DSP told to fuck off or banned at some point.

>Why are they so angry?
Classic cult like behavior. They've staked so much of their own self worth on seeing Phil lose they're literally negatively affected mentally and maybe even physically when seeing him win. Before you say it, yes it is incredibly pathetic, but this is what the internet has allowed to foster and grow. Small groups of like minded individuals feeding off each other until you get literal cults devoted to wishing bad things on some fat video game playing idiot.

>that one dude who’s shelling out hundreds of dollars to any and every D and E list celebrity to read lines “calling out” Phil to “epically own Phil”
What a self-own desu

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This luck power trade off with a dark god came with the price of his sad lonely life and turning into a ghoul.

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Imagine if you will, that of all the evils of this world. The pedophiles, the politicians, corrupt law-enforcers and tyrannical leaders, you decide to home all your angst and effort into a z list e-celeb that produce Let's Plays for a living, this is the hill you decide to die on.

Really makes you appreciate your own life no matter what kind of low life you may be. God bless.

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>Look like young dsp after shaving my hair due corona

>why is this group of people on a website dedicated to chronicling the entire life of some tranny sperg who literally obsess over the minute details of random people on the internet so autistic?

Literally SEETHING in jelly

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>caring this much about some fat retard streaming on Twitch
Kek, what a loser

Truth is, shit like this happens every day. The people who are angry about this probably know even know that hundreds and hundreds of lowlife, lazy leeches cheat the system and loophole their way out of financial responsibility while honest people get their asses ripped apart. There's nothing invincible about DSP, he's just a giant megaphone for the underbelly of society, lower class losers who are a complete drain on society but manage to evade responsibility through dumb luck and ineptitude on the part of those who would hold them accountable.

You hate to see it, but at least with DSP it's kind of fun since you can meme about him being untouchable and stuff.

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Actually made me feel pretty good. Thanks.

Have given Phil money, AMA

I'm gonna donate a few bucks to the roachman today just to add to the salt. Fuck these autists.

Was it because you enjoy his content, or were you trying to bait him into ranting about something?

uhhhh WRONG

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how many of his empty game cases did you buy?


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Why even bother being a detractor of this guy? His content is so fucking boring its amazing people have anything to work with.

Both I suppose.
Less that I enjoy his actual content more that I like some of the TIHYDP and feel I should pay it forward to the source.

Why are these kiwis so angry? It's fucking hilarious that he got out of it again through pure luck. Josh should tell those kids to grow up and laugh at shit.

What lie is he talking about?

REMINDER that phil
-has a house
-makes over 100k a year
-has a girlfriend
how the fuck can we even compete

Goose egg, that’s before my time

A lot of kiwi's are laughing at the people crying about it. It's not all screaming children. The big lolcows just get a lot of people that forget they're supposed to laugh

IIRC he lied about a bunch of things in his bankruptcy files. Like for example saying a considerable sum of his expenses were due to cat food and vet but marking that he didn't have any pets in another section.

are there any new detractor salt videos yet?

-true and honest fans
-a successful business

Yeah, the twitter ones are crying. Kiwifarms even made a victory banner.

- lost weight

I dont really get the outcry from people. Hes still gonna be useless with money, he cant get credit and he manages his money so awfully even if they tried to sue they weren't going to get anything out of him because the reality is he doesnt have that. He may make a shit ton on Twitch but that outgoing all goes to tax late payment fees, tax attorneys and restaurant food. Surely it would be funny to detractors to laugh at the fact he got all credit card debt thrown out and hes still having to panhandle every day? This type of shit is funny when you watch from afar not when you get so invested you're upset a guy you've never met who you laugh at on the internet went bankrupt.


this. so much this! why cant we just give /ourguy/ phillip a chance! he's a swell guy with a funny sense of humor and amazing gameplay. make sure to check his streams out and donate to support honest content makers.


I don't think it's a lie but DSP seems to think every single electronic in his house is business related because one day in his 10 year legacy he once had it on video or reviewed it. Whether or not that is actually business related from a tax standpoint I dont know, I'm not american and dont really know the system.

Yeah. From most rational kiwi's the only thing I see them being sad about is that this was the only exciting thing with DSP for a while and now we got nothing to laugh at, until he fucks something up again

was the rasslin gacha thing really phill or some mentally ill detractor spending grotesque amounts of money impersonating him to try to bring our boy down?

kiwi farms trannies btfo
btw josh is a pedo

You do that loser