Gaming isnt fun

gaming isnt fun anymore and you cant deny that.

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I understand. But why? What happened?

Why are you here then? If you hate Vidya so much then you don't belong here

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Does anyone even play vidya anymore?

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just try something new faggot
vidya isnt fun after 12k hours of playing the same games


>buy new games
>they get boring in about a week
What the fuck?

He’s right. I can’t even bring myself to play a game anymore.

Assuming you played them heavily during that week, what's wrong with that? Not every video game can last hundreds of hours over the course of months.

Start programming then. That is both fun and funny.

Literally me...
>26 years old
>can’t enjoy gaming anymore
>only play repetitive Mobil shit or counter strike with friends
>too bored or exhausted from work to play a single player game
>instead watch a review on YouTube and shitpost about it on Zig Forums

After getting a job and a gf I’m to exhausted to game and just sit around in YouTube or Zig Forums until bedtime and then back to work. It’s not even a wagie Problem since the lockdown had given me plenty of time but gaming just doesn’t click for me. It’s all the same boring story and grind fest making me think about work instead.

Now I just enjoy being with friends and gf or walking alone in nature.

i dunno op im 24 and still enjoying vidya

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The problem is what OP said. They're not fun anymore. I used to be able play vidya endlessly without it ever getting boring.

I can because I'm still enjoying myself.

it's cos you're a nihilistic no fun retard

some of us are enjoying getting paid to be living the neet lifestyle while clocking up 80 hours in steam every 2 weeks

26 and I don't enjoy living or any of its sub-sets. I play video games to break up the monotony of watching shit online.

20 here
i have moments where i don't play games for 1 or 2 months sometimes

Everyone feels like the world is getting worse because the spark of early life is leaving them. Things are, objectively speaking, probably better than ever, as bad as the problems we're having with social media and the resulting issues with populism and misinformation are.

There's also a source of dread in that a lot of us feel like we're steadily approaching some kind of end-times which will have meant all of it has been for nothing. A lot of conservatives low key or otherwise believe that their culture is under attack from some kind of unseen ethnic enemy, a lot of left leaning people think that climate change is going to ruin the planet, etc.

Dude after the Witcher 3, gaming is just the same bullshit with this emphasise on faggortry online battle royale shit and fucking shit shooters

i feel sorry for people who think Witcher 3 was some milestone of gaming

nigga it was the last great game

>people can't afford housing
>working conditions in decline
>slowly losing human rights
>completely ruled by corporate overlords
If you have people you love, friends that make you smile, and a reason to get up in the morning... run with it. When you lose all of that, and you're left alone in this dreadscape, you will lament. Every time I wake up, I am disappointed that another day has started.

We grew. What was new and never seen before became redundant and repetitive. We lost the sense of discovery and wonder that naturally comes with being young and naive.

Also, gaming itself grew to the point it became a mainstream thing in the last 20 years. Back in the late '90s and early '00s, playing videogames was seen as a thing only small kids, virgins, nerds and other socially awkward people did. Nowdays it's hip and cool to be a gamer and the web is full of hip and cool people doing it. Playing games literally became a profession in some cases (streamers).

But growth of a scene always lowers the minimum common denominator of quality of the product around which that scene revolves, bringing in stalenes and blandness due to the necessity of pandering to a new expanding userbase, which has less refined tastes compared to those that where in the game before them. Every possible genre of games has been pretty much invented and explored to his full extent. The amount of developers willing to risk deviating from established norms is very small.

tl_dr: we grew out of gaming and gaming grew away from us.

Dang, that is really nice of the father, I hope everybody has a loving and understanding relationship with his parents.

Corporations need to get drop kicked but at the very least we've made strides in areas like social equality and healthcare. Damaging ideas like men being expected to always shrug off hardship, the kind of thing that enabled my grandparents to abuse my dad are finally being openly challenged. Wholly electric vehicles are now practical and mainstream depending on where you live. Virtual reality almost as we imagined it as we were kids is here and consumer available. Bionic limbs allowing multiple amputees to continue daily life are here and improving all the time. A few people have even been cured of AIDS. It's not all bad.
There are plenty of unusual indie games out there, at least. We're not getting Killer7s anymore because games are too expensive and time consuming to make nowadays for publishers to invite genuine risk, but there's almost too many experimental indie titles out there nowadays. Steam is swamped in them.

I enjoy video games more now than I did 10 years ago. However my tastes have shifted from being an edgy graphicsfag as a teenager to someone who mostly plays nintendo games now, because they’re fun.

Best time was probably 90 early 00...

I never hear anyone say otherwise. We just had a different mental state.

>Why are you here then?
because I'm not busy playing video games

The games are the same. You still have minecraft. It's you who have changed user. IT'S YOU

based dad

>A lot of conservatives low key or otherwise believe that their culture is under attack from some kind of unseen ethnic enemy, a lot of left leaning people think that climate change is going to ruin the planet, etc.
Both of these things are objectively and factually true.

>download game
>install it
>don't even turn it on and uninstall it because feel like even turning it on is too much of a hassle
What have I become

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It was the time before social media and smart phones. Smart phones have been the greatest mistake in innovation ever conceived.

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>play game
>feel nothing
>get furious/suicidal
gee billy I wonder why I prefer to not play

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I'll never understand you faggots who complain endlessly about this shit, games are pretty great and I'm still having fun. Hell I'm having more fun now then when I was kid who was really shit at them.

yes it sucks having all knowledge of humankind in a device you hold in your hand?

Stop playing western AAA dogshit you dumb nigger