Why do they sound so adorable?

Why do they sound so adorable?

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Because George Lucas forgot why tension and tone in stories is important.
Or rather, he realised that selling toys to children was a better idea.

Except battle droids are based and basic cannon fodder is not the source of tension in a star wars movie

delete this

there is no source of tension in the phantom menace
something they realised while naming the film, obviously

me on the right

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oh my god.


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Very cute.

This is not an argument against best droids


literary build for BBC

Attached: It's for testing grapes. Really. Look up Soft Robots on youtube. The undergrad who made it is so full of shit.webm (854x480, 331.06K)


You mean BSBDC.




I wonder whose behind this thread.

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Battlefront 2 voices are way better. (the good one)

>That one comic about a rusted B1 droid who woke up after the clone war and sacrificed itself defending some villagers against storm troopers

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He can't say that he developed the best robot pussy there ever is, he tries to sell it off to vineyards etc. so later he can market it as best robot pussy there ever will be.

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There is something unsettling about billions of sentient, innocent personality droids being made and sent out to get massacred for comic relief.

I loved the design of these guys and was hyped for the phantom menace... But they ruin all of that by giving them retarded fucking personalities.
It also triggers my autism when you have a droid army running on the same server but the only way they can communicate with eachother is through verbal commands.

The extended lore and stories that came out of the prequel movies were fucking kino. It wasn't always perfect, but damn if it didn't hit hard when it wanted to.


> innocent personality droids

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They try!

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