Is Nintendo getting lazy?

Yeah, Switch is selling like hotcakes and the first party software is doing incredible but i have that odd feeling that they aren't trying anymore

Their online is still pretty garbage, they don't release ROMS for their NES and SNES switch apps, only #FE and Animal Crossing New Horizons are the games that have been released this year.

Several games like Bayonetta 3, SMT V, Metroid Prime 4, etc are MIA.

Don't get me wrong, i own a Switch and love it but it really feels like Nintendo isn't giving a fuck anymore.

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Oh and OP here, this is my Switch library

Attached: switch library.jpg (1080x1223, 723.84K)

Why would they give a shit when normies buy in drove without a care in the world?

>Several games like Bayonetta 3, SMT V, Metroid Prime 4, etc are MIA.
true but Nintendo isn't responsible for the development of two of those games.

I just want Pikmin 4 already.

I don't care as long as Animal Crossing gets regular updates

Complaining about no new releases while the entire global economy has shut down is beyond retarded user.

Stop posting this faggot

>Nintendo just released a new game
kek, Zig Forumsirgins concern trolling

>Is X getting Y?

The question of the century. Asked literally once a day every day since this board's creation.

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>Release their big games that always sell (Mario, Zelda, Animal Crossing, Pokemon) while letting third parties take over the rest of the years, if they even care about the console, all while making the most of the games that did release and hardly actually pumping consistent releases now that most of their work is done and their platform having already sold hotcakes
>Take advantage of Smash to advertise these same releases and older games
>While porting games from previa generations into their most current console

sounds like every Nintendo console ever, rinse and repeat

>they don't release ROMS for their NES and SNES switch app
1. Who actually plays these regularly?
2. What Nintendo-developed titles are missing that you feel should be there?

Enjoy sales.

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i only play the best MOBA, smite.

Nintendo could reboot every one of their IPs and you retards would still find something to complain about.

Get used to it. Nintendo is going to ride its current first party IPs for the rest of the Switch's life.

After Xenoblade there is LITERALLY zero Nintendo games with a release date. In fact there's only two Nintendo games we even know about even in development after Xenoblade.

That's the least we've ever known about upcoming Nintendo games in like 30 years.

Nintendo fans will buy anything so I don't blame them for being lazy. Every gen since Gamecube has been the same games with new gimmicky overpriced hardware. They even charge you to play their shitty broken online even though they sell their consoles at a huge profit unlike MS and Sony.

>Several games like Bayonetta 3, SMT V, Metroid Prime 4,
only one of those is a nintendo game, how does that prove nintendo is lazy

why care when drones will buy literally anything

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>Wojak humor

That pretty much applies to any console drone in existence, including Sony fans and Microsoft fans. Apple effect, ect, ect. If people used to see quality in previous consoles/entries/titles, chances are, they will keep purchasing it for that "seal of quality".

>somebody actually drew this
>somebody actually asked for this to be made
>somebody probably paid for this
I’m getting too old for Zig Forums...

No and if you were a true Nintendo fan you wouldn't criticize them either.

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Your image literally contradicts your post retard

>Probably paid

I wouldn't go that far but the first two still apply.

I really don't understand for what purpose so many people are buying it. Most of the games are for kids. That shit's gathering dust in every store here and no one wants it. Must be Americans and Japs that buy everything out.

If only you knew how bad things really are

Attached: wojakfurries.png (1635x205, 76.74K)

Are you fucking stupid? Do you think games take two months to make?

>T-they buy anything...!!


Its the same guy that does these skylar comics

Attached: __draw_your_best_friend_challenge___by_hellonearth_iii_ddo67rz-fullview.jpg (1280x862, 99.87K)

Huh. So calling every Wojak poster a scat loving furry wouldn't be too far from the truth if these were to be posted by the very same person.

Gives me a unique insult for Wojak posters as well, kek

literally forgotten in a month and nobody on Zig Forums bought it

Are you seriously acting like offices being shut down or swaths of your office being sick isn't going to seriously hamper development, in spite of a good chunk of it potentially happening before the outbreak hit?

Usually, every developer was making a deal out of making games in the span of two years and making sure games to be developed faster and made more convenient for developers and programmers as well so...

>they will buy anything
>post a game no one bought
Ok snoynigger, now go back to buy whatever crappy movie sony shits out since you are the ones that actually buy anything.

>Switch moves 1st party software at a rate and speed no console we've ever seen in history accomplish

Atari moved even more 1st party software at a rate that outpaced demand..... it lead to a crash. Super Speed isn't a good thing, volume isn't either, what matters is revenue; how much the software is making the company and in that regard Nintendo is in second to last place as the other companies focused on what makes far more money. Third party licensing.

>Yeah, Switch is selling like hotcakes and the first party software is doing incredible but i have that odd feeling that they aren't trying anymore
Why should they try? Their hardware is selling like hotcakes even though there's like 2 fucking games to play on it. Why try harder?

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why try harder when people buy your shit anyway