Another FF is dead rant

Ever since the Squaresoft and Enix merge, Final Fantasy has been horribly mismanaged.

XII’s development process was a disaster, Matsuno left during the project, they made you play the game through the eyes of Vaan, an irrelevant faggot nobody likes, simply because the Japanese are obsessed with femboys and though Basch was too manly. The gameplay was so objectively shitty they had to rerelease the game with the Job System because that’s the only good system they came up with all these years.

XIII was a cringefest and ruined any hope the west would ever enjoy a Final Fantasy game again. Just look at Toriyama’s embarrassing Lightning presentation, they have lost touch with any humanity. Yet they still gave the game not one but two sequels, simply to reuse the assets for a quick buck, not caring it would bury any credibility the series had left.

Then FFXIV came along and was an absolute failure, they had to fire the entire team and start the game from the scratch.

FFXV was stuck in development hell for ages, Stella was replaced with Luna, a girl who Noctis shares almost zero lines of dialogue with. The game was released half baked and they had to release multiple patches to make the game worth anything, and even then they ended up cancelling a few patches they announced because they’re goddamn retarded.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They’ve also been retroactively ruining the previous games in the series.

X-2 was an insult to the original, they turned Yuna into generic idolshit to appease the Japanese and their mentally ill idol obsession. Then they came up with that retarded novel where Tidus’ head explodes from kicking a Blitzball.

Let’s not even get into the Compilation of FFVII, the whole thing is an abomination. Gackt being shoved into everything. Everyone has fucking single wings now. Tifa jobs to a shitty Sephiroth spawn (unforgivable). Zack is shoehorned into everything. Vincent goes off to fight some OCs named after colors who were hiding underground all along. The remake is poorly planned, they have absolutely no idea what they’ll do for the next chapters. The whole thing is stupid and so are you if you’ve payed to play any of this.

They should just outsource the next game to FromSoftware, I guarantee you it would be better than anything they can up with.

Apparently Yoshi P. Is taking the lead, which is a good sign, but knowing SE they will likely fuck it up.

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What's Tifa's cup size?

Gotta be TRIPLE D

Theres a chart around and shes like f or g considering her tiny waist and general figure
Shes really busty

who Yoshi p

Too big to paizuri your micropenis

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X-2 had good gameplay though and the whole thing was obviously a joke.

>they made you play the game through the eyes of Vaan, an irrelevant faggot nobody likes, simply because the Japanese are obsessed with femboys
As opposed to every previous FF where you played as gigachad? Do you think Cloud is the icon of masculinity? Get a grip.


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>X-2 was an insult to the original, they turned Yuna into generic idolshit to appease the Japanese and their mentally ill idol obsession. Then they came up with that retarded novel where Tidus’ head explodes from kicking a Blitzball.
X-2 was made by Squaresoft

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>they made you play the game through the eyes of Vaan, an irrelevant faggot nobody likes
I like Vaan as a character and he's certainly relevant.

you're autistic though

>The gameplay was so objectively shitty
FFXII has great gameplay and it was done by the father of the ATB and the Job System. I think he knows his shit more than you

Vaan is relevant to everyone who isn't parroting youtubers

ARR is mediocre but Heavensward is like the best Final Fantasy of all time unironically

Fuck Nomura though, he's killing FF

you are again outing yourself as autistic

ATB is cancer. We had a poll yesterday for best combat system. FFX was considered the best, and being turn-based is part of the reason:

Persona 5’s battle sustem is turn-based and it’s far more enjoyable than ATB or this nu-Kingdom Hearts gameplay.

And FFXII is third despite the OP calling it objectively shitty. What's happening?

XII had a troubled development thanks to Matsuno's health issues and the PS2's shitty hardware

Most people voting for XII are thinking of the job system version

>Ever since the Squaresoft and Enix merge, Final Fantasy has been horribly mismanaged.
> Shows NuTifa in censored design
> Missis the bitter irony

The Job System is only fixing the same problem that FFX has, which is that everyone are becoming clones in battle.

God damn!


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What is that supposed to tell me that is relevant to the discussion we're having?

>japanese poll
>popularity contest
Ask me how I know you have low IQ

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>Final Fantasy has been horribly mismanaged.
It's not just Final Fantasy.
Sadly if you aren't a content creator you really can't blame them when they have all this support.
What is asked of Square, Enix or not, is a simple fucking thing with their JRPGs.
1 - Jobs/Classes call them whatever you like.
I don't want this universal avatar I fiddle my dick with.
I want a Warrior, I want a monk, I want a priest. I don't want this fucking faggot bullshit where I can be anything and everything I want and it contributes always literally nothing to the story.
Tactics managed to do that perfectly yet they struggle with FF7, FF8, FF12, FF13, FF15. And those games shouldn't be suffering when they literally have the character play the job/class.
if you can't get that shit down don't even fucking bother releasing it.
2 - Magic/Summons So from there either give us great animation for Summons or make your magic system relevant. It's a give or take here.
You can pass up having stupid magic like in FFXV where you toss stupid fucking bottles of magic for superior summon animations. Yet your ass better have at a minimum 10 summons. Don't fucking try and scam me here you little bitch.
Magic in Final Fantasy at least used to have some nice tiers. Meteor, Ultimate, Flare, Shadow Flare, Holy, etc.
Yet while you have mastered dark magic your white and red is truly lacking. At least FFXIV tackled some of that issues but I doubt you'll ever make it a standard in your games moving forward.
So now we have tackled Jobs/Classes and Magic/Summons we are now moving on to your physical shit cause holy fuck you are bankrupt in this department.

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Faggot behind FFXIV: ARR

3 - Limit Breaks/Enemy Skill/Skills - So far when it comes to physical attacks it's very rare for a character to stand out. We either have icon Jump with rarely anything to show for it unless you nitpick and bring out FF7's Cid's limit break or Tifa's/Zell's Limit break. At this point why is it shoehorned to limit breaks? Seriously fix this shit. You mainly give this attention to sword wielders and everything is just questionable.
If you have 3 tiers for each element and then have special stupid shit for them you can easily be creative and give as much attention to physical attackers.
If you can do it in FFXI/FFXIV/FFType-0/BE/FF7R then start making it a standard.
You had all these great iconic characters leading up to FF10 but once 12 was released they've been empty husks with names.
So now we have covered 3 major things.
4 - The leveling system.
Stop doing this crystarium bullshit. I know it's you Kitase. Literally fuck off with your garbage ass system. The Sphere Grid made sense but it was still stupid but it managed to not be literal ass off a donkey.
If you are fixated on doing something that fucking retarded then give it meaning and purpose. This STAT up crap is a waste of time and creativity. Especially if you are gonna split it. At least make it focus on something and have a purpose. I'll even do you a solid.
Weapon with stupid ass branches like 2x cut/4x cut, mug, morph.
Magic that branches of into All cast, W-Magic/Quadra cast, steal as well, etc
You know what this crap doesn't have? Littered in stat up shit.
If you're game does not tackle these issues you are literally not living up to your potential shit-enix.

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I honestly don't like SE new CEO, or the management department. they suck ass.

materia was fun though.

So she has a sports bra on prevent the jiggle, not the size then.

>materia was fun though.
Materia works but up to an extent once you want to do end game content then you just toss a majority out for being useless.