I miss freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice. Will sony ever bring them back?

I miss freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice. Will sony ever bring them back?

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they stole MonHun from Nintendo so they don't need them anymore

freedom wars was really bad tho

There's apparently a game that plays like Freedom Wars.

Problem? It's a fucking Sword Art Online game

God I wish Freedom Wars got the sequel it deserved and desperately needed. Game was fun but had problems and a sequel really could've let the series shine

You mean Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet. Developed by the same team.

Freedom Wars was the one where they constantly talked about on high or whatever it was called with the advanced civilization while you were in the gulag, right? I don't remember anything, there were some gods or something in a cell, that blonde girl that was tied up in a basement and all the other shit.

>You mean Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet. Developed by the same team.

Yeah. I don't care if it's the same team. It's fucking SAO so I am avoiding it

Good news, it plays nothing like Freedom Wars.

>sequel never ever
I enjoyed it so much.

It plays exactly like it, just without the mobage tier crafting system.

>It plays exactly like it
is freedom wars the only 3rd person shooter you've ever played?

do you latch on big ass enemies and saw their arms/legs/weakpoint?

I actually forgot about the sawing stuff because the best way to play the game was blasting everything with a rocket launcher, my bad.
Don't be a pedant, you know the combat feels exactly the same. It even has the same level of stiffness.

it doesn't play anything like freedom wars, it's a looter shooter with stronger rpg elements. Regarding SAO, I do not watch anime, I think it's for faggots, but I liked the idea of a virtual mmo and Hollow Fragment and Hollow Realization are absolutely fantastic. I skip all story shit because it's pure autism cringe and still am able to figure out what to do without issue. I like Hollow Fragment better but it's rougher around the edges

>I do not watch anime, I think it's for faggots
Stop going to r/anime and Zig Forums for suggestions, then

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Not him but I stopped going to Zig Forums a long time ago when their shit tastes were exposed

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I stopped taking recs from them after being memed into watching Valvrave and Gargantia.
Psycho Pass was a fun ride, at least

Gargantia was okay.
I dropped Valvrave once the Body Swapping Vampire Nanomachines was introduced. IN EPISODE 2

Watch Linebarrels of Iron.

I finished them because I have this autistic need to finish things I've started on. I remember everybody started calling it Valvrape instead after one of the later episodes.

No, but I miss them too.

freedom wars had so much potential but japan studio never does dlc for some reason


READ Linebarrels of Iron. The anime pulls a FMA and diverges from the manga.

Plus the anime doesn't have this guy

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Japan Studio is Sony's secret weapon they unzip once in a blue moon to highlight their shit decisions.

I'm getting off this ride.

does any of their games ever had any dlc at all?

all anime is gay, I don't give a shit what anime you think isn't, you're wrong and a queer. SAO games are still great though

Pretty sure they mostly co-develop with people when Sony wants a game to actually get finished. So unless you count Bloodborne's The Old Hunters and Soul Sacrifice Delta, I don't think so.

>SAO games are still great though

I doubt it since they are still SAO

>Pay $60 to jerk off to Kirito being perfect some more and hold hands with his harem

>Diogieiao Dragon class Abductors in Freedom Wars
>Beelezubub in Soul sacrifice
Fuck these enemies also they are in desperate need for a sequel it still makes me mad that Sony didn’t bother