Is this the single worst redesign in all of vidya?

I mean, seriously

Attached: 7c8cef8762ac142d8ef1b81d04dd5cfd.jpg (506x1020, 80.49K)

What's so bad about it?

it's new

Yes. They made him look like an edgelord faggot. What's with that knife wrist thing?

It is pretty fucking overdesigned

>dildo nubs on everything
>onion layers
>random geometrical shaped segments
>more ridges and nubs
dragon dildo/10

Are you the OP saying that?

No. I just feel like the greebling is too much

The uncovered arms are retarded.
Why not color those spaces like the plate on his abdomen?

It's just the shoulder cannon and armblade.
Take those off and he looks fine.

Attached: 1241521524233121.png (856x796, 1.18M)

Exposing more skin and coloring his ab area and boots like the OG armor is a better design than 2016's but I wish they went with the soulful gray helmet too

Attached: Doom-Eternal-Scan-2-scaled.jpg (1920x2560, 355.38K)


Attached: loot1_md_1x._CB419437737_.jpg (772x640, 43.46K)

Low test post.

I've played Doom 1 (Ultimate), 2, Plutonia, Evilution, Master Levels, Sigil, Romero's E1M4 and E1M8, and No Rest for the Living. Are there any other "official" wads?

The last game's looked worse.

The 2016 armor is better

Attached: 2t4j93f5rkm21.jpg (1080x1920, 212.59K)

If you count the ones added to the console port, then Double Impact and No End in Sight.

He looks too skinny.

who cares about official when nudoom in itself was inspired by memes and mods kept the series going for years

even more generic

Attached: 1586476896195.png (1176x600, 790.23K)

I didn't like his mask being more translucent than it was in Doom but otherwise it's okay.

So the area around his abs ISN'T damaged on the sprite.

So why the fuck is he always portrayed that way?

Of course not you stupid zoomer, look up DmC and Bomberman Act Zero and weep.

Alright, what are some great wads then?

I think it's entertaining how overkill the new suit is.

>R E D D I T
Shipfags need to hang

the rebirth

isnt the torn armour from the Quake model?

>>Not likeing biceps and Predator sheek

Might wanna check your T levels.

Attached: 1584170613945.jpg (666x360, 32.66K)

guys help im getting filtered by the marauders

Attached: Doom - Marauder bully.webm (1920x1080, 1.99M)


it's the original box art

Retarded Robocop tier design. Cover the arms.

Cover up the arms again and give me the dark green from 2016 and it's good.

The guy front and center on the boxart wasn't Doomguy.

Suck his dick, that'll teach him.

It's like he knows.

Also, I'm currently watching a friend who's not very good at FPS's play through on Ultraviolence and I cant wait till he get to these fuckers.