Inside Xbox

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So do we know for sure if there’s gonna be new shit shown? Or just stuff we know that’s being played on series X?



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I think I know why Sony only revealed a controller. It's because the PS5 is going the Stadia route. Enjoy those cloud games Snoys!

I don't even own an Xbox me and my bros have two PS4s in one household

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Its the 3rd party event so I would some details about the console then just trailers and some gameplay of AC

Sneak peeks, along with previously announced games running on SeX. These are basically like Nintendo Directs.

They just released a separate trailer for an already announced game half an hour ago, if the direct was focused on already announced stuff they would have waited until it actually started

sticky when


Never shill


user we had this months ago
it'll be the same shit with zero info

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>it'll be the same shit with zero info
This microsoft not sony pal

One hour

multiplatform games to showcase your new console KEKs

>So do we know for sure if there’s gonna be new shit shown? Or just stuff we know that’s being played on series X?

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>Want new KI
>All the people who made it work say they aren't involved in any new fighter
>At best the series goes back to being a joke
Maybe there will be some fightan news, haven't seen any hints though

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Yes to show it's the best on SeX

I love how you people worship this conman

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>sneedposters in twitch chat

>tweet made 6 years ago
Don't you have to someone to cancel right now? I hear digging up Trump tweets is the new rage.

>Telling lies already
Great. Looking forward to all the exclusive** SeX games they're going to show.

**Also available on PS5, PC and Stadia


>Capcom vs KI
Might be the only game in the history of the world where I'd pre-order the collector good goy edition

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comfy Zig Forums stream when?

Where are the lies, exactly? Not a single mention of title exclusivity. They're just showing off what the SeX can do, you fucking moron. It's a show for tech demos.

he's been selling you lies and false hype for 6 years now
Phil is the American Inafune

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I am expecting a massive wave of Basednggers seething and coping in 60 minutes.

>Xbox already showing next gen games
>Sony haven't even showed off the console

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yep i'm thinking xbox won

wouldn't even care if that 120fps wasn't at 4k. 1440p would be perfect.

Doesn't exactly confirm devs aren't just going to stick to 30fps though.

I think it's more of a hardware showcase using your typical normie 3rd party games. They basically took their E3 presentation and chopped it up so they can spread it out over the next 5 months.

>where I'd pre-order the collector good goy edition
>A company who fucked up the releases of their last 3 fighters
>No Double Helix

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t. SeXless virgin

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Looks like special Kinder Surprise Eggs for fags


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speaking from experience?

>denying that Capcom is redeeming themselves in 2020

Look I don't know who made you this way, but I want some new crossover fightan

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RDR2 is not listed in gamepass, but if you look it up in store you can download it

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They changed the link fug

SO when does it start? All I'm seeing is some fag playing Forza.