2 reveals later

>2 reveals later
>still the best DLC fighter

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Garou best Terry

Attached: terry.png (1351x929, 2.38M)

Banjo and Terry were the best ones out of FP1

I dislike all of the fighters in the pass except maybe banjo

Anyone here have Garou on Steam? I'd like to play a few matches online.


No doubt.

>This again
I'm stunned and somewhat appalled people are still LYING about liking Terry or saying he's "the best DLC fighter." He's not. By a LONG shot. He's a dead character from a dead franchise from a dead company. He does not deserve to be in Smash. Who's next... Q-Bert? Clearly Nintendo went through an encyclopedia of video game characters and randomly chose one.
Threads like these are also infuriating. NO ONE and I must repeat: NO ONE asked for Terry. There were fans for Byleth and Arms but NO ONE asked for Terry. The "hoes mad" meme is old and stale. You are just and edgy kid pretending to like a character from an old game you never played to feel "cool."

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Are you okay?

all this seething and cope lul

Shut the FUCK up, zoom zoom.

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Are you ok?


>XDDD R U OK????? thats what terry says!!!111 LUL
Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. I speak the truth and deniers are only able to respond with the exact same retort..
Just goes to prove that Terry """"""fans""""""" have mental issues.

Clearly you're not OKAY, user.

Mental illness.

I don’t know shit about Fatal Fury/KOF but I can safely say Terry was the coolest/most fun character in FP1

I just like fighting games

Q-Bert would be a pretty based addition desu

Just the same responses again. Zig Forums claims to hate reddit and yet still spouts the same nonsense they do.
Fuck this thread. Enjoy eating the shit Nintendo keeps putting out.

Terry isn't shit, you braindead schizo.

Joker was the best one, but all of them were good except Byleth

Would have been perfect if they just gave him a FemTerry Alt.

>no femErdrick or Sofia for Hero
>no FemTerry
>but FemByleth who gets a huge spotlight in their trailer

wtf is Sakurais problem

>Fun tier

>Fun meme tier

>meh tier

>monkey paw tier

Banjo is the prime example of be careful what you wish for.

a character with strong projectals in his home games becomes a projectile spammy character, who would've fucking guessed? there are nowhere near as many people actually playing Banjo as the people who wanted him in, Banjo fans really didn't think this threw after seeing how faithful Simon/Richter were to their source material (being long range B button spammy characters)

Hero = Byleth > Joker > Plant > Terry = Banjo.

It's not even that he's just a spammy zoner, it's that he spends 80% of a game with his back to the opponent. He's so awkward to play

Didn't read lol

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Plant > others

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