How do I git gud?

How do I git gud?

This is the first from software game I've actually wanted to play but I'm having trouble with chained ogre for God's sake

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Git Gud. At least you won't have to unlearn the Dark Souls baggage.

Dodge backwards.
If you have the flame prosthetic, throw an oil urn and then when the ogre does his unblockable, set him on fire and you get to dish out a 6 hit combo.
Rinse and repeat.

hardest part of the ogre is the quick grab.
just keep your cool and take it slow.

>playing the worst first

t. mad cuz bad

This is the lame way to play. You won't git gud like this.

Turn on a trainer

parry enemies with swords, dodge sideways and hit 3 times with bigger enemies.

just press parry button a lot you dont actually have to time them properly

You do on NG+ hard mode. The better your timing is the less posture damage you take and the more posture damage you deal.

Shit I forgot about parry, does it work on bosses all the time too? I'm stuck on Butterfly and Fire Bull

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Parry works on everything but danger attacks which will trigger that sound and the mark above your head.

Parry is bread and butter of this game and is what you should do 95% of the time. Them placing chained ogre so early on is misleading since dodging is not how the game should be approached most of the time.

This. Only dodge/jump+jump when you can't parry.

Unlike DaS and BB, where standard melee can carry you through the whole game, Sekiro you need to find the prosthetic tool upgrades and experiment/figure out which to use on certain bosses and enemies- e.g. Flame vent on chain ogre.

The main learning curve is getting to grips with the parry-posture combat system. A good is that damage to an enemies health bar will block or slow their rate of posture recovery, esp for tougher enemies.

>How do I git gud?
evade or parry when he tries to hit you
attack when you see an opening
you are welcome

chained oger is a huge sonofabitch and if anyone says they didnt have trouble with him they are lying. Keep at it, you'll do it, we believe in you user. GAMBATE.

Parries work really well for lady butterfly, you can even force her into a loop if you get down the rythm. I heard you can cheese her by dodging, although I never tried that myself. As for the bull I think dodging works better.

>you need to find the prosthetic tool upgrades
You really don't "need" to at all.

can someone help me?
i played sekiro like 2 months ago on my PC with xboxo pad and it was working fine but i made a break for about a month and few days ago i tried to play again and now my controller is not working at all
in every other game it is working but not in sekiro, i tried everything and i cant find any solution to this

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burn that fuckin ogre

play with keyboard and mouse my dude
it's not as bad as you'd think

make sure you get that first stealth deathblow on him by baiting him, running away, then sneaking behind him via the left side of the stairs

other than that circle-strafe him and abuse your thrust to keep him at a range where you can react to his WWE larping

Deflecting is your primary defensive option. Posture is your second hp bar, you recover it by holding block. Posture can't be broken as long as you keep deflecting.

Jumping and dashing have few i-frames on them. Jumping/dashing through attacks is possible but timing is tight. Use them for repositioning and escaping grabs.

Running is good and you can run forever in combat.

Get the deathblow hp regen and mikiri skills asap. Mikiri obliterates all thrusts in the game, this includes kicks (just press B, no directions). Jump sweeps and jump again on their head for posture damage.

Firecrackers are a free stun. They are also very good for crowd control.

Once you get comfortable with enemy patterns you will find that this game rewards aggression. Running in their face and eating their posture until they deflect you works very well. Most bosses have more dangerous options out of neutral compared to out of deflecting your attacks.

Go to Hirata Estate and get the flame prosthetic tool.

What controller? Also, did you try x360ce? It's very easy and should override any controller issues.

Stay on his sides and anticipate his moves.
Once he start his attack animation move to his back and slash away.
Repeat until dead.

Protip: Learn his patterns. Don't get hit and hit him until he dies.

OP here I just beat him

how do you upgrade/level up in this game? my attack power is the same as it was from the beginning

xbox one s controller
ive tried playing wirelessly and with cable, on steam big picture, i was messing with settings and nothing helps
shit sucks because 2 months ago it was working fine so i dont get it why it doesnt work now

You get beads for beating mini-bosses like ogre and 4 of them upgrade hp/posture at idols. For attack you get upgrades only after beating bosses.

There's no level up. You can increase your hp and posture with beads. You can increase your attack damage after beating bosses. Good luck you can do it.