Here we go AGAIN!

Here we go AGAIN!

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Is the reason for why this game feels so shoddy and unpolished a valid one or just an excuse for Sega being staffed with retarded devs?

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At least it was better than all the other sonic games that came out later that decade

If only just. Regardless, I say it started the "dark age" where virtually everything was crap.

>all their other 7th gen games are buggy as well
>Sonic 06 also happened
>and every other Sonic game after that has been mediocre thanks to Mishimoto's shoddy game design
I think it's safe to say it's the devs

I think it was a simple case of making a game for multiple platforms rather than optimizing it for just one. Blame the PS2 if anything for having such crappy hardware to make Sega go the Lowest common denominator route.

The games following Sonic 360 have been alright, if hit-or-miss.


Until Forces.

that's not much of a compliment

Better doesn't mean good. I'd argue the dark ages really began with SA2, despite it not being that bad, for what I view as a number of bad precidents it set forward for games to come.

They are almost all solid misses that people have only perceived as good in comparison to the lowest possible bar

The game was originally slated for Xbox and GameCube, though. The optimization part comes from the fact that, at the time, it was running on a custom-designed engine targeting those platforms. Sony twisting their arm and demanding a PS2 version forced them to abandon that and try to rework the game using a platform-agnostic framework (Criterion Games' RenderWare toolset).

How is a franchise this notoriously bad at everything

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The only one that mattered was slightly increasing automation, which was a legitimate quick solution to cover up the holes in Adventure's engine

Sonic Unleashed was fine, even though I thought beast Sonic was better than boost Sonic.

I didn't like Sonic Colors as much as everyone else but...what's there is okay.

Sonic Generations is overrated but still a good time for what it is.

Sonic Lost World is fresh, albeit somewhat wonky to play.

Sonic a botch, through and through.

More than that. I don't like the level designs being less platform oriented and the emphasis on being contrarian to the games before it theme wise. I believe tone and presentation wise SA1 is the best of the 3D games

For me that's Sonic Adventure 2, even if the gameplay wasn't as up to snuff as Sonic Adventure's was. I got more invested in Sonic Adventure 2 than I did Sonic Adventure but Sonic Adventure is better to play all around.

I personally agree with this overall but I do like Lost World more than Generations since I really hate the boost gameplay.

>contrarian to the games before it theme wise
The nature vs. technology/good tech vs. bad tech themes are still there and not infringed upon in any way, and freedom vs. authoritarianism is a natural evolution of that

For SA2 I mean in a more fantasy vs. realism route as well as grounded vs. Over the top ridiculous

idk how you can not think beast sonic isn't monotonous and boring. what makes Sonic games good is their replay value so having something like beast Sonic in the game is just not it. it's fine to play through once and be done with like most C tier platformers but for a Sonic game people should expect better.
same with Lost World, it barely rewards any understanding of the games physics or level design. at least boostshit allows you still practice pathing at the very least. Lost World is just running on tube after tube with no sense of reward.

Forced to make a PS2 version. The SA2 engine didnt worked there, so they had to make a new engine to work in all consoles which lead to unpolish gameplay to happen which is pretty obvious in Carnival stage and those fucked pinball physics which is something that Sega didnt fuck up in their games until that point

Shame, because the level design was great in most stages with alternative paths.

Some of beast Sonic's levels are too long but the gameplay itself gives me a good feeling.

We're talking about the HD version, BTW. The SD version is shit all around and fuck that game.

Fair enough, though I don't think it flipped as much as others seem to think it did, locations are still very over the top, and the world only seems more realistic because humans are a bigger part of it and the stakes have a bigger personal connection to the characters involved
SA1's plot would be seen in the same light if the Echidna genocides were more relevant to Knuckles' life and anyone had actually talked about it whatsoever

>Carnival stage
CASINO Park Zone. Not a FUCKING carnival.

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I know the reason why, I was asking if that reason justifies why the game doesn't feel good to play.

Regardless, even if that is the case, the fact Shadow inherited the gameplay issues of this game when Sega definitely had time to make the game properly points to ineptitude more than redevelopment issues.

>improve the boost formula in Gens
>abandon it completely for more than half a decade
>fuck it up when you revisit it with Forces
What the FUCK happened?

They used the Lost World engine for Forces.

Making a game that is easy to shit out on the least budget possible that has bright colors and spectacle for the children and journos takes precedent over actually putting effort in to make an enjoyable game

you're right but what point are you trying to make exactly

*destroys your series* haha oops

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