Well whaddya know, HLA came and went and VR is still a meme

Well whaddya know, HLA came and went and VR is still a meme.

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Very forgettable as expected

Don't care. I've played it through it twice on hard and I really like it. It will definitely be part of my full series playthroughs I do of Half life every couple of years.

I want to buy a copy if only so I can get the game updates as they release.

I managed to update my copy to v1.2, which is the last major revision, but there was a minor patch since then.

I literally just stopped playing it for a few hours after already having beaten it twice. It's still really good. Stay mad (and poor.)

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>Didn't play it

Valve refuses to strike iron while its hot and still no level editor, multiplayer mode or anything worth mentioning.

Meanwhile vrchat of all things is showing promise with a new coding thing. Somebody made a map with working portal guns that have all the momentum mechanics.

I'm very enthusiastic about be but I never even finished this game. Its polished and looks good but the gameplay is so boring, it's honestly disappointing and if anything points to valve not being confident enough in VR as a platform to take risks. Its about as safe as it could be, and it's a fine game but a failure in what it set out to do

Man it really does need a level editor bad.

Are there any upcoming VR games of this scale and quality to look forward to?

not for another 5-6 years brother

I wouldn't call it a failure in what it set out to do because you personally didnt enjoy it. I enjoyed it quite a bit and was fully engaged from start to finish, especially my first time through. And also, the fact they even released a VR only Half Life 13 years after Episode 2 was a massive risk, and it's probably one that will continue hurting them for the time being until VR is more widely available and adopted. This game was meant to revive the series and help get Valve's feet properly planted in VR development, and it did both.

stop pretending like you've played it, it's extremely clear you haven't lmfao

Not really, unfortunately. This game was great but it's a fucking cocktease.

Definitely going to see its mechanics in future games, the little jerk motion to pull things towards you alone is so much better than just a point and click like other vr games.
Rummaging around and throwing clutter off shelves for ammo / collectable shit will probably also be used.
Hell even the mechanic of holding your hand in front of your face because of toxic fumes was a neat idea.

Really confused about the delay on that, maybe the chink flu screwed them over or something, their workflow is terrible even in the best of cases.

that's funny because now 2% of steam users have VR whereas it was only 1% a few months ago
>lol only 2% of people use vr
nex it's
>lol only 4% of people use vr
>lol only 8% of people use vr
>ok everyone uses vr except me but i'm still not getting it
stay behind

I loved it, and I know it wouldn't make sense for Alyx to have a grand adventure, but I felt like a lot of areas dragged on for too long and there weren't many moments that took advantage of the VR element.
I think if anything, it sets up as a great intro to a new chapter of Half Life, and I am hopeful they can deliver that sort of "long journey" experience of HL2

The only reason people gave a shit about VR this decade in the first place was because of John Carmack.
The only reason Carmack gave a shit about VR was because he saw it as a way to improve the tech behind head-mounted displays.

Requiring waggle perephials ensured that it was a fad.

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Very underwhelming game and any time you criticize it Zig Forums will just accuse you of not playing it or not having VR and then if you do provide proof of VR it doesn't matter because anything less than a valve index doesn't count apparently. I don't hate the game though because after buying a WMR headset for $200 I was able to turn around and sell it for $350 used during covid.

And even if you DO have a Valve Index they'll just take your most played VR game (usually VRChat) and dismiss you based on that.

Medal of Honor by Respawn in terms of scope (they claim around a 12-hour campaign with a multiplayer mode), been in development for several years, but it most likely won't compare to Alyx's feel and interactivity. Too bad Source 2 isn't available to Respawn, I'd like to see them make another Source game

>Really confused about the delay on that, maybe the chink flu screwed them over or something, their workflow is terrible even in the best of cases.
Most likely they have to compile tools that use the office network and they're reluctant to enable to let people work on that remotely from home to avoid leaks.

>the only people still obsessing over it are those who didn't get to play it

Hm. Really makes you think. :^)

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The "waggle peripherals" are just an early form of hand movement in game. The ideal is that with the new interest, the technology will become more affordable and progress the vr experience.
Right now, I'd agree that VR is made mostly for hobbyist interested in trying a new experience, but a majority of people have a keen interest in it and are waiting for it to offer more for the price paid.

The worst part its oculus exclusive too, multiplayer will never take off.

It's telling that the only AAA VR games released now or at some point in the future are
>A Half-Life game that people only bought because it was a Half-Life game (Is there any legitimate reason it couldn't have been a new IP? It's fucking Valve, people would've have eaten it up regardless.)
>A Medal of Honor game several years after the last two sucked shit and flopped

I think that's a totally valid reason to dismiss anyone.

In MOH's defense, Respawn is working on it and they can make a quality game, plus instead of being a modern military shooter its embracing its WW2 roots.

Alyx is something you really need to immerse yourself into, it feels more survival horror at times. For someone like me who genuinely jumped whenever he saw a headcrab, it worked for me.

Oh boy, another VRlet cope thread.

Hopefully Valve's next outing just includes a VR mode rather than be exclusively for VR.

The fact that Valve still makes video games is important, though. I thought they stopped because Steam was just too much of a goldmine to be assed.